Chip burner installation & instructions
Installing the chip burning software to your pc.
1. Do not connect chip burner to computer yet.
2. Install chip burner cd into pc
3. The software will install on it’s own. One or more black screens may appear along with another
screen that you will need to select NEXT when prompted to.
4. You will be informed when the software is done installing. However DO NOT do anything until the
black screens have disappeared.
Installing one (1) performance file into your chip:
- Make sure the USB cable is not plugged into the chip burner. Plug the computer chip into the chip burner.
- Plug chip into Chip burner and then plug the USB cable to the chip burner and your pc.
- Double click on the “Delta Burn.exe” icon.
- The chip must be erased prior to loading a tune onto it. You can either click on ERASE or WRITE FILE.
A) By clicking ERASE you will erase the chip.
B) By clicking WRITE FILE you will erase the chip and write the new tune to the vehicle at the
same time. If you click WRITE FILE a window will pop open at which time you need to select
the performance file you wish to load (see note #1 below).
5. When the file is done loading into the chip you MUST unplug the USB cable from the chip burner
before unplugging the chip from the chip burner. You may now plug the chip into the vehicle.
Installing two (2+) or more performance files into your chip:
1. Make sure the USB cable is not plugged into the chip burner. Plug the switch cable into the chip.
2. Plug chip into Chip burner and then plug the USB cable to the chip burner and your pc.
3. Double click on the “Delta Burn.exe” icon.
4. Select the position on the chip that you want to install a performance tune on by twisting the cable
knob. All the way counter-clockwise is position #1.
5. The chip must be erased prior to loading atune onto it. You can either click on ERASE or WRITE
A) By clicking ERASE you will erase the position you have selected on the chip. You will need to
repeat this for any other position that you want to load a tune onto.
B) By clicking WRITE FILE you will erase the chip and write the new tune to the vehicle at the
same time. If you click WRITE FILE a window will pop open at which time you need to select
the performance file you wish to load.
6. When the file is done loading into the position and you want to load another file into another
position, simply twist the knob to the next position and repeat step #5.
7. When you’re done installing your multiple tunes you MUST unplug the USB cable from the chip
burnerbefore unplugging the chip. You may now plug the chip into the vehicle.
IMPORTANT: If you do not install 8 programs into the chip, you must make sure that
while installed in the vehicle, that you DO NOT twist the knob into a position that there
isn’t a file. This could cause damage the vehicle’s pcm. There are two options:
Option 1. Program the remaining positions with a performance file (or the same file)
Option 2. Calibrate the knob for the number of positions you desire. First turn the knob all the way to the left (Position 1). You will see a small allen screw on the side of the knob. Loosen that up and the knob will come off. Below there is a ½” nut. Take that off. Below you will see a round silver clip with a prong pushed into a hole that is numbered. Lift the clip and set it back down with the prong pushed into the hole with the number of positions you desire. This will lock the switch to a specified number of positions. Reinstall the ½” nut and knob.
Software Button Definitions:
Erase: Clicking on this will erase the file position the knob is set on. If the switch cable is not installed then
this willerase position #1.
Get Name: Clicking on this while a chip is plugged into the burner will show you the file name as well as
any notesthat have been attached to it.
Read File: Clicking on this while a chip is plugged into the burner will read the file from the position selected
on thechip and save to your computer.
Write File: Clicking on this while the chip is plugged into the burner will allow you to write the performance
file(or stock file) to the position selected on the chip).
Exit: Clicking on this will shut down the software.
#1 File notes allow you to type in notes about the file you’re loading into the chip. For example, you can type…”file position #1 has 3 degrees advance timing and 3% fuel pulled out at WOT”. Keep in mind, to use this feature you MUST type in the note before clicking on “WRITE FILE”.
Contact Information
Sniper, Inc. c/o BPT Motorsport
08 9302 3415