Important Information about the 2013–14 and 2015–16 Civil Rights Data Collection
by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights
This document provides information about the schedule for the 2013-14 CRDC schedule information along with an abbreviatedlist of the required data elementsfor the 2013-14 CRDC. It also includes an abbreviated list of data elementsthat are optional for the 2013-14 CRDC, but that will be required for the 2015-16 CRDC. A complete list of the data elementsis available at
Schedule for the 2013-14 CRDC
The 2013-14 CRDC will collect information about the 2013–14 school year from a universe of every public school district and school. OCR will be contacting all school districts this spring to provide additional information. Information about the CRDC will also be posted at
The major phases of the data collection include:
Fall 2013 – Early Summer 2014: LEAs gather data elements collected on the CRDC.
Fall 2014 – Winter 2014: Survey submission window for LEAs to submit their data to OCR.
Data Elements for the 2013-14 and 2015-16 CRDC
The following is an abbreviated list of all data elementsrequired to be reported for the 2013-14 CRDC. It includes both recurring and new data elements. An abbreviated list of new data elementsthat are optional for 2013-14, but required for 2015-16 is also provided. Student data aregenerally disaggregated by race/ethnicity/sex/LEP/disability-IDEA/Section 504 only.
New Required Data Elements for the 2013-14 CRDC
The following is an abbreviated list of the new (i.e., additional) data elements for the CRDC that school districts will be required to report for the 2013–14 school year:
District level
- Whether the LEA has students enrolled in any distance education courses, and whether a school has students enrolled in a dual enrollment/dual credit program, or students who participate in a credit recovery program
- Whether the LEA’s preschool or kindergarten programs are offered at a cost to parents or guardians
- Whether the LEA has civil rights coordinators (with contact information)
School Level
- Number of students absent 15 or more school days (disaggregated by race, sex, disability, and LEP)
- Justice facility items regarding facility type, school year length, and educational program duration
- Whether a sworn law enforcement officer (including school resource officer) is assigned to the school
- Whether the school’s preschool program serves non-IDEA students (by age)
- Number of FTE teachers not meeting all state licensing/certification requirements
2013-14 Recurring CRDC Data Elements
The following is an abbreviated list of data elementsthat were collected by the 2011-12 CRDC and will continue to be collected by the 2013-14 and 2015-16 CRDC:
District level
- Number of schools
- Number of students served in district and non-district facilities (for 2013–14 only)
- Harassment and bullying policies
- Desegregation order or plan
- Preschool and kindergarten programs (length of day and eligibility criteria)
- Whether district’s early childhood program(s) serve non-IDEA children birth-2
- GED course-taking:
- Did LEA operate a GED program (Y/N)
- Students aged 16-19 who participated in GED prep program
- Students aged 16-19 who participated in GED prep program and who received GED credential
School level
- School characteristics, such as grades offered, whether the school is a special education, magnet, alternative or charter school, and number of single sex academic classes(by content area)
- Enrollment, including disaggregated data for total enrollment, limited English proficiency (LEP), LEP in LEP programs, disability (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)), Section 504 only, pre-kindergarten and gifted & talented programs
- Algebra I course-taking in grades 7&8, 9&10, or 11&12
- Math and science course-taking and number of courses of each offered:
- Geometry
- Algebra II
- Advanced mathematics (e.g., trigonometry, elementary analysis, analytic geometry, statistics, pre-calculus)
- Calculus
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Full-time Equivalent (FTE) of first- and second-year teachers, total FTE’s, and FTE’s meeting all state licensing/certification requirements (not disaggregated)
- FTE of school counselors (not disaggregated)
- Data on Advanced Placement (AP) courses:
- Whetherthe school has students enrolled in AP courses (Y/N)
- Number of different AP courses offered (not disaggregated)
- Whetherstudents are allowed to self-select for participation in AP (Y/N)
- Number of students participating in at least one AP course
- Number of students taking particular AP courses:
- AP Math of any kind
- AP Science of any kind
- Other AP subjects of any kind
- Number of students enrolled in an International Baccalaureate program
- Number of students who passed Algebra I in grades 7&8, 9&10, or 11&12
- Number of students who:
- Took one or more AP tests
- Took AP courses but took no AP tests
- Passed one or more AP tests taken by scoring 3 or higher
- Passed no AP tests taken
- Number of students who took SAT, ACT, or both;
- FTE teachers absent more than 10 school days (excluding professional development) (not disaggregated)
- Discipline (Data for students without disabilities is disaggregated by race/ethnicity, gender, and LEP. Data for students with disabilities is disaggregated by race/ethnicity, gender, disability-504 only, and LEP):
- In-school suspension
- Separate categories for one and more than one out-of-school suspension
- Corporal punishment
- Expulsion (with and without educational services)
- Zero-tolerance expulsion
- Referral to law enforcement
- School-related arrests
- Preschool suspensions and expulsions
- Interscholastic Athletics (Single-sex sports/teams only)
- Number of sports, teams, participants (not disaggregated by race/ethnicity or disability)
- Harassment and bullying (students harassed as well as students disciplined, instances)
- Separate reporting for harassment under Title VI, Title IX, and section 504/ADA
- Restraint and seclusion (students and instances):
- Mechanical restraint
- Physical restraint
- Seclusion
- Retention (by grade)
- School finance:
- Total instructional and support personnel salaries
- Total instructionalstaff (teachers and aides) salaries (for 2013–14 only)
- FTE teachers and teacher salaries
- Non-personnel expenditures
New Data Elements Optional for the 2013-14 CRDC and Mandatory for 2015-16
In addition, the following is an abbreviated list of new data elements that will be optional this school year, but that school districts will be required to collect and report for the 2015–16 school year:
School level
- Number of incidents of violent and serious crimes
- Number of school days missed by students who received out-of-school suspensions
- Number of students transferred for disciplinary reasons to alternative or regular schools
- Number of instances of corporal punishment for students preschool throughgrade 12
- Number of preschool students who received corporal punishment
- Number of allegations of harassment or bullying on the basis of sexual orientation or religion
- Justice facility data elementregarding numberof students who participated in educational program for a specified length of time
- Number of students enrolled in any distance education courses, or dual enrollment/dual credit programs, and number of students who participate in a credit recovery program
- Number of FTEs for psychologists, social workers, nurses, security guards, and sworn law enforcement officers
- School-level expenditures and number of FTEs for teachers, instructional aides, support services staff, and school administration staff (funded with federal and state/local funds), as well as amount of non-personnel expenditures (funded with federal and state/local funds); School-level expenditures and number of FTEs for instructional aides, support services staff, and school administration staff (funded with state/local funds)
- Number of preschool students served by the LEA in preschool programs in LEA and non-LEA facilities
- Number of current teachers employed at the school, and number of teachersalso employed at the school in prior year
Data Items No Longer Collected by the CRDC
The following data elementswere collected by the 2011-12 CRDC but will not be collected by the 2013-14 or 2015-16 CRDC:
- Number of students awaiting special education evaluation (LEA).
- Whether students are ability grouped for English/Math.
- Separate count of number of students enrolled in AP foreign language (disaggregated by race, sex, disability, LEP). (For 2013-14 CRDC, AP foreign language is folded into other AP subjects category.)
- Separate count of number of students who took AP exams for all AP courses enrolled in (disaggregated by race, sex, disability, LEP).(For 2013-14 CRDC, taking some and all tests is combined.)
- Separate count of number of students who passed AP exams for all AP courses enrolled in (disaggregated by race, sex, disability, LEP) (For 2013-14 CRDC, passing some and all tests is combined.)
v.3 – last edited 5/2014