Summer Quarter

June 2012

Summer News

Board of Medicine Files Emergency Rule on Controlled Substances Prescribing
The WVSMA received notice today from the Board of Medicine that the Board has filed an emergency rule relating to the new controlled substances law, SB 437. The new law became effective today, Friday June 8, 2012. One component of this multi-faceted bill is the requirement for physicians, physician assistants, advanced practice registered nurses and dentists to check the Board of Pharmacy's Controlled Substances Database upon initially prescribing a controlled substance (schedule II, III, IV & V drugs) to a patient (who is NOT terminal) for nonmalignant, chronic pain. The law also requires physicians to re-check the database at least annually if they continue to treat the patient with controlled substances for such chronic pain.
Key to the implementation of this requirement will be the definition of "chronic pain". The rule as filed does not define chronic pain. Under SB 437 in another section
relating to Chronic Pain Clinic Licensing Act, chronic pain is defined as "pain that has persisted after reasonable
medical efforts have been made to relieve the pain or cure its cause and that has continued, either continuously or episodically, for longer than three continuous months. For purposes of this article, “chronic pain” does not include pain associated with a terminal condition or with a progressive

disease that, in the normal course of progression, may reasonably be expected to result in a terminal condition." The WVSMA will work to get clarification on the definition to ensure the rule follows the same definition of chronic pain as in the Chronic Pain Clinic Licensure Act.
Below is the notice posted on the Board of Medicine's website today regarding the rule. The rule was filed
today with the Secretary of State and will go into effect immediately upon the Secretary's review and approval. The WVSMA has contacted the Secretary of State's office and believes they will review the rule mid-next week.

(Information provided by WVSMA)

CMCO course from PMI coming this Fall
The WVSMA will be hosting the Certified Medical Compliance Officer (CMCO) course this fall. The CMCO class, which is currently taught only in webinar format, will be taught here in Charleston! Not only is the WVSMA the first medical association to host the course, we will have as our instructor Washington D.C. Compliance expert Robert W. Liles, JD, MBA, MHA!
We anticipate that the class will fill up quickly; thus PMI certified personnel and WVSMA members will be given the first opportunity to register as soon as the official registration information is available. The five day course is scheduled to be taught at Thomas Memorial Hospital on September 17,18,19 and October 4 and 5 9:00am to 4:00pm.
Robert W. Liles, JD, MBA, MHA, was the first National Health Care Fraud Coordinator and subsequently worked as Deputy Director of the U.S. Department of Justice, Executive Office for United States Attorneys. As Managing Member in the Washington D.C. based office of Liles Parker, PLLC, Robert heads one of the nation’s leading law firms focused on healthcare fraud defense and regulatory matters representing providers in civil, criminal, and administrative proceedings. Robert’s background, education, and experience in the field bring this class to life with a real-world perspective.

The enrollment form is on the website also on


Important E-Prescribing (eRX) Reminder: Prevent Potential Negative Payment Adjustments in 2013

June 30, 2012, is fast approaching and time is running out for eligible professionals who were not successful e-prescribers (eRx) in 2011 to successfully report the necessary number of e-prescribing instances or to file for an eRx hardship exception to prevent a negative 1.5 percent payment adjustment in 2013.

Avoiding the 2013 eRx Payment Adjustment
Individual eligible professionals and group practices participating in the eRx GPRO who were not successful electronic prescribers in 2011 can avoid the 2013 eRx Incentive Program payment adjustment by meeting the specified reporting requirements during the appropriate reporting period.
2013 Hardship Codes and Hardship Exemption Requests
CMS may exempt individual eligible professionals and group practices participating in the eRx GPRO from the 2013 payment adjustment if it is determined that compliance with the requirement for being a successful electronic prescriber would result in a significant hardship.CMS makes available a number of resources including important Special Edition MLN Matters Articles, tips for entering an eRx hardship exemption request and a guide for understanding the payment adjustment process. All articles can be accessed under the ‘Downloads’ and ‘Related Links’ section located at the bottom of the CMS eRx Incentive page.

(Information provided by WVSMA)

WVSMA’s 2012 Healthcare Summit, August 24-26 at the Greenbrier. Registration and program information available on the WVSMA website,

Letter from the President

Dear Members,

I cannot wait to see you all this fall at conference. We have been working behind to scenes to make this year FANTASTIC! We are so very excited to have our web site up and running. Check out the new feature, PAYPAL! We can finally take credit cards! We owe a special thanks to Stacie Spotloe for all her hard work making this happen.

So many changes are coming….We are working on trying to get one more state education meeting in August for you. I just got home from a National Conference in Texas hosted by Practice Management Institute (PMI)! WOW, is all I can say. We hope to have them educate us at our August meeting. I recommend each of you check out their web site for upcoming educational meeting. We can do them as a group. Just let us know what you would like to see and we will do our best to set that up!

You folks are AWESOME!!! Don’t forget it!

Hope to see you soon!

Your State President,

Julie Williams

Welcome to our Newest Members

Charleston Chapter

Nancy McCoy

Natalie Daniels

Morgantown Chapter

Marsha Barr

Sharon Johnston

Peggy Malanosky

Nancy Marshall

Tina Skiles

Brian Springer

Kimberly Tedrow

Harla Wilhelm

Conference News

Our Annual Educational Conference this year is going to be on

October 11th and 12th at the Canaan Valley Resort. A lodging

Special has been offered to us of “Stay 3 nights get the 4th night FREE” if you mention when making the reservation that you are with the “OMA”.

Room Rates: $79.00 for single and double

$89.00 Triple

$109.00 King Suite

Contact Information:

The Canaan Valley Resort

230 Main Lodge Rd
Davis, WV 26260

Toll Free: 800-622-4121
Direct: 304-866-4121

Make your reservations NOW the deal only lasts until September 10th, 2012

After more planning “Door Prizes” are back in for Conference 2012!!!

We are asking all Chapters to please begin collecting donations of these door prizes from local business, banks, offices, etc. These will not be the responsibility of the Chapters themselves. We will be giving out what is collected until they are gone!!!

Also, at Conference, we will be collecting donations for care packages which will be sent overseas to our Military. Below is a list of items that are requested by the soldiers. You can choose to donate items from this list or make a donation for postage which runs approximately $14.00.





Games for Troops

Playing Cards

Hand Sanitizer








Tissues Pocket Size

Baby wipes Travel Size

Canned Meat with Pop Top

Beef Jerky

Nuts/Sunflower seeds

Instant Cereal

Cereal Bars

Ramen Noodles

Cheese Crackers w/ Peanut Butter


Powdered Drinks

Hot Chocolate Packets

Little Debbie cakes


Candy filler




2nd Quarter



MAY 18, 2012

The Beckley chapter has 11 members.

We have meetings scheduled for June, July and August. June 6th with Paula Clark, RN and Jill Aliff, RN, with WVMI presenting on Million Hearts Challenge. On June 27, we are working on something with UMWA, Keith Holly. In July we will be scheduling a meeting with Stephen Burt on OSHA and HIPAA and Social Media in the Workplace, August, Teresa Ansell will be presenting Meaningful Use Phase II.

These meetings will be held at Raleigh General Hospital, as a courtesy they provide breakfast and updates for the hospital.


Diana Walker,

Beckley Chapter President.

Charleston Chapter


January through May, 2012

Our kickoff meeting in January was held at Shoney’s with 17 in attendance. Eric Kinder, a Labor and Employment Law Attorney with Spilman, Thomas and Battle was our main speaker. He discussed labor law poster requirements and how to obtain them, noted that all posters that are to be displayed in offices are located on the following site: and can be printed and displayed, gave handout with requirements, instructed not to fall prey to scare tactic mailings stating you are in violation trying to sell all in one posters as you can print for free form above site. Informed us that Department of Labor big on audits recently. Can go back 3 years in audit but typically go back 2 unless big violations are evident, and that FMLA applicable to businesses over 50 employees. Also, Federal Labor law re lunches are if you clock in and out at beginning and end of day and pay all day long lunches are not required

Barbara Good, of the WVSMA, a well respected member is always available at our meetings to advise and instruct us on all upcoming news. She reminded everyone to try to attend WVSMA Physician Practice Conference February 3-4, 2012 in Charleston. Of particular importance is speaker Rose Moore regarding compliance.

Molina Medicaid Representatives Carrie Blankenship and Beth Roach said they are not 5010 compliant yet and to submit all claims in 4010 format for at least 2 more months and informed us of a Provider Workshop- Charleston, WV-March 26, 2012-Charleston Civic Center form 9 am to 12 pm. Main Topic Provider (re)Enrollement, which has been pushed back to April 2012

Our February Meeting was held at Thomas Memorial Hospital and we had 34 in attendance. Major General James Hoyer, Ajutant General and Tony Colagrosso, Health Benefit advisor for the WV National Guard Family Program/Tricare expressed their sincere desire to help with any and all issues that come up in order to encourage our physicians continued participation in the healthcare of our military personnel. It was a lively, informative discussion filled meeting

Our March meeting was held at the WVMI office and we had 17 in attendance. Presenter Jill Aliff discussed several points of interest with PQRS being the main topic. Reminded us that there is a small provider conference March 21,2012 at Robert c Byrd Auditorium at CAMC Memorial sponsored by Palmetto GBA and

informed us to keep on ICD 10 plan even though it has been pushed back until 2014. Also that April 1st is new deadline for 5010 compliance and that the reminder that 10 E prescribe RX’s need to be completed before June to avoid penalty. She stated that Physicians-will start getting paid differently b/c payments will be bundled for services, physician pay for performance and value based program. PQRS measures, Claims-Registry-HER, go to AMA website for guidelines and that 2012 will drop reimbursement 0.5 if not reporting 30 claims. Told us to choose a measure group, do registry and submit quality measures and do quality reports every quarter. Claims is best way to file for PQRS

Our April meeting was a board meeting and held at Ryan’s. The board invited all members to attend and future speakers were discussed. We also discussed how to get new members, meeting places, expense of food, etc.

The May Meeting was held once again at WVMI and we had 21 in attendance. Amber Nary was our main speaker and she discussed the WV Health Information Network and the capabilities of the electronic exchange of health information. Offered for free at this point. 100 plus participants in our state and ensures direct secure messaging between offices.

Patty Ruddick of WVMI spoke regarding The Patient Centered Medical Home. Really more applicable to Primary care. Encouraged participation now to meet certain criteria so will receive better reimbursement from insurance companies later. $400 to submit and complete application to be certified in this and is a detailed process.

Julie Williams reminded us about the OMA Huntington chapter’s webinar from PMI on 05/16/12 and also encouraged us to try to attend the Health Plan Meeting May 23rd, 2012.

Barbara Good of WVSMA let us know that the Medicare Outreach Committee Meeting will be happening at their office in June and need 50+ people to attend to get them to come. Medicaid SSI is moving to managed care in 2013 and that Worker’s Compensation will be going to United Healthcare instead of Coventry

We currently have 33 members.

2012 MEMBERS: 22
March 13, 2012 SPEAKERS: Casey Lamp-Colvin
10:00am-12:00pm Joyce Landers
UHC / Classroom 4 OBJECTIVE: Blue Cross Blue Shield Updates
Bridgeport, WV 26330
April 11, 2012 SPEAKER: Kathy Boehm
UHC / Classroom 4 OBJECTIVE: Medicare Updates
Bridgeport, WV 26330
May 30, 2012 TOPIC: Fraud and Abuse
6:00 pm
IHOP / Conference Room SPEAKERS: Kelly Delaney
Jerry Dove Drive Exit, Bridgeport, WV Roxanne Lowery

Huntington Chapter

The Huntington Chapter held our second meeting of the year on March 14th. This was a round table discussion about Policy and Procedure Manuals/Employee handbooks. All members were asked to bring the manuals and we shared policy ideas.

Our next meeting was on May 16th at SMMC. We hosted a PMI webinar on

Mastering Medical Decision Making at SMMC. This was so informative. We had over 25 members in attendance.

We currently have an Insurance Panel Meeting scheduled for July 11th at SMMC. Confirmed attendees are BCBS, UHC, Cigna, Aetna, The Health Plan and Tricare. All members are welcome to attend.