
Importance of Email Alerts

Setting up Email settings

Setting up Alarms to Trigger Emails

Motion alerts

HDD Error / Problems

Illegal login

Smart Features

Email Alerts

Importance of Email Alerts

Email alerts can be used in a variety of different ways. The main reasonto use email alerts is to keep tabs on the system’s health. The email alerts can be set up to send installers or owners an email or text message when something goes wrong with the recorder; such as bad HDD, illegal login, or a camera issue. The email alerts can also be set up to send emails and text messages when motion is detected or a smart feature is triggered.

Setting up Email settings

When configuring email settings it is normally suggested to use Gmail as the sending email. A dummy email account can be set up on that is simply used just for email alerts.

(Note: in this tutorial Gmail will be the service being used)

  1. Log into the main menu of the recorder and navigate to System > Network > Email. Once in the email menu locate the email services SMTP settings online
  2. Set server Authentication to On
  3. Set the username as the full email for the account you will be using. Example:
  4. The password is the password to the email address. The recorder will be physically logging into the email account and sending out the alerts from it.
  5. The SMTP Server need to be set as the Server address that the email service uses. Example:
  6. The SMTP port needs to be set to the port that the email service server uses to be secure. Example: 587 / 465
  7. Click on and enable the TLS Check box to keep the email connection secure.
  8. Change the Sender to be the name of the person the emails will be sending from and/or location where the alerts are coming from
  9. Set the Senders address to the same email address from step 3
  10. Select Recipient to allow for users to add up to 6 people to receive the email/text message alerts.
  11. Set Recipient to be the name of the person who will be getting the email alerts sent to them.
  12. The Recipient Address will be the person’s email / SMS email to receive the email alerts.
  13. The Arming schedule allows for emails to only be sent at certain times of the day such as after business hours.
  14. Once all settings have been configured, click on the test button next to Recipient Address to confirm that all of the SMTP settings are correctly entered and the recorder can connect to the email server to send out the alerts. If the test is successful, check the Recipients email to see if the test email was received.

Setting up Alarms to Trigger Emails

Motion alerts

The most common use for the email alerts is to trigger motion alerts for after hours. Setting up motion detection alerts can cause a lot of unwanted emails so be careful when setting this type of alert up.

  1. Open the motion settings menu
  2. Set the Sensitivity, Object size, and Duration so that there is as a very minimal amount of false detects for the scene of the camera.
  3. After open the Trigger Actions tab and check the Send Email button.
  4. After the email button is selected, the recipients should start getting an email every time there is motion on the camera while the camera is within its arming schedule.
  5. Each camera has its own Send Email check box. Make sure to select it for each camera that should be sending alerts.

HDD Error / Problems

  1. Open the main menu of the recorder and navigate to Alarm > Alerts
  2. In the Alerts menu select the HDD errors in the Alert Type drop down (Storage Error, Running Out of Space, Space used up, Disk Offline, Disk Abnormal)
  3. Check the Send Email button for each type of alert that needs to be monitored.

Illegal login

  1. Open the main menu of the recorder and navigate to Alarm > Alerts
  2. In the Alerts menu select Illegal Access
  3. Check on the Send Email button, this will send the email alert every time someone tries to access the recorder with the wrong password.

Smart Features

  1. After the smart features are setup and working correctly(this can be verified by checking past recordings) navigate to the smart features Trigger Actions
  2. In the Trigger Actions menu select the Send Email check box.
  3. Recipients will then start receiving email alerts each time the enabled smart feature is triggered.