2012 Annual Operational Plan
Wheatlands State School

Key priorities for 2012

Implementing the Australian Curriculum

Reading and Oral Language



ICT and Online Learning

Data Capture and Analysis

Financial Documentation attached including;

The financial component of the Annual Implementation Plan incorporates 2 components
The Annual Financial Report - 2011
The Budget Plan - 2012
This year reporting will be slightly different for SMS schools vs Oneschool schools with the requirements listed at right: / SMS Schools / Oneschool Schools
  • Annual Financial Report 2011 – SMS report (AFR)
  • Annual Financial Report - To be advised (TBA)

  • Budget Overview Report – SMS report (BOR)
    in support of AIP

  • Budget Analysis by Period – SMS report (BAP) which gives an indication of cash flows by period
  • Progressive Cash flow Printout – from Budget Template

  • Asset Replacement Summary – SMS report (ARS) which provides supporting information regarding the school's intended carry forward balances
/ (The BOR & ARS will be accessed via Oneschool – no requirement for schools to submit electronically)
This plan was developed in consultation with the school community and meets school needs and systemic requirements.
…………………………………………….Principal ………………………………………………… P and C/ School Council ……………………………………………….. Assistant Regional Director
School priorities / Actions / Measures / Other
Key priorities from the School Plan
  • Implement and moderate Australian curriculum
  • Refine data capture, and analysis techniques to enhance effective teaching practices
  • Student Performance in Reading
  • Attendance
System priorities:
  • Implement the Australian Curriculum
  • Develop whole-school curriculum, assessment and reporting plan
Core learning priorities:
  • Reading & Oral Language
  • Writing including spelling, grammar & punctuation
  • Numeracy
  • Science
/ Curriculum (the What)
  • Implement the Australian Curriculum adapting Multi-age C2C resources and school planning documents in English, Mathematics and Science
  • Implementation of a School Wide Oral Language Program in conjunction with Wondai State School – ELF & PAL
  • Implementation of Online Learning – Intrepica and Mathletics
  • Develop School Wide Book Work Policy (P-2, 3-7)
/ 100% of staff implementing National Curriculum
SEP staff and all Teacher aides trained in the delivery of Oral Language
MathleticsInterpica implemented in years 3-7
85% of students above NMS in all 5 domains in 3,5,7.
100% of teachers recording and tracking data over students school life
100% of Staff participate in round 2 of profiling
Staff Feeding Forward and Feeding Back to each other.
Principal Online PPDP
All staff will have a DPP in readiness for 2013 implementation
100% of parents engaging in target and goal setting process
3% increase in student attendance
100% of classes to provide articles in newsletters.
80% of parents and care givers satisfied with their child’s school and that they are getting a good education. / Whole School Curriculum and Assessment Plan
201100 – Curriculum
204400 – Professional Development
202700 – Information and Communication Technology
205610 – Teacher Replacement
204400 – Professional Development
203510 – Consumables
201100 – Curriculum
PPDP Online Tool
School Generated DPP Plan (TBC)
Individual Student Learning Target Profiles
201100 – Curriculum
300013 – Provisions School Centenary
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Project Grant.
School Attendance Data
Teaching Practice (the How)
  • Establish and resource teacher access to specialised expertise in their teaching area through cluster networks and professional associations
  • Develop one data capture system that tracks students learning through their years at school
  • Continue to engage in coaching sessions in core learning priorities through classroom profiling and curriculum review workshops.
  • PD for all staff in Oral Language programs STRIVE, ELF, PAL.
  • Engagement of Michael Boyle to address the relationships of Front End Assessment, Curriculum Intent and Assessment Literacies

Principal Leadership and School Capability
  • Lead explicitly focussed formal feedback on effective teaching and learning strategies consistent with school improvement agenda.
  • Lead the team focus on curriculum structures and implications for specific classrooms.
  • Principal and Staff negotiated Development plans.

School and Community Partnerships (the Who)
  • Develop systems for working with parents around student learning including regular progress interviews and developing individual goals.
  • Continue Kitchen Garden Project with BIEDO
  • Engage community through communication the importance of school attendance
  • Continue fortnightly school newsletters as a primary source of communication.
  • Increased contact with School Adopt a Cop, attending internal and external school events.
  • Facilities Plan – developed for the next 5 yrs. with P&C
  • Establish Centenary committee and commence preparations.
  • Involvement in “Principal for a Day” with a community member.

Attach School Improvement Targets