Implementing Ethical Decision Making Process
TITLE & FOCUSTitle: Implementing an Ethical Decision Making Process (ISLLC #5)
Description: Participants will examine barriers, needs, andprocessesfor implementing an ethical decision making process. They will explore how to plan the stages of implementation of a school-wide culture which includes a systemicfocus on honesty, commitment, integrity and communication for making ethical decisions. The application focus is that participants willaddress barriers in their own school and ensure successful implementation of a culture of ethical decision making.
PD hrs: If you are interested in facilitating this workshop for “Professional Development Hours” through ASU, please contact us at or details (including an Attendance Roster Form and a Participant Feedback Form)
FEEDBACK: We would appreciate feedback regarding the quality of this PD Facilitator Kit and/or suggestions for improvement (including participant feedback and/or recommended changes to the Facilitator PowerPoint and/or Facilitator Guide). Please email feedback, comments, or suggestions for improvements to (be sure to include the exact name of the workshop).
NOTE: It is recommended that the objectives, guiding questions, and key vocabulary be posted during the workshop.
Targeted Objectives (What is to be learned? How will it be demonstrated? Using Observable verbs & Learning outcomes with Evidence):
- Identify barriers (attitudes and actions) to implementing an ethical decision-making process (system).
- Identify key strategies and techniques on how to plan and implement a culture of ethical decision-making.
- How do leaders implement a school wide ethical decision making process that ensures consistent ethical decision making?
- Culture, Integrity, Dogmatism, Relativism, Off-Hand Self-Justification
- ISLLC#5 Ethics & Integrity: An education leader promotes the success of every student by acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner.
- 5c.Maintaining High Standards for Self and Others
- Key Process: Implementing
- Core Component: High Standards for Student Learning
Agenda and Segment Titles / Slide Numbers / Time in Minutes / Notes
Introduction and/or Overview of Workshop / 1-8 / 20
Workshop Title: ISSLC #5 Implementing an Ethical Decision Making Process / 9-25 / 60
Conclusion & Developing an Application Focus (or other) / 26-27 / 10
TOTAL TIME: / 90 (1.5 hrs)
Materials, Handouts, Readings, Videos, and other items needed
General Materials (items used throughout whole workshop, and office supply items needed)
- Guiding Power Point forImplementing - Ensuring student success through ethical decision making
- Guiding Template for Implementing - Ensuring student success through ethical decision making
- Agenda (facilitator makes this on chart paper)
- Chart Paper and Markers
- Post-it Notes, large and small
- ISLLC #5 Implementing Justice and Caring Power, Politics and Ethics in Strategic Leadership.pdf
- ISLLC #5 Implementing Justice and Caring note taking graphic organizer.docx
- z Handout Guiding Questions for Plan Implementation.docx
- ISLLC #5 Implementing Planning an Ethical Decision Making Process.docx
- Application Focus-Ethics-Implementing
- A Framework for Thinking Ethically.docx (from half day module for referenceonly)
- ISLLC #5 Implementing Justice and Caring Power, Politics and Ethics in Strategic Leadership.pdf
Videos (list exact title and provide URL; add APA format in the Resources section)
- Marshmallow Test,
Other technologies or resources that are used
- None/NA
Footnotes / Research:
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- Jeffrey Glanz (2010) Justice and Caring - Power, Politics and Ethics in Strategic Leadership, ISEA, Volume 38, Number 1
- Marshmallow Test,
- Ethics Implementing KBAD for 1 Hour Workshop
- Instructional Leadership: Core Components & Key Processes (if workshop is connected to VAL-ED)
- ISLLC Standards Rubric (if workshop is connected to ISLLC Standards)
Content Experts: Glen Turner, Michelle Brady and Brad Jamison
Presentation Notes
Management Considerations, Notes, etc
Management Notes:
- Ask the superintendent in advance to prepare a welcome and remarks regarding WHY this workshop is important for participants.
- Check with the superintendent in advance to see if s/he prefers to use established district administrative team norms.
- Directions / Notes relevant to each individual PowerPoint slide are listed in the PowerPoints notes section
- Typically, each segment of the workshop begins with a slide entitled “Segment Guiding Questions”
- Closure for each segment and/or the end of the workshop should be adjusted/adapted to the facilitators style
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Follow-up Strategies for this segment (Coaching Bundle)
Suggestions for Follow-up
Individual Reflection Questions for Coaching(reflecting on workshop concepts, understandings, options, or application)
- What have you done to model ethical decision-making for your school and community?
- What are you thinking regarding ethics as you make many decisions every day?
- What percentage of your teachers are supportive of ethical decision-making? Are not interested in the ethical decision-making process?
- What are ways principals can model ethical decision-making?
- What are some roadblocks principals have encountered as they try to implement ethical decision-mnaking?
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