SKAA 3012
Lecturer Name:
Student Name:
Group Members Name:
Date of Experiment:
Date of Report Submission:
Assessment (please see overleaf for assessment rubrics)
C2 / C3 / C4 / A3
Proof of Submission
Rubrics for Lab Report Assessment
Rating / Excellent4 / Good
3 / Fair
2 / Poor
1 / Lecturer’s Assessment
C2: Introduction / Summarized procedure and purpose of work with relevant background information are sufficiently provided and the report are very well organized. / Summarized procedure and purpose of work with relevant background information are available but not completely provided. The report still well organized. / Summarized procedure and purpose of work with relevant background information are missing. Report is still reasonable well organized / Summarize procedure and purposes of work with relevant background information are missing. Report is poorly organized.
C3: Data Collection and Recording / Data collected is clearly written and appropriately tabulated; Data is within the expected norms. / Data collected is improperly tabulated (units missing) or the data deviates appreciably from the expected norms. / Some data is missing and / or data deviates drastically from the expected norms. / Data is poorly organized or grossly incomplete
C4: Analysis (Calculations and Results) / All required calculations are present and performed correctly; Results (with % error where appropriate) are clearly stated. / All required calculations are present but minor errors are present in the calculations; Results section is incomplete (i.e. % error values are reported without the values they refer to). / Some calculations are missing and / or there are significant errors in the calculations. / Calculations are grossly incomplete and / or incorrect.
A3: Discussion/ Conclusion / All assigned questions (if any) are answered and discussed appropriately. Discussion of results shows a strong grasp of the scientific concepts covered by the lab. / All assigned questions are answered and discussed lightly. Discussion on results needs some refinement but shows a reasonably strong grasp of the scientific concepts covered by the lab. / Some assigned questions are answered. Discussion on results does not identify appropriate concepts, needs significant work and / or show a weak grasp of concepts. / All assigned questions are not answered. Discussion on results is inappropriate for the lab and shows a lack of comprehension of scientific concepts.