Implementing and Administering Security in a Microsoft Windows 2003
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A / Implementing,Managing, and Troubleshooting SecurityPoliciesB / Implementing,Managing, and Troubleshooting PatchManagement Infrastructure
C / Implementing,Managing, and Troubleshooting Securityfor Network Communications
D / Planning, Configuring, andTroubleshooting Authentication, Authorization, and PKI
Relevant objective of each question ismentionedalongwith question number.
Question: 1.(C)
SegmentAandSegment B.Theclientcomputerson thenetwork runWindowsXPProfessional. The servers run WindowsServer 2003.SegmentA containsa singleservernamedServer1. SegmentB containsall other computers,includinga servernamedServer2. Company’s written securitypolicystatesthatSegmentBmustnotbeconnectedtotheInternet.SegmentAis allowedtoconnecttotheInternet.ThereisnonetworkconnectionbetweenSegment Aand SegmentB. You cancopyfilesfrom SegmentA toSegment Bonlyby usingaCD-ROMto transport the files betweenthe two segments. The network topology is displayedin the exhibit.
You are planning a patch management infrastructure.On SegmentB,you install Software Update Services(SUS)onServer2.YouconfigureAutomaticUpdateson allcomputersinSegment Bto use securitypatches. Youneedtoensurethat allcomputersin Segment B automatically install security patches. What should youdo?
A. Install SUS on Server1.
Periodically copy the files in the Content folder andin the SUS root folder from Server1 to Server2.
B. Install SUS on Server1.
Periodically copy the files in the Content folder from Server1 toServer2. Copy the Approveditems.txt file from Server1 to the Windows folder onServer2.
C. On Server1, periodicallyconnect to the Microsoft WindowsUpdate Catalog Web site and download new security patches.Copy the files to the Content folder on Server2.
D. On Server1, configureAutomatic Updatesto use the URL of the Microsoft Windows
Update Web site. Periodically copy the downloadedfiles and theMssecure.xml file to the
Content folder on Server2.
Answer:A Explanation:
B – You mustcopy all items in the Content and SUSroot folder.
C – This is possible, but you wouldhaveto install the patches manually.
D–Turning onAU would updateServer1does notprovidefiles forServer2.TheMBSAusesan XML-based catalogfile,MSSecure.xml,todetermine the securityupdatesthat are available.The catalog file is compressedand isstored in the MSSecure.cab file.
IIS/SUSdefaultwebsite( not the Windows folder.
If you do not install SUS on Server1 there will be noContent folder(distribution point) on Server1.
Automatic Updatesshouldnot be turnedon, on the SUS servers.
SUSisa servercomponentthat,when installedona serverrunningWindows 2000,allows small andmedium enterprisestobring criticalupdatesfromWindowsUpdateinsidetheirfirewallsto distributetoWindows2000and WindowsXPcomputers.ThesameAutomaticUpdates componentthatcandirectWindows2000andWindowsXPcomputerstoWindowsUpdatecan be directed toa SUS server inside your firewall to install critical updates.
AutomaticUpdates retrievesallcriticalupdatesand MicrosoftSecurityResponseCenter security updates that are classifiedas moderate or important.
AutomaticUpdatesscansonlyforcriticalupdates,butifitsserverthatrunsSUScontains updatesotherthancriticalones,AutomaticUpdatesreceivesandappliesthoseaswell.SUS
receivescritical and moderate security updates.
CreatingDistributionPointsWhenyouinstallaserverthatrunsSUS,adistributionpointis createdonthatserver.Whenyousynchronizethe serverwithaparentserverorwithanexternal Web site,allthecontentontheWeb siteisdownloadedtothedistributionpoint.Ifnewupdates are downloaded,thisdistribution pointisupdatedduring every synchronization.DuringSetup,the distribution point is created in a virtual root (Vroot) named /Content.
IfyouchoosetomaintaincontentonthepublicWebsiteinsteadofdownloadingthepatchesto thelocal server runningSUS,thisdistribution pointisemptyexceptfortheAUCatalog.cabfile. AUCatalog.cab defines the updates thathavebeen approved for deployment to clients.
YoucanalsocreateadistributionpointonaserverthatisnotrunningSUS.Suchaservermust be running IIS 5.0 or later. You can download and test packages on servers running SUS, and then download approved and tested packages todistribution points for client access.
IfyourSUS designincludesdistribution points, performthefollowingtasksto createa distribution point:
1.ConfirmthatIISis present.
2. Create a folder named \Content.
\Content folder:
• <root of the SUS Website>\Aucatalog1.cab
• <root of the SUS Website>\Aurtf1.cab
• <root of the SUS Website>\approveditems.txt
• All the files and folders under the \Content\cabs
4. Create an IIS Vroot called that points to the \content folder.
Question: 2.(B)
YouareasecurityadministratorforCompany.Thenetwork consistsofasingleActiveDirectory domainnamedCompany.com.AllserversrunWindowsServer2003.Company’swrittensecurity
needto configurethenetworkto complywiththe written securitypolicy.Youneedtomaintain security patches by usingthe minimumamount of administrative effort. What should you do?
A. Create a new organizational unit (OU)to contain all server computers.
AutomaticUpdates.Allow only administrators tostart AutomaticUpdates.
B.Createa neworganizationalunit(OU)tocontainallservercomputers.CreateanewGroup Policyobject(GPO)andlinkittotheOU.ConfiguretheGPOtoautomaticallydownload updates and notify whenthey are ready to be installed.
C. Create a new organizational unit (OU) named Admins to containall administrators.
Create a second OU named Serversto contain allserver computers. Create anew
Automatic Updates.
D. Modify the Default Domain Policy GroupPolicy object (GPO) to disable Windows
Updateandtodisable AutomaticUpdates.Createaneworganizational unit(OU)named Admins.Place alladministratoraccountsinthe Admins OU. Block GPOinheritanceonthe Admins OU.
Answer:B Explanation:
A – Cannot be done using Network Neighborhood.
C–Scanningthefinancesubnetwouldreportonallcomputersonthesubnet,includingnon- finance computers.
D–Thisoptionagainwouldscanallsystemsinthedomain,notjustthefinanceonce.Thescan should be done from an administrative machine, not a users’ machine.
Objective: Implementing, Managing, and Troubleshooting Security for Network Communications
Sub-Objective: 3.4.1 Monitor IPSec policies by using IP Security Monitor.
Press Chapter 7,
Internet Protocol (IP) addresses.
Thembsacli/hf-fhhosts.txt.The-fhflagcausesthe tooltoscan theNetBIOScomputernames specifiedinthenamedtext file.Youmustspecifyonecomputername on each lineinthe.txtfile, up to a maximum of 256 names.
Thembsacli/hf-rhosts.txtsyntax.The-rflagisusedtospecifyarangeofIPaddressestobe scanned.
Switches available with /hf flag
mbsacli /hf [-h hostmane] [-fh filename] [-i ipaddress] [-fip filename] [-r ipaddressrange] [-d domainname][-n]
[-susSUSserver|SUSfilename][-b][-fqfilename][-s1][-s2][-nosum][-sum][-z][-v][-history level] [-nvc]
[-o option] [-f filename] [-unicode] [-t][-uusername] [-p password] [-x] [-?] To Select Which Computerto Scan
-hhostname-ScansthenamedNetBIOScomputername.Thedefaultlocationisthelocalhost. To scan multiple hosts, separate the host names witha comma(,).
named. Specify one computer name on each line in the .txtfile, toa maximum of256 names.
IP addresswith a comma.
-fipfilename-ScanstheIPaddressesthatyouspecifiedinthetextfilethatyounamed.Specify one IP address on each line in the .txt file, with a maximum of 256 IP addresses.
-r xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx - xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx - Scansaspecified range of IPaddresses.
NoteYou canusetheprevious switchesincombination.Forexample,youcanuseacommand- line with the following format:mbsacli /hf –h hostname1,hostname2 -i xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx-fip ipaddresses.txt -r yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy-zzz.zzz.zzz.zzz
-d domainname - Scans aspecified domain.
Neighborhood (or My Network Places)are scanned
Question: 3.(B)
YouareasecurityadministratorforCompany.ThenetworkconsistsofasingleActiveDirectory domain named Company.com. The Company.com Active Directory domain contains 150
Thefinancedepartmentuses135computersonthe contains computersthatbelongtootherdepartmentsinthecompany.Allfinancedepartment computers aremembersofthe Company.comActiveDirectory domain.Youneedto produce a reportthatidentifieswhichMicrosoftsecuritypatchesarenotinstalledonthe computersinthe financedepartment.The reportmustcontaininformationaboutonlythefinancedepartment computers.You wantto achieve this goalbyusingtheminimum amount ofadministrativeeffort. What should you do?
Network Neighborhood.
B.RunMbsacli.exeonafinancedepartmentcomputerwiththeoptiontoscancomputersby using a list of individual IP addresses on the finance departmentcomputers.
C.RunMbsacli.exeonafinancedepartmentcomputerwiththeoptiontoscancomputersonthe finance department IP subnet.
Company.com Active Directory domain.
Answer:B Explanation:
Sincetherearenon-accountingcomputersonthesubnet,thescanneedstobeperformedby individualIP.Objective:Implementing, Managing,andTroubleshootingSecurityforNetwork Communications Sub-Objective: 3.4.1 Monitor IPSecpolicies by using IP SecurityMonitor.
1. Planning aHost NameResolution Strategy
MCSA/MCSESelf-Paced Training Kit (Exams 70-292 and 70-296):Upgrading Your
Certification to Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Microsoft Press Chapter 7,
The correct syntaxismbsacli/hf -fh hosts.txt.The -fhflag causesthetool to scanthe NetBIOS computernames specifiedinthenamedtextfile.Youmust specifyone computernameoneach lineinthe.txtfile,uptoa maximumof256names.Youshouldnotusethembsacli/hf-ihosts.txt syntax.The-iflagisusedtoscanone ormore InternetProtocol(IP)addresses.Youshouldnot usethembsacli/hf-rhosts.txt syntax.The-rflag isused to specifyarange ofIPaddresses tobe scanned.Switchesavailablewith/hfflagmbsacli/hf[-hhostmane][-fhfilename][-iipaddress][- fipfilename][-ripaddressrange][-ddomainname][-n][-susSUSserver|SUSfilename][-b][-fq filename][-s 1][-s2][-nosum][-sum] [-z][-v] [-historylevel][-nvc][-o option][-ffilename][- unicode][-t][-uusername][-ppassword][-x][-?]ToSelectWhichComputertoScan-hhostname
-Scansthe named NetBIOScomputername.The defaultlocationisthelocalhost.Toscan multiplehosts,separatethehostnameswitha comma(,).-fh filename-ScanstheNetBIOS computernamesthatare specifiedinthetextfilethat younamed.Specifyonecomputernameon
address.To scanmultipleIPaddresses,separateeachIPaddresswithacomma.-fipfilename- ScanstheIPaddressesthatyouspecifiedinthetextfilethat younamed.SpecifyoneIPaddress oneachlineinthe.txtfile,withamaximum of256IP addresses. -rxxx.xxx.xxx.xxx xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx-Scans a specified rangeofIPaddresses.NoteYoucan usethe previous switchesin combination.Forexample,youcanuseacommand-line withthefollowing format:mbsacli /hf –hhostname1,hostname2 -i xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -fip ipaddresses.txt -r yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy-zzz.zzz.zzz.zzz -d domainname-Scansa specifieddomain.-n-Scansall the computers onthe local network. All computers from all domains in Network Neighborhood
(or My Network Places) are scanned
Microsoft Baseline SecurityAnalyzer (MBSA) version1.2 is available, Microsoft Knowledge Base
Article – 320454
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