1. Make the Sale

PARTIES / Tools & Info Needed to Complete task / Target
Date /
1 / Introduce the PE concept (high-level)
·  Establish time/date for formal extended meeting with decision-maker(s)
·  Send/deliver Census & Initial Interview Form
·  Census form optional / Day 1 / BROKER
Employer / ·  Your Exchange site
·  Census Form
·  Initial Interview(II) form
·  ER presentation
2 / Return completed Census to agent / Week 1 / Employer / ·  Completed Census
3 / Prepare to meet with executives/decision-makers
·  Review presentation
·  Create a “leave-behind” packet/folder for execs
o  Articles about H.S.A.’s, DC plans, reform, etc.
o  Business cards
·  Use ER Page of your Exchange Site to sell the concept
·  Can be done in person or over the phone / 1-2 days before Executive Meeting / BROKER / ·  Presentations
·  Articles/white papers
·  Completed census
·  Completed II Form
·  Business cards
·  ER Page of Private Exchange Site
4 / Close the sale with decision-maker(s). Use above preparation/docs to
1.  Sell the PE concept
2.  Illustrate the savings/benefits for the Employer/company
3.  Illustrate the savings/benefits for the Employees
4.  Discuss including DC/PRA
5.  Summarize next steps
6.  Schedule enrollment/promotion of exchange site time-frame
7.  Discuss option of outbound calls (ER would need to provide contact info *template available in toolkit)
8.  If necessary, schedule a time with TPA to demo administration platform / TBD / BROKER
TPA (Optional) / ·  Use above tools/info
·  Calendar
·  TPA Affiliate Referral process

2. Plan Design and Set Up

PARTIES / Tools & Info Needed to Complete task / Target
Date /
5 / If offering DC/PRA Complete Set Up
·  Follow process outlined by TPA / 25 min. / Employer
(Optional) / ·  Company Contact Information
·  Company Billing Information
·  TPA Affiliate Referral process
6 / ER Design DC/PRA Plan Online –
·  Define contribution amounts for employee classes
·  Define eligible categories of expenses
·  Select eligibility requirements / 15 min. / Employer
TPA / ·  TPA’s Online Plan Design or manual process
7 / Launch Plan and Adopt Plan Documents
·  Select plan effective date and renewal date
·  Print and sign plan documents / 5 min. / Employer
8 / Enroll Employees and Send Welcome Kit
·  Add employees online or complete the enrollment file (20+ employees) / 15 min. / Employer
TPA / ·  Blank Enrollment File (optional)
9 / Send Employee Welcome Kits
·  Email or print automatically generated Welcome Kits
·  Can include link to exchange site to shop for benefits / 5 min. / Employer

3. Employee Health Plan Enrollment

PARTIES / Tools & Info Needed to Complete task / Target
Date /
10 / Prep &communication for all employee consultations
(Group meeting or webinar to kick off may help with participation)
·  Provide meeting spaces
·  Assist with scheduling
·  Remember you are selling the concept here not the products
Ensure leadership promotion/attendance / Week 2 / Employer / ·  Email template
·  Co-Branded marketing materials
11 / Plan for Group Meeting with Employees – IF NECESSARY
·  Ensure coordination of time/place/logistics with Employer contact
·  Webinars can be an excellent alternative and recording can be posted on employers website for future reference
Stress executive attendance at all group meetings / Week 2 / BROKER / ·  Presentation (hand-outs or on screen)
·  Menu of options
·  Other Co-branded materials
12 / Promote Private Exchange/call center for one-on-one consultations
o  Use email marketing and other agreed upon methods to promote Exchange site visits
o  Upload Census/contact info for outbound calls / Week 2 / BROKER / ·  Co-branded EE materials
·  Census/contact info form template
13 / Track call center activity
o  Log in to Agent Cubed with VP_ log in to track call center activity
o  If you are handling any of the leads yourself they will be found in your Agent_ log in on Agent Cubed
Set up your Agent log in to email notify you of new leads / Week 2 / Employer
Employees / ·  Agent Cubed VP log in
·  Agent Cubed Agent log in
14 / Pay first month’s premiums / Week4 / Employee
15 / If using DC/PRA - Submit Claim for Reimbursement
·  Login to personal account or print fax claim form
·  Send completed claim and proof of expense to TPA
·  (future exchange integration will eliminate EE activity) / Week 4 / Employee / ·  Online or Fax Claim Form
·  Proof of Purchase
16 / Reimburse approved expenses to employees / Week 6 / Employer/TPA / ·  TPA Platform
17 / “Hand-off” of any on-going admin:
·  Accessing employer reports
Understanding various reports / Week 6 / TPA

4. Renewal Time-line: 6-8 week BEFORE renewal!

PARTIES / Tools & Info Needed to Complete task / Target
Date /
18 / Review plan design and use TPA platform to make edits to plan design / Week of renewal / Employer
BROKER / ·  TPA’s plan design options
·  TPA’s Reports
19 / Promote Private Exchange site and 800 number for ongoing insure needs
·  Follow up and complete sale for any leads directed to yourself / 6-8 weeks before renewal date / BROKER