World History/Geography Weekly Current Event Assignment

Purpose: To spark your interest in and understanding of current world affairs.

To improve your reading, writing and analytical skills.


Each week, you will read a newspaper article about another country. You will summarize the article in paragraph form by answering the following questions…

  1. Who is involved-may be a country, organization or person?
  2. What is the article about—the gist?
  3. Where is the story of the article taking place?
  4. When is the story of the article taking place?
  5. Why is the story important/occurring?

Paragraph 2- Answer the following questions:

  1. Are individuals’ human rights being upheld in your article?
  2. If so, which ones and how?
  3. If not, explain what you think should happen.

I will select an article about a country from a different region on a specific topic.


North AmericaA. Conflict/Crime

South AmericaB. Natural Events

Central AmericaC. Economic Issues

AustraliaD. Cultural/Social

EuropeE. Science, Research, Technology

AfricaF. Ethnic Strife

AsiaG. Environment

Middle EastH. Political Events

South Pacific I. Education

You must complete 15 current events over the course of the semester. You may turn in only 1 current event each week. Current event articles must be just that—Current! You may use articles dated the Friday you turn in the current event through Thursday, the day before the next current event is due.

You must complete your current event exactly as specified. You will not receive credit for current events that do not follow the format!!

You must turn in your current event on Friday before the tardy bell! You will not receive credit for a current event that is turned in after the tardy bell. No exceptions!

Your article must be from a reputable news source (newspaper, on-line, newsmagazine) and must be neatly cut out and attached. Examples:,,

Each current event will be worth 10 points for a total of 150 points. You will be graded on neatness, accuracy/thoroughness of summary, and thoughtfulness of opinion. You must keep a record of which categories and regions you have used.




Current Event #

  1. Region-
  2. Category-
  3. Source-

Paragraph #1- Summary

6-7 Sentences

Paragraph #2- Connection to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

3-4 Sentences

Article Must Be Attached