Implementation Timeline 2012-2015
Dates / ActivitiesJuly 2012 / ESEA Waiver approved; State Board endorsed Oregon Framework and adopted OARs
2012-13 / Pilot Oregon Framework
- SB252 Districts: Ashland, Lebanon, Lincoln County, McMinnville, Oregon City, Pendleton, Redmond, Sherwood, Sisters, South Lane, Springfield, Vernonia; and two additional districts in partnership with OEA to participate with pilot cohort
- Align evaluation blueprint with Oregon Framework (5 required elements)
- Pilot student growth goal setting process & multiple measures
- Examine student learning and growth models for summative evaluation
- Statewide Survey: 1) gather baseline information on existing evaluation efforts in Oregon school districts, 2) identify needs for guidance and assistance as districts design and implement their local evaluation systems, and 3) identify examples of evaluation models, tools, or processes that can be shared statewide
Sept-Oct ODE convene statewide Educator Effectiveness Summit in Portland & Bend; Jan-June facilitate regional professional development and technical assistance
District collaborative design teams study Oregon Framework requirements to develop/align local evaluation system and plan to pilot
- District & school administrators, teachers, and bargaining representative
Spring 2013 / Following pilot, ODE resubmit amended evaluation guidelines for USED approval
By July 1, 2013 / All districts submit revised evaluation systems and implementation plan to ODE; local school board approval
- ODE will provide a template for district leaders to complete
Local school board adoption of Oregon’s adopted core teaching standards and educational leadership/administrator standards by July 1, 2013
- If other standards used, district must submit a “crosswalk” that shows alignment
- ODE will provide 3 approved rubrics that districts may adopt or adapt
- If using other rubric, district must submit “crosswalk” that shows alignment
- Professional Practice
- Professional Responsibility
- Student Learning and Growth/Goal Setting Process
- A regular cycle for summative evaluations of teachers and administrators
- 1 year probationary teacher/administrator
- 2 years contract teacher/administrator
- Local school board policy re: how evaluation system informs personnel decisions
District plan & timeline for piloting implementation of local evaluation system
- Phase-in of requirements
- Collaborative process with teachers, administrators & bargaining representative
- Local school board approval
- Staff training on evaluation system
- Training & calibration of evaluators
By Sept 1, 2013 / ODE review and approve district evaluation system/assurances; identify professional development & technical assistance needs
- Engage stakeholders in the review/approval process
- Identify district needs for professional development and technical assistance
- Plan for statewide and regional support based on district needs
2013-14 / All districts will pilot implementation of their local teacher & administrator evaluation & support system
- School district board must include the adopted core teaching standards and administrator standardsfor all evaluations of teachers and administrators after July 1, 2013(SB290)
- Pilot implementation of remaining requirements
- Districts may pilot new evaluation system in all or some schools
- Provide training to staff and evaluators
- Test validity and reliability of evaluation measures
2014-15 / All districts will fully implement their local teacher & administrator evaluation & support system in all schools
- Continue training for staff and evaluators
- Continue to test validity and reliability of measures
- Revise and improve local system as needed
- Prepare to submit documentation to Regional Peer Review Panel
By July 1, 2015 / Districts present local evaluation system to a Regional Peer Review Panel
- Peer review meets federal ESEA waiver accountability requirement
- Identify need for technical assistance and/or best practices to disseminate
2015-16 & beyond / Continuous improvement of evaluation systems and regional support
- Monitor what is working and not working over time
- Take into consideration emerging research and best practices
- Adjust state framework and policies as needed