CERME10: Thematic Working Group 23
Implementation of Research Findings in Mathematics Education
Leader: Uffe Thomas Jankvist (Denmark)
Co-leaders: Kjersti Wæge (Norway), Mario Sánchez Aguilar (Mexico), Jonas Bergman Ärlebäck (Sweden)
Scope and focus of the Working Group
With almost five decades of accumulated knowledge, research findings, theoretical frameworks, etc. the field of mathematics education now has quite a bit to offer to mathematics education in practice. We as researchers in mathematics education are frequently involved in putting previous empirical results and findings as well as theoretical constructs based on these to good use in mathematics classrooms, mathematics programs, mathematics teacher education, in-service teacher training, etc. In several countries developmental projects are ongoing that rely heavily on previously documented research results. However, as researchers we often find ourselves in a peculiar situation when wanting to report on these activities, since such accounts not necessarily fall under the usual paradigm of “research in mathematics education”. The aim of this TWG is to change this by focusing on the “implementation research” aspects of our activities.
Call for papers and poster proposals
Such “implementation research” can encompass a wide range of different kinds of didactical designs stretching from task design, (model) lesson design, teaching modules and courses to entire programs (on all educational levels), aspects of developmental projects, intervention projects, etc. and an equally wide range of formats (textbooks, apps, software, learning platforms, etc.) – as long as the designs of these are explicitly based on and informed by findings from mathematics education research.
The TWG is also interested in research on already existing implementations based on incorporating mathematics education results as well as in research-based designs themselves. Hence, the TWG is a place to describe and account for the “initial cycle” of a design-based research study – including aspects of methodology and rationale behind research-based designs. This is to say, the TWG also has as one of its foci, methodologies for initiating and institutionalizing research-based implementation designs.
Papers and poster proposals should use theCERME template, and conform to theguidelines for authorsas outlined on the CERME 10 website.CERME10 uses asubmission website. An author submits a paper on the website (uploading it as a .doc or .docx file, and providing the required information, in particular the TWG number).
Reviews and decisions
Each paper will be peer-reviewed by two persons from among those who submit papers to this TWG. Please expect to be asked to review up to two papers yourself. The group leaders will decide about the acceptance of posters.
Important dates
- 15th September 2016: Initial submission by authors on the online submission system.
- 2nd November2016: Preliminary decisions on papers sent.
- 10th November2016: Preliminary decisions on posters sent.
- 24th November 2016: The authors send a revised version if needed.
- 5th December 2016:Final decisions sent.
- 12th December 2016: Final version uploaded on the online submission system.
- 13th January 2017: Papers available on CERME 10 website.