Message handbook for Ediel

Implementation guide for the Sales data report message1

Message handbook



Implementation guide for

Sales data report message

EDIFACT-message:Extended SLSRPT



IG-status: For implementation

IG-version: 2.4

IG-revision: A

IG-date:March 27, 2000


Message handbook......

1. Introduction......

2. General description of the «Sales data report message»......

2.1. Sales data report message......

2.2. Functional Definition......

2.3. Principles......

3. References......

3.1. Precedence......

4. Quality assurance......

4.1. Version number......

4.2. Corrections from earlier versions......

5. Overview of the message......

5.1. Class diagram for the Sales data report message......

5.2. Cue list......

5.3. Message diagram......

5.4. Segment table......

5.5. Description of segments used......

6. Detailed description of the message......

Appendix A - Example of an EDIFACT Message (Hourly bid)......

Appendix B - Example of an EDIFACT Message (Block bid)......

Appendix C - SLSRPT from Nord Pool ASA......

1. Introduction

This document is an Implementation Guide (IG) for the Sales data report message, to be used in the power industry. The IG describes the «expanded» EDIFACT-message SLSRPT in detail. The message is used for information about prices in the power industry.

Note: This SLSRPT (Sales data report message) is extended in comparison to the EDIFACT UNSM message SLSRPT with extra segments to achieve the needs for the power industry.

This IG is a part of the "Message handbook for Ediel", which contains a set of IG’s for different messages used in the power industry and a functional description, which contains common descriptions for the different IG’s. In the future several new IG’s are planned.

In addition a Functional description is available, which contains common descriptions for the different Implementation Guides. This includes relationships between the different message types, use of codes and code lists, special conditions between countries (such as use of time zones), terms and notation, use of header and trailer segments (UNB and UNZ) etc.

2. General description of the «Sales data report message»

2.1.Sales data report message

The message type used for the Sales data report message is based upon the EDIFACT message SLSRPT. The EDIFACT standard message is expanded to achieve the needs for the power industry:

  • MKS, SG. 0New segment
  • SG. 4Extended from 5 to 99 repetitions
  • FTX, SG. 5New segment
  • PRI, SG. 7Removed
  • SG. 8New segment group
  • PRI, SG. 8New segment
  • CUX, SG. 8New segment

2.2. Functional Definition

A message to enable the transmission of sales data related to products or services, such as corresponding location, period, product identification, pricing, monetary amount, quantity, market sector information and sales parties. It enables the recipient to process the information automatically and use it for production, planning, marketing, statistical purposes, etc.

In the power industry the Sales data report message is used for price information from the Power Exchange and the System Operators.

2.3. Principles

The message intent is to provide sales information for one or more locations for a series of products within a specified time period.

The message is transmitted either from a System Operator or from the Power Exchange to participants in the power industry. It allows the recipient to know for a specific product the:

  • Location of the sale.
  • Period in which it was sold.
  • Product identification.
  • Product selling price, quantity and value of the sales.
  • Additional Identification of the products such as promotional flags, product group or family identification and internal identification numbers.
  • Periodical Turnover of a specified location.
  • Global specified product sales, i. e. total sales of a product in all locations.
  • Sales parties identification.

The information is transferred as:

  • General information including dates, periods and currencies.
  • Description of area, contracts etc.
  • Time period, quantity and price for each market.
  • Information about the turnover, totally and for each party.

3. References

This Implementation guide is based on the following documents.

[1]Norsk veiledning i bruk av EDIFACT, version 2.0, November 1991 with addition of January 1994.

[2]UN/EDIFACT Draft directory, D.96A

[3]Message handbook for Ediel, Functional description, version 2.1

[4]ISO 9735, version 2, 1990.11.01

[5]Ediel WEB-site,

3.1. Precedence

If there should be any conflict regarding this Implementation guide or between this Implementation guide and other documents, the following precedence shall be used:

1UN/EDIFACT Draft directory, D.96A [2]

2The Functional description [3]

3This Implementation guide.

In this Implementation guide the EDIFACT message type is described in different ways. If there should be any conflict regarding the different descriptions, the detailed description in the last chapter should be used.

4. Quality assurance

This document is written by EdiSys AS on behalf of Ediel. Members of the Ediel-organisation have taken part in its development throughout.

The present document has the following status:

For implementation

4.1. Version number

The Implementation Guide will have 2 levels of version numbering. This will be Version and Release. In addition there will be a Revision number.

  • The Version number (first number) will be updated when there have been major changes like new versions of the message type.
  • The Release number will be updated when there have been small changes to the IG, like adding new segments, new data elements etc. within the EDIFACT directory. These changes shall not influence existing implementations.
  • The Revision number will be updated when there have been minor changes, like correction of examples, adding new codes etc. These changes shall not influence existing implementations.

4.2. Corrections from earlier versions

Corrections from version 2.3.B:

  • The data model is changed to a class diagram based on UML (Unified Modelling Language).
  • A MOA segment is added in SG7.
  • The code “Z03, Difference between regulation market price and special regulation price” is added to PRI/SG8
  • The code “Z04, Volume fee” is added to PRI/SG8.

Corrections from version 2.3.A:

  • A comment is added to the MEA segment in SG8 stating that the measure unit qualifiers MWh/h and kWh/h not should be used in new applications.
  • MW and kW are added as measure units in the QTY segment in SG9.
  • The code “QTE, Quote price” is added to PRI/SG8.
  • The code “Z04, Quote quantity” is added to QTY/SG9.

5. Overview of the message

5.1. Class diagram for the Sales data report message

Shown below is a class diagram for the Sales data report message:

Figure 1Class diagram for the Sales data report message

Objects / Attributes / SLSRPT
Message / -Message reference
-Message type
-Message name
-Message Id.
(-Message function)
-Request for acknowledgement
-Message date
-Reporting period
-Time zone
-Sales channel (market)
(-Reference to earlier sent message)
(-Agreement id.)
Message trailer / UNH
Message party, e.g.:
-(In care of party for sender)
-(In care of party for receiver) / Party Id.
Contact person / NAD/SG1
Rate of exchange / (-Currencies)
(-Rate of exchange)
(-Rate of exchange date) / CUX/SG4
Time series / Area or Serial Id.
(Company 1)
(Area 1)
(Company 2)
(Area 2)
Time period (hour or part of hour)
Total report period (day or week summary)
Number of hours for the Area
Description of Area
Line no. (sequence)
(Reference to Quotation)
(Block number)
Measure unit / LOC/SG5
Price / Price

The attributes in parentheses are conditional attributes and are not necessarily transferred.

5.2. Cue list

Below is a table describing the EDIFACT message and the relationships to the attributes in the data model.

General information about the message
UNH / M / 1 / Message reference
Message type
BGM / M / 1 / Message name
Message Id.
(Message function)
Request for acknowledgement
DTM / M / 4 / Message date
Reporting period
Time zone
MKS / R / 1 / Sales channel (Market type)
SG 1 / M / 4
NAD / M / 1 / Message from
Document recipient
(In care of party 1)
(In care of party 2)
Contact person
SG 2 / O / 1
CTA / M / 1 / (Contact person)
SG 3 / O / 2
RFF / M / 1 / (Reference to earlier sent message)
(Agreement Id.)
SG 4 / D / 99
CUX / M / 1 / Currencies
Rate of exchange
DTM / D / 1 / Date/time related to the rate of exchange.
Serial Id., Area and Time
SG 5 / M / 200000
LOC / M / 1 / Area or Serial Id.
(Company 1)
(Area 1)
(Company 2)
(Area 2)
DTM / R / 3 / Time period (hour or part of hour)
Total report period (day or week summary)
Number of hours for the Area
FTX / D / 1 / Description of Area
Amount and Area
SG 7 / R / 1
LIN / M / 1 / Line no. (sequence)
RFF / O / 2 / (Reference to Quotation)
(Block number)
MOA / O / 1 / (Amount)
Prices and Currencies
SG 8 / D / 99
PRI / M / 1 / Prices
CUX / D / 1 / Currencies
SG 9 / D / 1
QTY / M / 1 / Quantity
Measure unit
Message trailer
UNT / M / 1 / Message trailer

As a minimum, the segment groups (with corresponding segments) marked with R or M have to be used in every message.

5.3. Message diagram

The Message diagram below shows the subset of the EDIFACT message that is used in this IG. All segments and segment groups are shown according to the classification in this subset. For a complete overview of the EDIFACT message, please see the next chapter (segment table).

Note: The message type used for the Sales data report message is extended in comparison to the EDIFACT UNSM message SLSRPT to achieve the needs for the power industry:

  • MKS, SG. 0New segment
  • SG. 4Extended from 5 to 99 repetitions
  • FTX, SG. 5New segment
  • PRI, SG. 7Removed
  • SG. 8New segment group
  • PRI, SG. 8New segment
  • CUX, SG. 8New segment

Figure 2Message diagram for the Sales data report message

5.4. Segment table

In this chapter the segment table for the Sales data report message (SLSRPT) is shown by the way it is described in version D, release 96A of the EDIFACT directory with exemption of the expansion mentioned below. The segments and segment groups that are used in this IG are shown in boldtype.

Note: The message type used for the Sales data report message is extended in comparison to the EDIFACT UNSM message SLSRPT to achieve the needs for the power industry:

  • MKS, SG. 0New segment
  • SG. 4Extended from 5 to 99 repetitions
  • FTX, SG. 5New segment
  • PRI, SG. 7Removed
  • SG. 8New segment group
  • PRI, SG. 8New segment
  • CUX, SG. 8New segment


UNH Message header M 1

BGM Beginning of message M 1

DTM Date/time/period M 5

MKS Market/sales channel information C 1

------Segment group 1 ------M 5 ------+

NAD Name and address M 1 ¦


------Segment group 2 ------C 5 -----+¦

CTA Contact information M 1 ¦¦

COM Communication contact C 5 ------+

------Segment group 3 ------C 5 ------+

RFF Reference M 1 ¦

DTM Date/time/period C 5 ------+

------Segment group 4 ------C 99 ------+

CUX Currencies M 1 ¦

DTM Date/time/period C 5 ------+


------Segment group 5 ------M 200000------+

LOC Place/location identification M 1 ¦

DTM Date/time/period C 5 ¦

FTX Free text C 5 ¦


------Segment group 6 ------C 99 -----+¦

RFF Reference M 1 ¦¦

DTM Date/time/period C 5 -----+¦


------Segment group 7 ------C 200000-----+¦

LIN Line item M 1 ¦¦

PIA Additional product id C 5 ¦¦

IMD Item description C 5 ¦¦

PAC Package C 5 ¦¦

RFF Reference C 5 ¦¦

DOC Document/message details C 5 ¦¦

ALI Additional information C 5 ¦¦

MOA Monetary amount C 5 ¦¦

PRI Price details C 5 ¦¦

GIN Goods identity number C 9999 ¦¦


------Segment group 8 ------C 999 ----+¦¦

PRI Price details M 1 ¦¦¦

CUX Currencies C 1 ----+¦¦


------Segment group 9 ------C 999 ----+¦¦

QTY Quantity M 1 ¦¦¦

MKS Market/sales channel information C 1 ¦¦¦

NAD Name and address C 1 ------+


UNT Message trailer M 1

5.5. Description of segments used

The segments and segment groups used in this IG are described below. The description is copied from version D, release 96A of the UN/EDIFACT directory with exemption of the expansion mentioned below. The way Ediel uses the segments is described in the next chapter.

Note: The message type used for the Sales data report message is extended in comparison to the EDIFACT UNSM message SLSRPT to achieve the needs for the power industry:

  • MKS, SG. 0New segment
  • SG. 4Extended from 5 to 99 repetitions
  • FTX, SG. 5New segment
  • PRI, SG. 7Removed
  • SG. 8New segment group
  • PRI, SG. 8New segment
  • CUX, SG. 8New segment

Information to be provided in the Header Section:

UNH, Message header

A service segment starting and uniquely identifying the message. The message type code for the UN Sales Data Report Message is SLSRPT. Note: Sales data report message conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009:

Data element0065 SLSRPT

0052 D

0054 96A

0051 ZZ

Data element 0051 contains the code «ZZ» because the message type used for the Sales Data Report Message is expanded in comparison to the standard EDIFACT UNSM message SLSRPT.

BGM, Beginning of message

A segment by which the sender must uniquely identify the sales data report by means of its type and number.

DTM, Date/time/period

A segment specifying general dates and, when relevant, times related to the whole message. The sales report preparation date and the sales period covered by the report must be specified using this segment.

MKS, Market/sales channel information

To identify market and sales channel details for products and services information.

Segment Group 1: NAD-SG2

A group of segments identifying the parties with associated information.

NAD, Name and address

A segment identifying names and addresses of the parties, in coded or clear form, and their functions relevant to the sales data report. Identification of the sender of the report and the recipient is mandatory for the sales data report message. It is recommended that where possible only the coded form of the party ID should be specified e. g. the sender and receiver of the report are known to each other, thus only the coded ID is required, but when a new address might have to be clearly specified, this should be done preferably in structured format.

Segment Group 2: CTA

A group of segments giving contact details of the specific person or department within the party identified in the NAD segment.

CTA, Contact information

A segment to identify a person or department, and their function, to whom communications should be directed.

Segment group 3: RFF

A group of segments for giving references and where necessary, their dates, relating to the whole message e. g. contract number.

RFF, Reference

A segment identifying the reference by its number and where appropriate a line number within the document.

Segment group 4: CUX-DTM

A group of segments specifying the currencies and related dates/periods valid for the whole sales data report. The Segment Group 4 may be omitted in national applications but will be required for international exchanges.

CUX, Currencies

A segment identifying the currencies specified in the sales data report e. g. the currency in which the sales amounts or product prices are expressed in. A rate of exchange may be given to convert a reference currency into a target currency.

DTM, Date/time/period

A segment specifying the date/time/period related to the rate of exchange.

Information to be provided in the Detail Section:

Segment Group 5: LOC-DTM-FTX-SG7

A group of segments providing details of the location for which sales are being reported and the period or sub-period during which the sales took place. There must be at least one occurrence of Segment group 5 within a sales data report.

LOC, Place/location identification

A segment indicating in coded form the location to which the sales data being reported apply e. g. a retail outlet, a geographic area.

DTM, Date/time/period

A segment identifying the sub-period during which the sales being reported occurred if different than the period specified in the heading section e. g. within a biweekly sales data report as specified in the heading section, sales are reported in sub-periods of one week.

FTX, Free text

A segment with free text information, in coded or clear form, used when additional information is needed but cannot be accommodated within other segments. In computer to computer exchanges such text will normally require the receiver to process this segment manually.

Segment Group 7: LIN-MOA-SG8-SG9

A group of segments providing details per location and period of the individual products sold in terms of product family or group, promotional flags, total sale monetary amount and sale price.

LIN, Line item

A segment identifying the line item by the line number and configuration level, and additionally identifying the product or service that has been sold.

RFF, Reference

A segment for referencing documents or other numbers pertinent to the line item.

MOA, Monetary amount

A segment specifying any monetary amounts relating to the product. For the sales data report the MOA segment can be used to express the total monetary amount of the product sold in one location for one period.

Segment Group 8: PRI-CUX

A group of segments providing prices and currencies per location and period.

PRI, Price details

A segment to specify the price type and amount. The price used in the calculation of the total sales monetary amount will normally be the selling price.

CUX, Currencies

A segment identifying the currencies and rate of exchange for each Line item.

Segment Group 9: QTY-RFF-LOC

A group of segments providing split delivery sales parties and relevant quantities information.

QTY, Quantity

A segment identifying the product quantity, i. e. quantity sold.

UNT, Message trailer

A service segment ending a message giving the total number of segments in the message and the control reference number of the message.

6. Detailed description of the message

In this chapter all segments and segment groups are specified in detail. In the left column you will find a list of the attributes used.

The EDIFACT segments listed are copies of those defined in the original UN/EDIFACT directory except for data elements defined as conditional (C) which are redefined using the classification described in the Functional Description [3].

Note: The message type used for the Sales data report message is extended in comparison to the EDIFACT UNSM message SLSRPT to achieve the needs for the power industry:

  • MKS, SG. 0New segment
  • SG. 4Extended from 5 to 99 repetitions
  • FTX, SG. 5New segment
  • PRI, SG. 7Removed
  • SG. 8New segment group
  • PRI, SG. 8New segment
  • CUX, SG. 8New segment

Ediel8. March 2000