Imperial Destiny Campaign III

Session Sixty-two

“Duking It Out”

Readying 6.0-6.2, 782 CY


Recorded by Actarius Constans Maidenpool, as reported to Tribune Numerius Bessida



  • Identify and eliminate the true source of the abductions of the harvesting expedition
  • Gather information on the All-Devourer


  • Liberate any surviving members of the harvesting expedition


  • Find potential allies for the Empire, especially those with useful skills that can be employed
  • Learn more of the wizard-kings and their former realms
  • Learn of old Otherland history, especially the disappearance of the gods
  • Learn all that can be learned of the All-Devourer


  • Redjack: Find sorcerers in Otherland that can potentially be recruited
  • Sparrow: Find old Otherland magic unknown to the Empire
  • Kira: Investigate the unusually high level of negative energy in the Anzihein region


Darafayen explained that the army of Devourer’s Children had taken strong defensive positions to defend the entrances to the Otherdark from attack from the surface. The squad’s successes in the Otherdark to date had forced them to commit these forces to a defensive posture. The goggler high priest led a strong force including goggler troops, diregund warriors, and a dozen mind flayers to sack the dwur homeland. This force then travelled to all of the known flux arcana points, though the rockseers did not know to what purpose. The goggler high priest was believed to have then returned to the City of the Glass Pool, but left the roving forces under the command of a goggler duke. The rockseers were forced to retreat to their homeland due to vigorous searches being conducted for them by the duke’s forces.

A lengthy planning session by the squad led to the decision to make another attempt to assassinate the goggler high priest. Sparrow teleported the squad and auxiliaries back to Novo Elredd to begin preparations.

Sparrow met with Othermaster Deadeyes to update him on the current situation in the Otherdark. Sparrow learned that Kid Death’s whereabouts since the Brewfest dueling tournament were unknown.

Sunsebb 7/Readying 6.1

The squad heavily warded and enhanced themselves with spells to prepare for battle. Sparrow then attempted to teleport them into the chamber of the glass pool but was blocked. A second attempt also failed, leading the squad to conclude that the area had been magically warded against teleportation. Sparrow consulted with Othermaster Deadeyes and the two concluded that the goggler high priest had likely conjured forbiddance spells around the chamber of the glass pool.

Sunsebb 8/Readying 6.2

Sparrow scryed on the goggler duke and located him in one of the flying death caves. The squad again readied itself for battle with heavy magical protections and enhancements before having Sparrow teleport them into the cave with the goggler duke. A force of approximately 20 goggler warriors was present in separate caves. The squad easily crushed the surprised defenders and captured the duke. The only serious opposition came from the duke and a goggler who demonstrated a surprising degree of knowledge of the martial arts of the monk orders, though it was summarily dispatched as well.

Sparrow teleported the squad and the captive goggler duke back to Novo Elredd. The unconscious goggler duke was given to the War Wizards for safekeeping. The squad reported its successful strike to Tribune Bessida and Othermaster Deadeyes before beginning plans for interrogating the captive.