Impact of your donation – stretching your dollars!
Only $2 per pay covers:
- 102 "Eat Well, Live Longer" pamphlets
- a new batting helmet, umpire's mask or chest protector.
- crafts and games for Mentors and Mentees to share together
- crafts and healthy snacks for 6 Teen Program sessions
- craft and game activities for Mentors and Mentees to share together
- ten blankets or 18 hygiene kits that can be distributed to the affected individuals in an emergency
- five hampers with soup and bun for 135 clients/day
- ten people to receive information about living with spinal cord injury
- A person to go to day camp
- Six hours of gasoline for truck to pick up and deliver food in Fraser Valley for the food bank
Only $5 per paycovers:
- food for one week to a family of three
- 21 "Congenital Heart Disease" pamphlets - important resources as 1 in every 100 babies born has some form of heart defect
- 2 or 3 high quality board games at the youthcentre
- a new bat, or cover the cost of one of a youth umpire's certification.
- pre-match training for up to 60 mentors
- 4-5 families with food hampers
- 4 people to participate in an educational webinar to gain knowledge about living with a spinal cord injury.
- one student to attend our Summer Arts Camp
- one volunteer from Inquiry to Matching
- Funds 4 people with MS to attend a Newly Diagnosed Workshop
- entry of one family to the 3 day Adventure Camp
- artand craft supplies for 10 to 15 preschoolers for three preschool programs a week for up to a month.
$20 per pay covers:
- Clothing for 4 people or accommodation for 4 nights for 4-8 people
- 1062 "You've Had a TIA" informative pamphlets
- 50 Books for Babies Resource kits for 50 families (Materials include a guide for parents, a board book, a CD of rhymes and songs and information about local library resources.)
- for all our youth umpires to get their current year level one Provincial certification.
- 25 safety training sessions for children in the elementary schools
- clothing for four people or accommodation for 4 nights for 4-8 people
- 40 large family food hampers.
- Eight one-to-one peer matches (to connect people living with similar spinal cord injuries.)
- One complete year's tuition for one student in our recreational program
- Training for 12-13 Self-Help Group Facilitators.
- 35 participants to go on five community field trips from September to June
$40 per pay covers:
- training, tools, equipment and support for a volunteer so they are ready to respond in an emergency.
- 3188 "Get Your Blood Pressure Under Control" pamphlets –an important resource as 642,012 people in BC suffer from high blood pressure.
- the cost of hosting an NCCP Coaching Certification Clinic for our team coaches.
- the cost of one 'Mentor - Mentee' match for one year
- holiday turkeys for 50-60 hampers
- the cost to reduce social isolation for 13 people living with spinal cord injury through participation in a life-changing activity.
- clients to purchase customized cushions for their wheel chairs to help prevent pressure ulcers and provide support to hold
- meals for 35 participants/week for 8 weeks.
- meals for 20 youth/week for 12 weeks.