Impact of Search on Going to College
Search is a trusted, valued and highly utilized resource among college students. It enables them to find the products and information they are looking for and to discover new information they may not have even known about.
Search Impacts College Decision
79% of students rely on keyword search for
·  Initial information (curriculum, degree programs, admissions/application materials)
·  Financial aid, scholarships, student loans,
·  College life, campus info, etc.
Resources college students preferred when researching college:
·  Keyword Search 82%
·  Friends/Family 71%
·  Books 48%
Source: Yahoo! Search Marketing 2006
Search Engines are the #1 Way Users Find Web sites:
·  85% Search engine results
·  55% Link from another Web site
·  50% Email from a friend or family member
·  46% Typed the Web address/URL
·  42% Word of mouth
·  34% Print advertisement
Source: Forrester’s Research, Inc.
Google (AOL, Ask Jeeves, Lycos, Earthlink)
Yahoo (AltaVista,
MSN / What
Search Engine Optimization: The science and art of optimizing the chances that the site places well in a Web search.
Through the use of proven search marketing tactics, you can help elevate your site’s presence in the search engines, increase volume of qualified applications, site engagement metrics, and other desirable outcomes.
Search Advertising
Paid: Immediate and controlled results (day trading)
Google AD Words Paid Advertising (conference call today)
·  Find your Target Audience: Place the Texas Tech name in front of students at the exact moment they are raising their hand and searching for a specific program/degree you offer
·  Control Costs: Only pay if a potential student sees your ad, clicks, and goes to your website. Or via Daily Spending Limit.
·  Geographic Targeting: Design a campaign to only show your ad to students in a specific area/areas
·  Demographic Targeting: Hand-select various websites to run Texas Tech ads on in order to hit your target (diversified) demographic (Site Targeting)
·  Budget: Universities that run with Google Ad Words spend anywhere from $300 - $5,000 / day on Google.
Natural Search Engine Optimization
Free: Long term (retirement planning)
·  Site design
·  Writing for Web
·  Meta and other coding
·  Search engines love .edu’s! We get immediate results using natural strategies.

Presented 5/15/06 :: System Web Team :: Lisa Low, Ryan Pharis