Change Proposal Circular
To / BSC Change Administrators (BCAs)/ Party Agent Change Administrators (PACAs)No. / CPC00631
Purpose / For Consultation
From / Change Delivery
Date / 11 April 2008
CPC00631: Impact Assessment of DCP0030, CP1232, CP1237, CP1238, CP1239, CP1240, CP1241, CP1242, CP1243 and CP1244
In CPC00630 there is1 Draft Change Proposal (DCP) and 9 Change Proposals for Impact Assessment by your organisation:
Draft Change Proposals
DCP No. / Title / SVA/CVA / Summary of Proposal0030 / Improving Microgeneration Processes in the Code Subsidiary Documents. / SVA / DCP0030 has been raised from ‘issue 2: Review of Microgeneration Processes in the Code Subsidiary Documents’ and seeks to add transparency to the process of microgeneration installation by ensuring that the Import MPAN Supplier is aware that microgeneration is being installed.
There are specific questions relating to DCP0030 (which can be seen on DCP0030 Impact Assessment form below). Participants are encouraged to provide responses to these questions.
For details on the expected impacts on participants, please refer to the DCP Participant Impact Matrix via the following link:DCP Participant Impact Matrix
Change Proposals
CP No. / Title / SVA/CVA / Summary of Proposal1232 / Clarification of Technical Requirements for CoP2 / SVA/CVA / Changes to CoP2 have resulted in existing Meters/Outstations that were previously compliant with CoP2, becoming non-compliant. Combined with a lack of new products, which comply, being developed means there are few products available for new installations.
CP1232 was raised by npower and seeks to amend the CoP2 requirements so that equipment compliant before February 2008 would continue to be compliant whilst new products are being developed and approved.
The estimated ELEXON implementation cost £220.
CP1232 is targeted at the November 2008 Release.
1237 / Movement of functional requirements in PSL160 to BSCP501 following the creation of generic non-functional PSL100 / SVA/CVA / Following the creation of a generic non functional PSL (PSL100) CP1237 was raised by ELEXON to move functional requirements from PSL160 to BSCP501 in order to eliminate duplication.
The estimated ELEXON implementation cost is £220.
CP1237 is targeted at the November 2008 Release.
1238 / Requirement to mandate compliance testing for Meters and Outstations / SVA/CVA / CP1238 was raised on 29 February 2008 by ELEXON and proposes to include an amendment to CoP1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 stating that for Meters and Outstations, compliance with the CoP shall be evidenced by following the relevant procedures and requirements set out in BSCP601 and obtaining the appropriate certificates and approvals.
The estimated ELEXON implementation cost is £110.
CP1238 is targeted at the November 2008 Release.
1239 / Registration of Non-Standard BM Units / SVA/CVA / Recent applications have been received for non-standard BM Units relating to Wind farm operators and with more Wind farm installations being planned in the future, there are likely to be more applications for non-standard BM Unit approvals.
CP1239 was raised by ELEXON on 29 February 08 and proposes to modify BSCP15 to state that applications for non-standard BM Units will require longer timescales, and that Parties should contact ELEXON in the first instance so that potential Effective From Dates may be discussed.
The estimated ELEXON implementation is £110.
CP1239 is targeted at the November 2008 Release.
1240 / Reinforcement of the legal status of the Qualification Service Provider under the BSCP537 Qualification Letter / SVA/CVA / CP1240 was raised on 29 February 08 and seeks to add additional wording to the BSCP537 Qualification Letter as proposed by the Qualification Service Provider to reinforce the existing legal position.
The estimated ELEXON implementation cost is £600.
CP1240 is targeted at the November 2008 Release.
1241 / Clarification of Interest payments by Non-Paying BSC Debtors / CVA / The practice for charging interest to both the Non-Paying BSC Debtor and other Parties remains undefined.CP1241 was raised on 29 February 08 by ELEXON and proposes that the FAA Service Description is updated to include a statement describing the actual FAA practice for charging interest to Non-Paying BSC Debtors.
The estimated ELEXON implementation cost is £1,540. CP1241 is targeted at the November 2008 Release.
1242 / Movement of the functional requirements within PSL180 into BSCP06. / SVA/CVA / Following the creation of a generic non functional PSL (PSL100) CP1242 was raised by ELEXON to move functional requirements from PSL180 to BSCP06 in order to eliminate duplication.
The estimated ELEXON implementation cost is £440.
CP1242 is targeted at the November 2008 Release.
1243 / Mandating HHDC checks on quality of Meter Technical Details / SVA / CP1243 was raised on 2 April 2008, and proposes that a new section be added to the appendices of BSCP502 mandating that HHDCs run a check on their systems each month to identify all instances of CoP1, 2 or 3 MSIDs on their system which have 2 main Meters registered to them. Additionally, the section will mandate that HHDCs identify CoP5 MSIDs which have check Meters registered to them. The HHDCs should then follow up these instances as necessary with the HHMOA, in order to understand whether each of the instances identified is genuine or has incorrect Meter Technical Details held against it.
The estimated ELEXON implementation cost is £110.
CP1243 is targeted at the November 2008 Release
1244 / Remove Authorisation Categories ZB & ZC from BSCP38 and amend BSCP537 to remove relevant references to BSCP38 and to include an amended statement on who can submit BSCP537 forms to ELEXON / SVA/CVA / The CRA is responsible for processing all Authorisation Categories BSCP38. Categories ZB & ZCrelate to all Market Participants that are required to comply with BSCP537, which includes SVA Party Agents.
The CRA system does not currently store information on SVA Party Agents, so cannot process requests from SVA Party Agents to register Category ZB & ZC Authorised Persons.
CP1244 was raised on 02 April 08 and proposes the removal of Authorisation Categories ZB & ZC from BSCP38 and amend to BSCP537 to include an amended statement on who can submit BSCP537 forms to ELEXON.
The estimated ELEXON implementation cost is £550.
CP1244 is targeted at the November 2008 Release.
For details on the expected impacts for each CP on participants, please refer to the CP Participant Impact Matrix[1] via the following link:CP Participant Impact Matrix
Impact Assessment
Please carry out an Impact Assessment and Redline text review, as appropriate, of the attached DCPs/CPs and return your response using the attached forms by 5:00pm on Thursday 1May 2008. Please let me know as soon as possible if you are unable to meet this deadline. Please note that lack of any response to a CPC does not indicate a negative response.
If you have any queries please contact me on 020 7380 4327 or email . Alternatively, contact the ELEXON Helpdesk on 020 7380 4222 or email .
David Barber
ELEXON Change Delivery
Table of Attachments
DCP/ CP No. / Attached DocumentsDCP0030 / DCP0030
DCP0030 Attachment A
DCP0030 Attachment B
CP1232 / CP1232
CP1232 Attachment A – CoP2 Issue 4 v3.0 redlined
CP1232 Attachment B – BSCP601 v9.0 redlined
CP1237 / CP1237
CP1237 Attachment A - Requirements Matrix
CP1237 Attachment B – BSCP501 Redlined
CP1237 Attachment C – BSCP537 Appendix 1 redlined
CP1237 Attachment D – BSCP533 Appendix B redlined
CP1238 / CP1238
CP1238 Attachment A – CoP1 issue 2 v3.0 redlined
CP1238 Attachment B – CoP2 issue 4 v3.0 redlined
CP1238 Attachment C – CoP3 issue 5 v5.0 redlined
CP1238 Attachment D – CoP5 issue 6 v5.0 redlined
CP1238 Attachment E – CoP6 issue 4 v5.0 redlined
CP1239 / CP1239
CP1239 Attachment A – BSCP15 redlined
CP1240 / CP1240
CP1240 Attachment A – BSCP537 v3.0 redlined
CP1241 / CP1241
CP1242 / CP1242
CP1242 Attachment A – BSCP06 redlined
CP1242 Attachment B – CVA MOA PSL180 Mapping Matrices
CP1242 Attachment C – BSCP06 Reverse mapping matrix
CP1242 Attachment D – BSCP537 Appendix 1 redlined
CP1243 / CP1243
CP1243 Attachment A – BSCP502 v16.0 redlined
CP1244 / CP1244
CP1244 Attachment A – BSCP38 v16.0 redlined
CP1244 Attachment B – BSCP537 v3.0 redlined
CP1244 Attachment C – BSCP537 Appendix 1 redlined
To: David Barber
Draft Change Proposal Impact Assessment Forms
Organisation:Capacity Organisation operates in (e.g. Supplier, HDDC, etc.)
Assessor Name
Contact Name (if different to Assessor) / BCA/PACA:
Contact email: / Phone no:
Please tick if this information is to be used for all DCPs/CPs:
Draft Change Proposal Impact Assessment Form / DCP No: / 0030
Agree Change? (Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No/ Neutral
Respondents are specifically requested to provide comments on DCP0030 relating to:
Question 1: / Stage (c) of the process: Is there a better alternative to the Meter Operator using a D0002 flow to inform the Import Supplier the results of the investigation? It was suggested that an amended D0005 ‘Instruction on Action’ flow could be used instead. It is noted that if the D0005 were to be used, then the flow itself would need to be updated to allow Meter Operators to send D0005’s to Suppliers. This means that a parallel change would be needed under the MRA.
Answer 1
Question 2 / Are the suggested timescales for each individual stage of the process (i.e.10 Working Days) appropriate? It has been suggested that these could be considered too long, given the length of the overall process.
Answer 2
Impact on Organisation’s Systems and/or Processes? (Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No
Capacity in which Organisation is impacted (e.g. Supplier, HHDC, etc)
Impact on Organisation (e.g. systems/process changes)
How much Implementation Notification would be required from receipt of approved redline text changes?
No. of Calendar Days / Comments
Other Comments:
Assessor Name
Contact Name (if different to Assessor) / BCA/PACA:
Contact email: / Phone no:
Change Proposal Impact Assessment Forms
Change Proposal Impact Assessment Form / CP No: / 1232Title: / Clarification of Technical Requirements for CoP2
Proposed Implementation Date: / November 2008 Release
Agree Change?(Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No/ Neutral
Comments / Comments
Impact on Organisation’s Systems and/or Processes?(Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No
Capacity in which Organisation is impacted (e.g. Supplier, HHDC, etc)
Impact on Organisation (e.g. systems/process changes)
How much Implementation Notification is required from receipt of approved redline text changes?
No. of Calendar Days / Comments
Would implementation in the proposed Release have an adverse impact? (please state impact)
Other Comments:
Assessor Name
Contact Name (if different to Assessor) / BCA/PACA:
Contact email: / Phone no:
Please review the Redline text for CP1232 and use the following table to for any comments you have.
Point no. / Document name (e.g. BSCPXXXX/CoPX) / Location (Section and paragraph numbers) / Severity Code (H/M/L – see below) / Comments by Reviewer
Severity Codes:
H (high): Prejudices document’s conclusions, recommendations or fitness for purpose.
M (medium): Matter of substance, but not high.
L (low): Minor error but document’s intention is clear.
Change Proposal Impact Assessment Form / CP No: / 1237Title: / Movement of functional requirements in PSL160 to BSCP501 following the creation of generic non-functional PSL100
Proposed Implementation Date: / November 2008 Release
Agree Change?(Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No/ Neutral
Comments / Comments
Impact on Organisation’s Systems and/or Processes?(Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No
Capacity in which Organisation is impacted (e.g. Supplier, HHDC, etc)
Impact on Organisation (e.g. systems/process changes)
How much Implementation Notification is required from receipt of approved redline text changes?
No. of Calendar Days / Comments
Would implementation in the proposed Release have an adverse impact? (please state impact)
Other Comments:
Assessor Name
Contact Name (if different to Assessor) / BCA/PACA:
Contact email: / Phone no:
Please review the Redline text for CP1237 and use the following table to for any comments you have.
Point no. / Document name (e.g. BSCPXXXX/CoPX) / Location (Section and paragraph numbers) / Severity Code (H/M/L – see below) / Comments by Reviewer
Severity Codes:
H (high): Prejudices document’s conclusions, recommendations or fitness for purpose.
M (medium): Matter of substance, but not high.
L (low): Minor error but document’s intention is clear.
Change Proposal Impact Assessment Form / CP No: / 1238Title: / Requirement to mandate compliance testing for Meters and Outstations
Proposed Implementation Date: / November 2008 Release
Agree Change?(Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No/ Neutral
Comments / Comments
Impact on Organisation’s Systems and/or Processes?(Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No
Capacity in which Organisation is impacted (e.g. Supplier, HHDC, etc)
Impact on Organisation (e.g. systems/process changes)
How much Implementation Notification is required from receipt of approved redline text changes?
No. of Calendar Days / Comments
Would implementation in the proposed Release have an adverse impact? (please state impact)
Other Comments:
Assessor Name
Contact Name (if different to Assessor) / BCA/PACA:
Contact email: / Phone no:
Please review the Redline text for CP1238 and use the following table to for any comments you have.
Point no. / Document name (e.g. BSCPXXXX/CoPX) / Location (Section and paragraph numbers) / Severity Code (H/M/L – see below) / Comments by Reviewer
Severity Codes:
H (high): Prejudices document’s conclusions, recommendations or fitness for purpose.
M (medium): Matter of substance, but not high.
L (low): Minor error but document’s intention is clear.
Change Proposal Impact Assessment Form / CP No: / 1239Title: / Registration of Non-Standard BM Units
Proposed Implementation Date: / November 2008 Release
Agree Change?(Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No/ Neutral
Comments / Comments
Impact on Organisation’s Systems and/or Processes?(Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No
Capacity in which Organisation is impacted (e.g. Supplier, HHDC, etc)
Impact on Organisation (e.g. systems/process changes)
How much Implementation Notification is required from receipt of approved redline text changes?
No. of Calendar Days / Comments
Would implementation in the proposed Release have an adverse impact? (please state impact)
Other Comments:
Assessor Name
Contact Name (if different to Assessor) / BCA/PACA:
Contact email: / Phone no:
Please review the Redline text for CP1239 and use the following table to for any comments you have.
Point no. / Document name (e.g. BSCPXXXX/CoPX) / Location (Section and paragraph numbers) / Severity Code (H/M/L – see below) / Comments by Reviewer
Severity Codes:
H (high): Prejudices document’s conclusions, recommendations or fitness for purpose.
M (medium): Matter of substance, but not high.
L (low): Minor error but document’s intention is clear.
Change Proposal Impact Assessment Form / CP No: / 1240Title: / Reinforcement of the legal status of the Qualification Service Provider under the BSCP537 Qualification Letter
Proposed Implementation Date: / November 2008 Release
Agree Change?(Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No/ Neutral
Comments / Comments
Impact on Organisation’s Systems and/or Processes?(Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No
Capacity in which Organisation is impacted (e.g. Supplier, HHDC, etc)
Impact on Organisation (e.g. systems/process changes)
How much Implementation Notification is required from receipt of approved redline text changes?
No. of Calendar Days / Comments
Would implementation in the proposed Release have an adverse impact? (please state impact)
Other Comments:
Assessor Name
Contact Name (if different to Assessor) / BCA/PACA:
Contact email: / Phone no:
Please review the Redline text for CP1240 and use the following table to for any comments you have.
Point no. / Document name (e.g. BSCPXXXX/CoPX) / Location (Section and paragraph numbers) / Severity Code (H/M/L – see below) / Comments by Reviewer
Severity Codes:
H (high): Prejudices document’s conclusions, recommendations or fitness for purpose.
M (medium): Matter of substance, but not high.
L (low): Minor error but document’s intention is clear.
Change Proposal Impact Assessment Form / CP No: / 1241Title: / Clarification of Interest payments by Non-Paying BSC Debtors
Proposed Implementation Date: / November 2008 Release
Agree Change?(Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No/ Neutral
Comments / Comments
Impact on Organisation’s Systems and/or Processes?(Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No
Capacity in which Organisation is impacted (e.g. Supplier, HHDC, etc)
Impact on Organisation (e.g. systems/process changes)
How much Implementation Notification is required from receipt of approved redline text changes?
No. of Calendar Days / Comments
Would implementation in the proposed Release have an adverse impact? (please state impact)
Other Comments:
Assessor Name
Contact Name (if different to Assessor) / BCA/PACA:
Contact email: / Phone no:
Change Proposal Impact Assessment Form / CP No: / 1242
Title: / Movement of the functional requirements within PSL180 ‘CVA Meter Operation’ into BSCP06.
Proposed Implementation Date: / November 2008 Release
Agree Change?(Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No/ Neutral
Comments / Comments
Impact on Organisation’s Systems and/or Processes?(Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No
Capacity in which Organisation is impacted (e.g. Supplier, HHDC, etc)
Impact on Organisation (e.g. systems/process changes)
How much Implementation Notification is required from receipt of approved redline text changes?
No. of Calendar Days / Comments
Would implementation in the proposed Release have an adverse impact? (please state impact)
Other Comments:
Assessor Name
Contact Name (if different to Assessor) / BCA/PACA:
Contact email: / Phone no:
Please review the Redline text for CP1242 and use the following table to for any comments you have.
Point no. / Document name (e.g. BSCPXXXX/CoPX) / Location (Section and paragraph numbers) / Severity Code (H/M/L – see below) / Comments by Reviewer
Severity Codes:
H (high): Prejudices document’s conclusions, recommendations or fitness for purpose.
M (medium): Matter of substance, but not high.
L (low): Minor error but document’s intention is clear.
Change Proposal Impact Assessment Form / CP No: / 1243Title: / Mandating HHDC checks on quality of Meter Technical Details
Proposed Implementation Date: / November 2008 Release
Agree Change?(Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No/ Neutral
Comments / Comments
Impact on Organisation’s Systems and/or Processes?(Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No
Capacity in which Organisation is impacted (e.g. Supplier, HHDC, etc)
Impact on Organisation (e.g. systems/process changes)
How much Implementation Notification is required from receipt of approved redline text changes?
No. of Calendar Days / Comments
Would implementation in the proposed Release have an adverse impact? (please state impact)
Other Comments:
Assessor Name
Contact Name (if different to Assessor) / BCA/PACA:
Contact email: / Phone no:
Please review the Redline text for CP1243 and use the following table to for any comments you have.
Point no. / Document name (e.g. BSCPXXXX/CoPX) / Location (Section and paragraph numbers) / Severity Code (H/M/L – see below) / Comments by Reviewer
Severity Codes:
H (high): Prejudices document’s conclusions, recommendations or fitness for purpose.
M (medium): Matter of substance, but not high.
L (low): Minor error but document’s intention is clear.
Change Proposal Impact Assessment Form / CP No: / 1244Title: / Remove Authorisation Categories ZB & ZC from BSCP38 and amend BSCP537 to remove relevantreferences to BSCP38 and to include an amended statement on who can submit BSCP537 forms to ELEXON
Proposed Implementation Date: / November 2008 Release
Agree Change?(Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No/ Neutral
Comments / Comments
Impact on Organisation’s Systems and/or Processes?(Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No
Capacity in which Organisation is impacted (e.g. Supplier, HHDC, etc)
Impact on Organisation (e.g. systems/process changes)
How much Implementation Notification is required from receipt of approved redline text changes?
No. of Calendar Days / Comments
Would implementation in the proposed Release have an adverse impact? (please state impact)
Other Comments:
Assessor Name
Contact Name (if different to Assessor) / BCA/PACA:
Contact email: / Phone no:
Please review the Redline text for CP1244 and use the following table to for any comments you have.
Point no. / Document name (e.g. BSCPXXXX/CoPX) / Location (Section and paragraph numbers) / Severity Code (H/M/L – see below) / Comments by Reviewer
Severity Codes: