Enclosure 1
Immokalee Master Plan and Visioning Committee and
Community Redevelopment Agency Advisory Committee
August 19, 2009
- Call to Order. The meeting was called to order by Fred N. Thomas, Jr. at 8:40 A.M.
- Roll Call and Announcement of a Quorum.
Advisory Board/EZDA Members Present:
Fred N. Thomas, Rick Heers, Floyd Crews, Richard Rice, Ana Salazar, Kitchell Snow,Eva Deyo, ChiefTom Davis, Robert Halman, James Wall, and Edward “Ski” Olesky.
Advisory Board/EZDA Members Absent/Excused:
Julio Estremera, Michael Facundo and Richard Rice (left at 9:30).
Action:A quorum was announced as being present.
Immokalee Master Plan and Visioning Committee Present:
Clarence S. Tears, Jr., Edward “Ski” Olesky, Floyd Crews, Fred N. Thomas, Jr., Rick Heers,Carrie Williams, Jean Paul and Pam Brown.
IMPVC Members Absent/Excused:
Estil Null and Richard Rice.
Action:A quorum was announced as being present.
Others Present: Patrick Vanasse, Tracy Crowe, Ray Kay, Paula McMichael, Jim Seabasty, Bob Mulhere, Birgit Pauli-Haack, Mitch Hutchcraft, Jeff Randall, Steve Hart, and Theresa Cook.
Staff: Penny Phillippi and Christie Betancourt.
- Introductions.
Each person introduced themselves.
- Adoption of Agenda.
Addition to Agenda.
Action:The Agenda was adopted with the addition of Item H.c. -ImmokaleeAirportafter a motion by Mr. Crews and a second by Ms. Deyo.
- Announcements.
The first addition of the Immokalee CRA Monthly Newsletter was announced.
- Communications.
- August Public Notices
- July News Articles
- Consent Agenda.
- Approval of Minutes.
Action:The Minutes of the Regular Meeting July 15, 2009 were approved unanimously after a motion by Mr. Rice and a second by Mr. Heers.
- Old Business.
- Master Plan Review.
- Transportation Committee Report
Dick Rice, with an assist by Bob Mulhere of RWA reported on the Transportation Sub-Committee meeting on the creation of a Transportation Concurrency Exception Area for Immokalee. Tindale-Oliver will bring back the Sub-Committee’s recommendations for a final review by the full Advisory Board.
- Sufficiency Review Meeting Report
Fred Thomas reported that all in-suffiencies were addressed by RWA and the Master Plan was re-submitted to CDES on August 14, 2009, well under the 30 day period.
- Public Realm Plan and Form Based Code.
Via a PowerPoint presentation, RWA’s Patrick Vanasse presented a review of the plans to date, specifically the Plaza Designs and the Main Street landscaping. With the assistance of Tracy Crowe, he then presented the Form Based codes with colors, setbacks, etc.
Action:After a motion by Dick Rice that the CRA advisory Board and the IMPVC adopt as the CRA Vision for Immokalee, the statement as read aloud by the Executive Director, and a second by Chief Davis, the new vision was adopted by unanimous vote.
- ImmokaleeBusinessDevelopmentCenter.
The Executive Director provided copies and a brief overview of the CRA proposal to the Airport Authority Board as well as that Board’s request that a more detailed proposal be brought back to them at the September meeting.
Action:James Wall motioned that the CRA Advisory Board and the IMPVC support the EasternCollierCounty Chamber of Commerce in its efforts to gain fund from the BCC for the BusinessDevelopmentCenter. Rick Heers seconded the motion and it was passed by unanimous vote.
- Airport Authority Discussion.
Mr. Floyd Crews requested that the CRA Advisory Board and the IMPVC create a letter of confidence in support of the Airport Authority Board and the Executive Director, Theresa Cook.
Action:Pam Brown made a motion that the CRA Advisory Board and the IMPVC create a letter of confidence in support of the Airport Authority Board and the Executive Director, Theresa Cook. Chief Davis seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote.
I.New Business.
No new business was presented at this meeting.
- Citizen Comments.
Ray Kay, Public Adjustor complimented the committees on their work and provided a brief presentation of his business, offering assistance with distressed properties.
K.Next Meeting Date.September 15, 2009 at 8:30 A.M.
- Adjournment. This meeting was adjourned at 10:50 A.M