Assignment #1
- You are to research the history of United States immigration policy. Please print out or create a timeline representing the evolution of Immigration Policy in United States history from 1607-2016
Assignment #2
- Your group needs to compile a list of potential issues/questions as it relates to Immigration from the Lens/perspective you were assigned. You need to present that to the class.
Assignment #3
- You need to choose 3 preliminary research questions and begin researching them. In your research you must use a variety of sources from more than 1 perspective/side of the argument. These questions are preliminary. They can and will be tweaked as a result of your research and self-examination/assessment of them. From these questions you will eventually be responsible for choosing 1 question to research, write an IWA on, and present to the class.
Assignment #4
- Once your research question has been approved you need to thoroughly research the question/topic. At this time the only parameters that are placed on your research is as follows
- It needs to consider multiple perspectives
- It needs to provoke thought in you from multiple perspectives
- You need to cite your sources
- It needs to be as complete and thorough as you can be in the timeframe
- It needs to lend to the credibility of your Thesis(argument)
- From your research you need to come up with your final draft of your research question (it is ok if it has been refined due to your research)
- From your research you need to develop a preliminary Thesis statement that establishes your argument in response to the research question.
- You need to turn in both your research question and Thesis statement to Mr. Printz for approval.
Assignment #5
- You are to compile a 2-3 page rough draft Individual Witten Argument Report in response to your research question. It needs to follow these guidelines
- Typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font, standard margins.
- Needs to use MLA or APA format for annotation
Assignment #6
- You are to put together a presentation of your research question, thesis, and evidence. The presentation can be done in any presentation platform you select(powerpoint, prezi, etc). Your presentation should comply with the PT 2 Rubric. It should be no less than 3 minutes and no more than 5. At the end of your presentation you will be asked to some oral defense questions.