Town Board Meeting

November 14th, 2017

Immediately Following the Special Meeting of Electors

Manitowish Waters Community Center

Meeting called to order at7:16p.m.

Present: Town Chairman John Hanson and Board Supervisors Bob Becker and Mike Kramer.

Approval of Agenda as posted on November 10th, 2017. Approved on motion from Mike Kramerand seconded by Bob Becker. Motion carried.

Approval of Minutesof October 10th and October 20th, 2017. Amotion was made by Bob Becker and seconded by Mike Kramer to approve the minutes of October 10th and October 20th, 2017. Motion Carried.

Visitors Present: Dean Acheson, Emily Heald, John Donovan, Carol Schott, Terry Schott, Phil St. Clair,

Bob Skrobot, Louis Bauers, John Butler, Lynn Schroeder, Greg Holt, Sarah Krembs, and Kevin Griffith.

Subjects from floor: Carol Schott inquired on the status of the downtown traffic study. Chair Hanson explained that they determined that lowering the speed to 30 mph was advisable. The next step will be to work with Vilas County on implementing this change. Lynn Schroeder questioned why they wouldn’t lower it to 25 mph. Hanson did not know the criteria for their decision; however, the Town could still try for 25 mph in their request to Vilas County. Hanson offered to print the results of the study in the next newsletter or on the website.

Agenda Items Requested to Speak On: None

Old Business:

New Business:

--2018 Budget Approval: A motion was made by Mike Kramer and seconded by Bob Becker to approve the 2018 Budget as presented in the Budget Hearing. Motion carried.

--Proposals for Transfer Site Service: Chair Hanson noted that periodically, it is a good practice to shop around to determine if there is a potentially better deal with our hauling vendor. A motion was made by Mike Kramer and seconded by Bob Becker to price and compare local haulers for our Transfer Site loads. Motion carried.

--Proposals for New Pickup Truck: At the request of fellow Board Members, Hanson obtained an additional quote for replacing the current dump-box pickup truck. Quotes came in at $38,053.00 from V & H out of Marshfield and $36,856.00 from Marston out of Minocqua. A motion was made by Bob Becker and seconded by Mike Kramer to accept the proposal from Marston Motors for $36,856.00. Motion carried. Discussion continued with regard to the equipment/plow package and more information will be obtained. Hanson went on to note that the old truck will likely bring in approximately $20,000.00 and the money for this purchase is still available in this year’s budget without borrowing funds.

--Proposals for Bridge Study: Chair Hanson obtained a quote from Ayres Associates Inc. for $6,500.00 to do a study on making the downtown bridge wider to include an area for bikes/snowmobiles and for the Highway 51 bridge to create a bike trail underneath the bridge. A major portion of the $6,500.00 would be reimbursed. A motion was made by Mike Kramer and seconded by Bob Becker, to go ahead with the study for $6,500.00. Motion carried.

--Community Facilities Workshops: With the Town Hall, Fire Co., and Library all looking to expand and/or build new facilities, Chair Hanson felt community involvement through workshops would be advisable. These workshops will be scheduled one hour before regularly scheduled Board Meetings, possibly beginning as early as the next meeting scheduled for December 12th, 2017. These workshops will be posted like all other meeting notices. No action required.

--Library Furnace Replacement:The furnace at Koller Libraryis 20 years old and currently in need of $400.00 worth of repairs. These repairs will probably be futile in the short haul and replacement may be a better idea for the long run. A quote for replacement in the amount of $3300.00 was presented. A motion was made by Mike Kramer and seconded by Bob Becker to go ahead with replacing the furnace. Motion carried.

--Truck Radios and Base Station: The new patrol truck still needs a radio, and the existing 17+ year old system is illegal and in poor condition. A quote was obtained from Northway Communications for $6,050.00 for a completely new system that would cover all the Roads vehicles and the Airport vehicles. A motion was made by Bob Becker and seconded by Mike Kramer, to approve the purchase of a new radio system. Motion carried.

--Report on Dead Pike Lake: Phase 1 of the Dead Pike Lake Project is just about completed, with a bit more information to gather in the spring. The next step of securing funding for a Management Plan grant is already underway. Hanson will hopefully have more information to report at the December meeting.

Standing Committee Review:

--Vouchers: Vouchers for October 24th, 2017 + $91,922.01 of which $75,817.00 constituted payment to Truck Equipment for the equipment package on the new Patrol Truck. Vouchers for November 14th, 2017 = $62,255.00, including a $10,000.00 invoice that the DNR will be reimbursing and $12,256.00 to Truck Equipment for the new Patrol Truck broom set-up. A motion was made by Bob Beckerand seconded by Mike Kramer to approve the vouchers. Motion carried.

--P & L/Bank Balances: P&L’s were provided to the Board in writing.

--Airport Report: Reports were provided to the Board in writing. Supervisor Becker commented that everything is back up and running after the lightening strike.

--Road Report: Provided to the Board in written form. Supervisor Kramer noted that the new Western Star Patrol Truck arrived on October 26th; quotes were received from Pitlik and Wick for culvert replacements and roads sand/salt. Kramer also mentioned that Park bathrooms have been winterized and all seasonal equipment, (buoys, picnic tables, wooden bike racks, etc.) have been removed and placed in storage.

--Bike Trail Report: Bike Trail Inc is currently working with the State to put the finishing touches on the loop trail.

--Parks Report: Greg Holt, (Parks and Trails Committee) shared that the erosion control work at Rest Lake Park is ongoing. He also commented that missing bike trail signs will be replaced in the spring.

--Transfer Station: Supervisor Kramer shared the results of an earlier Special Town Board Meeting, during which two motions were passed as follows:

1. Roofing materials, drywall/sheetrock, and masonry materials will no longer be accepted at the Transfer Station.

2. Customers will be required to place their own materials in the demo dumpster, as opposed to piling them elsewhere.

Correspondence: None.

Motion to Convene to Closed Session pursuant to Wisconsin Statue 19.85(1)(e) Deliberating or negotiating the purchase of public property, investment of public funds, or conducting other specific public business when competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session. Roll call – Mike Kramer “Aye”, Bob Becker “Aye”, and John Hanson “Aye”.


Reconvene to Open Session to take action on any items discussed in closed session. Roll call – Mike Kramer “Aye”, Bob Becker “Aye”, and John Hanson “Aye”.

--Wage Increase for Union Employees: A motion was make by Mike Kramer and seconded by Bob Becker to approve a 3% increase for the Road Crew Union employees. Motion carried.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:07pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dana Hilbert
