Course: Grade 11, French Language (FSF3U)

Instructor: Mlle Gledhill

(416) 533-6724 x354

Date: September 2008

Bienvenue à la classe FSF 3U! In taking this 3U course, you have already shown me your interest in furthering your French education, and for that, MERCI! My goals in this course are to develop your French-language knowledge and skills and to provide you with an understanding and appreciation of francophone culture in Canada and around the world. As this course is fairly reading-intensive, it will be your number one duty to be prepared for class – which means that you have read the passages and are ready to partake in an in-depth discussion of the work at hand.

The Ontario Ministry document states that: “this course draws on a variety of themes to promote extensive development of reading and writing skills and to reinforce oral communication skills. Students will gain a greater understanding of French-speaking cultures in Canada and around the world through their reading of a variety of materials, including a short novel or a play. Students will produce various written assignments, including a formal essay. The use of correct grammar ad appropriate language conventions in both spoken and written French will be emphasized throughout the course.”

Texts:Express 11e – (texte)

Express 11e - (cahier)

Mission Secrète – Jean-Bernard Pouy

Le Petit Nicholas – Goscinny et Sempé


Cumulative Mark
70% / Tests
Assignments and Projects
Oral Expression & Presentations / 21
30% / Final Examination (June 2009)
(Oral Exam ~ 10)
(Written Exam ~ 20) / 30
Total / 100

Class Expectations:

  • You MUST come to class prepared! This means bringing the appropriate texts, cahier, pens and paper. This also includes being dressed neatly in your uniform.
  • In case of absence, you are responsible for homework completion, notes, and assignment details. You may obtain this information from a classmate, from the teacher, or from the Senior School Desktop (SSD).
  • Please remember the RSGC Laptop agreement. Any inappropriate use of computers (playing games, emailing, and surfing the web when it is not appropriate to do so) will be dealt with as outline by the agreement.
  • NO cell phones in class.
  • All students are expected to “parlez seulement en français” – this is the only way to improve!


All homework is to be completed prior to the beginning of the next class. Daily homework will be checked for completion and recorded on Net Classroom. I will make every effort to leave the last 15 minutes of class open to allow you to start your work.


  • All assignments are due printed and stapled at the beginning of class. Any assignment not printed by the time class starts will be considered late.
  • Late assignments will be penalized 5% per day (including weekends) to a maximum of 20%.
  • Late assignments will not be accepted only once I have returned those that were submitted on time to the class.
  • In case of absence the day an assignment is due, this assignment should be submitted to me the next day you are in school regardless of whether or not you have French that day.
  • Presentations should be presented on time. Anyone who misses a presentation will be given a mark of 0.
  • In case of absence, tests and quizzes will be written the next day you are in class. Skipping a test or quiz, however, will result in a mark of 0.

Stumped?: Not to worry! Drop by for some extra-help any Thursday after Evensong!