Note: Items in bold-face type are most important, though your data may vary.

Code - Studio use for ImageMatch orders, or lab use

Job Type - Lab use only

Job Number - The number of the order being sent in (ex: 0801111)

Sequence Number - Sort number or shot number at studio’s discretion

Sequence Letter - Lab use only

Criteria - Lab use only

Record Number - Lab Use Only Unless approved by ACI

First Name - Student’s first name

Last Name - Student’s last name

StudentID - If students have ID numbers, that information goes in this field

Address - Student’s home address

City - Student’s City

State - Student’s state

Zip - Student’s zip code

Mother - Mother’s Name

Home Phone - Student’s home phone number or primary number where parent/guardian can be reached

Father - Father’s Name

Work Phone - Parent’s work phone number if applicable

Gender - The gender of the student (ex: M or F)

Date of Birth - The month, day, and year when the student was born (ex: 01/11/1991)

Teacher - The name of the teacher whose class the student is in (ex:Mrs. Smith - Teachers need their own names in their Teacher data field, staff members who are not teachersneed nothing in this field, or their position i.e. Principal)

Grade - The grade the student is in (ex: First Grade, 1st Grade, 1, 001) OR name of student's team for Sports/SE orders

Home Room - If the student has a Home Room then the room number goes in this field

Period - Class period (i.e. 1, 2, 3)

Track - Track in which the student is enrolled

Year - “Class of” year (ex:2013)

Custom1 - Custom fields can contain any extra data the studio would like to "store" for use at another time. Please note: ACI is unable to use this data to appear on any products

Custom2 - see above (Custom1)

Custom3 - see above (Custom1)

Custom4 - see above (Custom1)

Custom5 -see above (Custom1)

Custom6 - see above (Custom1)

Custom7 - see above (Custom1)

Custom8 - see above (Custom1)

Image Name- the JPEG name for the student’s image (ex: DSC_1234.jpg)

Image Path - Lab use only

Packages - Letters and numbers that represent the items being ordered(examples of correct format: A-1 or A-1;B-1 for multiple packages or A,AA-1 (A being the package and AA being the

background, for green screen orders) or A,AA-1;B-1(semicolons separate packages, commas separate packages from their backgrounds)

School Name - The name of the school that the job is for (ex: WestHigh School, Hoover Elementary School,etc.) Please note: this data field will appear on any products that require School Name information. Please make sure spelling and/or any abbreviations are correct.

Background - The Image Name (Ex. GSB123.jpg) of the background to be applied to the packages. All backgrounds must be submitted to ACI prior tosubmitting any green screen orders.

OrderID - Lab use only

SubjectID - Lab use only

StudioName- The name of your studio (ex: ABC123 School Photography). Please note: this information will appear on any Copyright Releases exactly as entered in this field.

studioaccountnumber- Your studio’s account number (ex: 12345) If your account number is only 4 digits, you must include a leading zero (ex. 01234).

softfocus - Lab use only

MM - Lab use only

sepia - Lab use only

bw - Lab use only

nameyearwallets - Name and/or year to be printed on ALL products that include a student name. Wallets, calendars, etc. Limit of 13 characters including spaces and symbols.

specialinstructions- Any special instructions you may have for how to process that particular image (ex: Mom’s Package, Dad’s Package, Mom’s Package A,AA-1 Dad’s Package B,AA-1, etc.)

issuedate - Date to appear on Child Find cards (lab will enter this data if required)

imagetype - Lab use only

vignette - Lab use only

Pose1 - Lab use only unless approved by ACI

Pose2 - Lab use only unless approved by ACI

Pose3 - Lab use only unless approved by ACI

Pose4 - Lab use only unless approved by ACI

ticketcode - Barcode number from FLOW program, also used as password field for (ACI will enter this data if required/requested)

camera - Camera name/number (ex: Cam1, Camera 2)

libraryid - ID number for library card/software programif different than Student ID

lunchnumber - ID number for lunch card/software programif different than Student ID

patron - Lab use only unless approved by ACI

mag - Lab use only

tc - Lab use only

emailaddress - Student/or parent email address

jerseynumber -Student’s jersey number (for trader cards in sports/SE orders)

organizationname - Lab use only

gsbackground - Lab use only

group - Lab use only

background1 - Lab use only

background2 - Lab use only

TeamName - Group Image JPEG number for Sports/SE orders or classroom group orders (ex. DSC_1234.jpg)

middlename - Student's middle name

coach - Coach's name for Sports/SE orders

groupimage - Group Image JPEG number for Sports/SE orders or classroom group orders (ex. DSC_1234.jpg)

height - Student’s height (for trader cards in sports/SE orders)

weight - Student’s weight (for trader cards in sports/SE orders)

position- Student's position for Sports/SE orders (Ex. Midfielder)

age - Student's age for Sports/SE orders

Logo - Filename of logo graphic for Sports/SE orders. MUST be a .png file, with full filename. Contact ACI's Customer Service for more information regarding use of these fields. Must be pre-approved.

MemoryMate - Filename of MemoryMate graphic for Sports/SE orders. MUST be a .png file, with full filename. (Ex. 8x10MM 2015.png). Contact ACI's Customer Service for more information regarding use of these fields. Must be pre-approved.

Border- Filename of Team/Group border graphic for Sports/SE orders. MUST be a .png file, with full filename.Contact ACI's Customer Service for more information regarding use of these fields. Must be pre-approved.

GWALLET - Filename of wallet border graphic for Sports/SE orders. MUST be a .png file, with full filename.Contact ACI's Customer Service for more information regarding use of these fields. Must be pre-approved.

CustomLarge1 -Lab use only

CustomLarge2 -Lab use only

CustomLarge3 -Lab use only

CustomLarge4 -Lab use only

CustomLarge5 -Lab use only

CustomLarge6 -Lab use only

CustomLarge7 -Lab use only

CustomLarge8 -Lab use only

CustomLarge9 -Lab use only

CropErrors - Lab use only