Effective December 26, 2002 an enhancement will be implemented to assist in monitoring the process of incident reporting in HCSIS. This enhancement will add two screens that will list incidents by various process milestones and provide a direct link into the incident.

The following roles will have access to these new Process Management screens: Provider IM Rep, County Incident Reviewer, County Incident Manager, Supports Coordinator Supervisor, Regional Incident Reviewer, Regional Incident Manager, BSOF Incident Reviewer, BSOF Incident Manager.

To access the new screens you should use the following path: M4Q - IM - IM Process Mgt. You will then be taken to the IM Process Management menu box where you can select either the Provider / SC / County Process Mgt. or County / Region/ BSOF Process Mgt. screen.

The Provider / SC / County Process Mgt. and County / Region/ BSOF Process Mgt. screens have different purposes described below.

Provider / SC / County Process Mgt. - will contain incident from the point the Initial Notification is created until one day after the incident is finalized by the provider. The various process milestones that are show on this screen are Initial Notification Created, Initial Notification In Progress, Initial Notification Complete Not Finalized, Initial Notification Finalized, Incident Report Finalized, Provider Investigation Finalized, Final Report Finalized, County/Joinder Not Approved, BSOF Not Approved and OMR Region Not Approved.

County / Region/ BSOF Process Mgt. – once the provider finalizes the incident it will then appear on the County / Region/ BSOF Process Mgt. screen. The various process milestones that are show on this screen are Incident Report Finalized (if the Incident Report is marked as the final report to be submitted), Final Report Finalized, Incident Report Not Approved, Provider Investigation Not Approved, County Addendum In Progress, County Addendum Finalized, Regional Addendum In Progress, Regional Addendum Finalized.

Once the OMR Regional office (or the BSOF for incident that a state center is the provider) closes the incident through the management review process it will then be removed from this screen.

The County / Region/ BSOF Process Mgt. screen was previously available to counties and regions but was called the IM Daily Management screen. There is no change in the function of this screen except that it is now available to providers and Supports Coordinator Supervisors.

These new screens are not in real-time but are updated during an overnight refresh process.

Helpful hit: The underlined (hyperlinked) Incident ID will link the user directly to the incident in HCSIS. A quick tip that will allow the user to keep the results on the screen while accessing the incident is to 'right' mouse click on the Incident ID and select 'Open In New Window' from the options available. This will open a new window while keeping the Process Management screen active on the browser. Once your are done with the incident, simply close the incident browser window by clicking the "X" button in the upper right corner. Then, the Process Management results will still be present in the original browser window. Repeat this process for the next incident by right clicking on the Incident ID and selecting 'Open In New Window'.