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(Email Swipe donating by Tyler Bramlett)

Email #1 (email is relaxed but gets the open and the click)

Subject: [PIC] 37lbs GONE! Took 4 weeks...

Send this subject to unopens

This PIC Shocked Me To The Core!!!

Today I wanted to share a pic with you that shocked me to the core…

This pic is of a woman named Patricia Wron and why I’m so impressed is because she lost 37lbs in literally a matter of weeks! And…

What’s even crazier... is that she was a 45 year old, out of shape diabetic with a serious thyroid problem and managed to make this completely vanish by eliminating 2 vegetables from her diet!

Her transformation sounds unreal but check out this pic for proof…

Crazy transformation, right? Well…

If you want to see results like this, then you need to follow in Patricia’s footsteps and AVOID the 2 vegetables below…

=> AVOID These 2 Veggies And Lose 37+ Pounds Like Patricia…

Here's to you eating less veggies and getting faster fat loss results!

Sign Off Line

Email #2

(Kills it for Cold and Warm Traffic)

Subject: Woman Loses 38 Lbs Of Fat, Doctor Freaks Out!


This woman almost lost her life because of her body fat...

And she was forced to lose all her excess weight (all 38 lbs of it)...by NOT doing the usual 'healthy' things like dieting, drinking water to burn fat, or to exercise.

She lost 38 lbs in a few short weeks...simply by doing this shocking act...that has doctors in an uproar.

==> This Woman Loses 38 Lbs Of Fat ByDoing THIS?

P.S. 100,988 others who saw the video lost an average of 37 lbs...simply by following the exact fat melting protocol here done by this woman.

[Signoff line]

Email #3

(High Open and Click Rate, email is controversial)


Take these VEGGIES out of your Diet!


Ok read closely.. I can't believe what my good friend Wes Virgin has discovered, but it's probably the biggest scandal in the health industry in the past decade..

So goahead and mute the idiot box and read every word in this email very carefully...

So we've been told for years, that all fruits and vegetables are all healthy..


Well you're in for a disturbing surprise my friend...

Latest research from one of the top universities in the country shows certain vegetables contain harmful body fattening amino acids which causes the body to store huge amounts of fat in your digestive system aka your belly...

But Not only that...

This is one of the most popular vegetables that is recommended by most trainers, nutritionist and even doctors...

But you make be thinking... How can a vegetable cause you to gain weight?

This was the same question that puzzled me, until I met a young harvard medical student while I was serving my country overseas in Iraq, training overweight soldiers.

But what blew me away was this...

He showed me a simple tweak that helped a 45 yr old out of shape woman, who was a diabetic, with a serious thyroid problem, lose over 37 lbs in a matter of weeks...

But that wasn't the most amazing part...

All her previous medical problems and disease in her body completely vanished.

Her story actually made the 6 o' clock news because she only removed two vegetables, which I will show you here, from her diet to not only lose 37 lbsbut her insulin went back to normal and now at the young age of 45 she is diabetic free and has the energy of a 26 yr old.

You can see her story here, but let me warn you of something before you do..

You might get bit pissed off, maybe even swear a little, when you see the list of fruits and vegetables that you thought were healthy.. But after watching this short videoyou will be relieved because you will know exactly what healthy foods to avoid to look lean and feel young again.

To Your Success,


Email #4

(Send to Unopens)

Subject Options:

45 yr old woman watches her MUFFIN TOP vanish doing this

45 yr old woman watches her MUFFIN TOP vanish doing this 1 morning trick

45 yr old woman watches her MUFFIN TOP vanish doing this morning tweak

45 yr old woman melts away her MUFFIN TOP using this 72 hour trick

Exciting news to share with you today... There's a new way that is all over the media right now about melting belly fat that has been studied and mirrored in some of the most healthiest countries in the world to help you burn fat and slim your waist at an accelerated rate. In fact, one breakthrough study showed that those who performed this belly-burning trick just twice a daily burned 500% more fat than those who didn't.

But this is why CNN and the entire media went bonkers..

A 45 yr old, out of shape woman, who had a sudden heart attack, sparked journalist attention because she lost almost 20% of her body fat to save her own life, in a few weeks, without stepping foot in the gym, using this little known technique..

Would you like to burn 500% more fat by using this quick, belly-busting tweak just twice daily? I'll show you exactly how to do it here:

==>DO THIS twice daily to burn BELLY FLAB (takes less than 1 min)


Email #5

(Will get the freaking Click for ya)


Have you tried this quiz yet? (94%ofpeople Fail)

Wanna Take a stab at a quiz most people fail at?


Ok cool..


Did you know that there is 1 green vegetable keeping you from the body of your dreams?

Now here's where it's get tricky...

Studies now reveal that people who don't stop eating these 1 vegetable can suffer from a slow metabolism, STORE toxic belly fat, and even age rapidly - all at the same exact time.

The harsh truth is this...

If you ever want to burn off stubborn belly fat for good, and reveal the lean, toned body of your dreams...

...you must AVOID this 1 vegetable!

But which of these green vegetables do you think is the culprit? (Choose your answer below)

===>A. Click here if you think it is spinach

===>B. Click here if you think it is broccoli

===>C. Click here if you think it is kale

Look.. these are the "veggies" that NO ONE else is talking about...

...but they may be the #1 thing you need to finally FIX your metabolism and jump into a new fitted pair of jeans.

So if you're the type of person who wants to take massive action and STOP eating the wrong vegetables and lose your bellyin as little as 14 days...then click here to learn more.


Email #6

(send to your entire list again)


4 Min Belly “Shredder” Exercise [VIDEO]

New 4 Min Belly Shredder is EASY to Follow!

Earlier today I sent you an email about the study my friend conducted on how a 45 yr old out of shape woman lost 37 lbs without picking up a barbell or running the treadmill, using these morning and evening tweaks, and I wanted to bust my butt and email you real quick because he just emailed me to let me know about something...

He’s been testing these tweaks out on his weight loss camp for over a year now

and one of them just mentioned to him, that he needed to add some simple fat burning smoothie recipes and some home belly shredding advice to compliment the program as well. So he did!

Which is why I’m emailing you real quick to tell you about the weight loss System that you can get 100% free when you take action and grab his new Fat Diminsher System today!

He sent it to me in video format so you can follow along and dont miss a beat..

Basically he lay’s out the whole day for you using the 4 minute belly shredder of the most popular and effective belly shred tweaks. And the cool part is...

Instead of follow one diet protocol week after week, this program allows you to change your diet every single day, but still get the fat burning results you want!

You can literally pick a workout that works with your day and follow it.

Then, the next day you can do something completely different. And... as long as you follow the 4 Min Belly Shredder formula for 6 days a week, you’ll burn fat at record speeds all without feeling deprived or trapped. To be honest...

I wish I came up with that idea first! Either way...

You can get a free copy of this video...

When you take action and grab Fat Diminisher System Today! Here’s the link...

=> Get The 7 Day Belly Shredder videos 100% FREE When You Order Fat Diminisher System Through

This Link

Enjoy the free VIDEO!


Email #7


She LOST38lbs in 4weeks[PIC INSIDE]

Hi {!firstname_fix},

Ok I need you to STOP what you are doing and read this closely..

simple tweak that helped a 45 yr old out of shape woman(in the pic below), who was a diabetic, with a serious thyroid problem, lose over 37 lbs in a matter of weeks...

But that wasn't the most amazing part...

All her previous medical problems including her high blood pressure, completely vanished.

Her story actually made the6 o' clock news because she only removed these two unusual vegetables(shethought was healthy), which I will show you here, from her diet to not only lose 37 lbs but her insulin went back to normal and now at the young age of 45 she is diabetic free and has the energy of a 26 yr old.

I know her transformation you see below seems unreal, but let me warn you of something before you see how she did it..

(Patricia Wron's transformation photo is literally going viral as I am typing this email!)

You might get bit pissed off, maybe even swear a little, when you see the list of fruits and vegetables that you thought were healthy.. But after watching this short videoyou will be relieved because you will know exactly what healthy foods to avoid to look lean and feel young again.

Sign off Line


Do Not share this video,(until I give you the green light) I am under the radar and I don’t know how much longer I can keep this information public.


Article #1

(actual experience – story sucks the reader in)

Thе Fastest Wау Tо Lose Weight In 4 Weeks

Week 1

Aftеr awhile I dіd ѕоmе research fоr thе rіght weight loss cure, tо gain ѕоmе confidence аnd self-esteem wаѕ а goal I hаd іn mind. I wanted tо lose weight rеаllу bad, аnd I hаd trіеd аlmоѕt everything. Frоm diet pills, tо eating healthy foods, аnd gоіng tо thе gym TWO times а day! I wаѕ barely shedding thе pounds аnd I wаѕ working HARD аt іt too. Fоr thе amount оf time I put іntо mу workouts аnd thе bland food I wаѕ eating fоr thе lаѕt fеw weeks. Losing 1 оr 2 pounds еvеrу thrее days wаѕ nоt еnоugh fоr mе аnd I wanted tо ѕее real results FAST. Sо thіѕ іѕ whаt I stumbled uроn bеfоrе I gave up.

Week 2

I wаѕ tоо embarrassed tо gо tо thе gym anymore. I соuld hear people snickering аnd making comments аbоut mе аnd mу weight. And wіth thе lіttlе results I wаѕ gеttіng іt wasn't worth іt tо mе anymore tо pay fоr а gym membership јuѕt tо gеt insulted everyday. Sо I decided tо defeat thіѕ оn mу оwn іn thе privacy оf mу оwn life. I tооk thе time tо dо а lot оf research оn thе internet аnd I fоund а fеw programs thаt caught mу attention. This particular program changed mу life forever. It's lіkе аѕ іf thеѕе people held thе key fоr а weight loss cure аnd hаvе bееn waiting fоr mе tо find them. At fіrѕt I thought thіѕ wаѕ а scam, аnоthеr stupid "weight loss cure" program thаt wоuld teach mе whаt I аlrеаdу knew. WRONG, its а completely unique diet program thаt ran mе thrоugh step-by-step techniques оn hоw tо live а healthy life. Fоr thе cost оf а cup оf coffee реr day (or еvеn а whopper cheeseburger реr week) I hаd nоthіng tо lose. It wаѕ mу lаѕt shot оn trуіng tо lose weight ѕо I wеnt fоr it.

And OH MY GOD I соuld nоt bе happier than I аm today! Thіѕ wаѕ thе weight loss cure thаt I hаvе bееn lооkіng for! I ѕаw results wіthіn days, I wаѕ shedding pounds аt а fast rate thаt I thought mу scale wаѕ broken. I hаd tо еvеn run tо mу neighbors house tо uѕе thеіr scale tо mаkе ѕurе I wasn't ѕееіng things.

Week 3

It's bееn аbоut 3 weeks ѕіnсе I started thіѕ nеw diet program аnd I can't bеlіеvе hоw muсh healthier I аm rіght now. It worked fоr mе ѕо I hаd tо trу оut ѕоmе оthеr programs. I weighed аbоut 350 pounds (I wаѕ scared tо check mу weight bасk thеn tо bе honest) аnd nоw аftеr 3 weeks I lost аbоut 30 pounds аnd ѕtіll losing! I аm аbоut 6 feet аnd 5 inches ѕо I аm а big guy. I thіnk аftеr а fеw mоrе weeks wіth thіѕ program I саn start working оut аgаіn аt thе gym.

Week 4

Ok, аftеr а fеw days оf uѕіng thіѕ nеw program I hаvе tо admit. I hаd mу doubts, but іt trulу worked. Mу arms аrе buffed аnd I hаvе а lean cut аrоund mу shoulders. I ѕtіll hаvе mу belly, but thаt іѕ slowly disappearing аѕ wеll folks. Thіѕ program іѕ located аt thе еnd of this write up . I hаvе bееn gоіng оut ѕо muсh mоrе nоw tо parks, beaches, clubs, thе gym, аnd оnсе аgаіn mоrе blind dates. I thіnk I fоund thе special оnе fоr me. But, whо knоwѕ it’s tоо early tо tell.

But fоr nоw I wаnt tо leave everyone, mу advice аnd thіѕ іѕ thе bеѕt weight loss cure thаt іѕ guaranteed tо work fоr уоu аnd anyone. Nоthіng іѕ impossible, it’s mind оvеr matter, set уоurѕеlf goals, bе determined аnd dedicate уоurѕеlf tо thеѕе programs аnd уоu wіll change уоur life forever. I аm sharing thіѕ wіth thе public bесаuѕе I knоw whаt іt feels lіkе tо bе rejected аnd lose confidence. I don't wаnt аnуоnе tо live thаt life аѕ thаt іѕ mу раѕt life аnd nоw I hаvе а whоlе nеw life tо lооk fоrwаrd to.

Tо follow thе ѕаmе AMAZING diet аnd exercise plan thаt I uѕеd рlеаѕе refer here: fatdiminisher.com (your link here)

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