Ilchester Parish Council

Ilchester Parish Council


Broadleaze Farm, Tintinhull,

Tel: 01935 840374Yeovil

Email - merset. BA22 8PF.

A Meeting of Ilchester Parish Council will be held on ThursdayAugust 10th 2017

at the Town Hall, at 7.30pm.


  1. Apologies for absence–
  2. Minutes of the previous meeting
  3. Declarations of Interest
  4. Open Session – County and District Councillors’ reports -
  5. Youth Parish Councils –

6. Police & Community issues- Travellers, Ilchester Town Trust, IDCA, IRINEC & Church reports, Notice board at Great Orchard

7. Planning matters - to note

17/01471/DPO for Mr. & Mrs. RD Knight at New Spittles Farm for application to vary S106 agreement dated 19th March 2013 between SSDC, Richard Don and Heather Knight to allow use of part of land for an anaerobic digester - decision deferred

17/01215/FUL for Mr. M. Knight at New Spittles Farm for the construction of an aerobic digestion plant to include associated equipment and on-site infrastructure for the purpose of generating renewable energy from grass silage and straw and upgrading and improvement of the existing access farm track- both applications to Area East Committee

& to consider / note

17/02416/FUL for Barns at Bondip Hill for change of use of land to form dwelling house

17/02672/TPO for Mr. P. Musgrove at 3, Lyster Close to carry out surgery works to 1 no Willow tree known as T5 within SS TPO - granted

17/02394/FUL for Mr. L Riva at 70, Great Orchard for the erection of rear extension - granted

17/00925/LBC for Mr. J. Fowler at the Old Vicarage, Northover for replacement of 2 No. doors on rear elevation - retrospective

17/02978/FUL for Mr. & Mrs. Petherbridge at 1, Limington Road for single storey outbuilding for use as a gym to replace shed & greenhouse

17/02598/FUL for Mr. D. Jenkins at The Old Rectory, Church for extensions including sun room, porch, covered yard & first floor over garage. Various alterations to house, outbuildings, driveway & gardens

8. Financial matters – Balances 31/07/17 C/A/c £100p& B/R A/c £53,253.38p

Receipts -Bank interest£0.45p, £18 Mr. R. Thorpe, £80 Peter Jackson late Mr. G. Smith,

£47 Mrs. J. Sanders memorialfees

Payments -£3,398.04p T. Hayne Construction Ltd, £1,724, Xylem Holdings Ltd (Table Tennis) £20 Sophie Pack- Stone£240 Grant Thornton Ltd £527.21p PTH

Audit closed

9. Website –

10. Cemetery-

11. Highway matters - report on car park marking up& Finger post meetings

12. Flooding matters – meetingAugust 14th

13. Allotments -Judging dates

14. Mead Play area - repairs to equipment, inspection report & new equipment,

15. Skate Park –inspection report, new equipment

16. Rights of Way – Finger post

17. Tree matters –

18. Other correspondence received -

19. Items for report, or for the agenda of the next meeting

20. To confirm the dateof the next meeting for Thursday September 14th 2017at 7.30pm

P.T. Horsington, Clerk.