III –Industrialization, Reform, Imperialism Name ______


Big Business

D____ 1. Immigrants who worked for low pay and in dangerous

conditions to build the Transcontinental RR

F____ 2. Business which grew rapidly partly due to the demand for RR

track. Owners gained enormous wealth.

E____ 3.Most famous big business of the era. This monopoly brought

great wealth to Rockefeller.

C____ 4. A single company that controls virtually all production in an


B____ 5.A form of monopoly in which one business gains control of all

others in that industry and dominates the markets

H____ 6. Transportation link which opened in 1869 – it connected the

East and West coasts

G____ 7. The federal government granted vast amounts of land in the

west to this business so it could expand and open up the West to

more settlement

A____ 8. Changed how people lived – growth of industry - expansion of

the RR companies and oil industries after Reconstruction


D____ 9. Battle on South Dakota reservation against the Sioux. This

Native American defeat ended the long conflict with the Am. govt.

over land.

C____ 10.Immigrant station in NY Harbor. There people had to pass

health and welfare tests before entering the U. S.

G____ 11. Union whose goal was to gain better wages, working

conditions and shorter workdays for workers through the use of


A____ 12. Railcar factory workers went on strike after their wages were

cut. President Cleveland used the army to break the strike and

get the RR traffic moving again.

B____ 13. Segregation laws in the South which resulted in inferior

education, healthcare, transportation, etc. for African Americans

E____ 14. 1896 Supreme Court case which upheld Jim Crow laws –

“separate but equal”

F____ 15.Organization which sought full social and economic equality for


a. Big Business

b. Trusts

c. Monopoly

d. Chinese

e. Standard Oil Company

f. Steel Industry

g. Railroad Industry

h.Transcontinental RR

a. Pullman Strike

b. Jim Crow

c. Ellis Island

d. Wounded Knee

e.Plessey V. Ferguson


g. American Federation of


Progressive Movement

A____ 16. Journalists who sought to bring about reform by exposing

political corruption, child labor, slums and other social issues

C____ 17. Jane Addams social service agency which helped recent

immigrants with language, legal rights and medical care, etc.

E____ 18.Citizen initiatives are voted on directly by the public – this

prevents government from ignoring the desires of the people

F____ 19. Citizens can use this to remove public officials from office

before their term expires.

D____ 20. 17th amendment – instead of state legislatures choosing

Senators, the citizens vote for them

B____ 21.Progressive reform which protected millions of acres of

wilderness lands and led to the national park system including

Yosemite and Yellowstone


A____ 22. Founder of Standard Oil. His trust eventually owned 90% of

the oil industry.

C____ 23. Inventor who created the light bulb, phonograph and motion

pictures. He promoted industrial research in labs.

E____ 24. Sioux leader who fought Americans that settled on his tribe’s


B____ 25. Founder of the American Federation of Labor Union

G____ 26. Muckraker who wrote The Jungle which led to laws that

regulated the meat industry.

D____ 27. Muckraker who exposed and criticized Standard Oil – led to

government breakup of the company

F____ 28. Progressive President who led the conservation movement


A____ 29. War fought for Cuban Independence. America acquired land.

D____ 30.Built by the US. Connected the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

B____ 31. Unsuccessful war for Philippine Independence

C____ 32. Said the US had the right to intervene in Latin America

a. Muckrakers

b. Conservation

c. Hull House

d. Direct Election of Senators

e. Referendum

f. Recall

a. J. D. Rockefeller

b. Samuel Gompers

c. Thomas Edison

d. Ida Tarbell

e. Sitting Bull

f. Theodore Roosevelt

g. Upton Sinclair

a. Spanish-American War

b. Philippine-American War

c. Roosevelt Corollary

d. Panama Canal