November 2013 District 11 business meeting

Open at 7:00pm


-Treasurer Report:

Beginning balance $623.08

There were 2 deposits for a total of $1,448.93

Total balance of $1,852.56

The motion to accept report was seconded and passed

-Minutes read by Peter (webmaster)

Motion to accept minutes as read was seconded and passed.

-DCM Report:

Michael read a report he made at November Area Assembly.

Area Assembly Motions and Announcements:

  1. There was a motion to amend Area Guidelines to allow non-voting members to address the microphone. (Tabled to bring back to groups.)
  2. There was a motion to allow fellowship to borrow Translation Equipment. (Motion passed)
  3. There was a motion made by corrections to fund regional coordinators to 2 areas. (This motion was withdrawn)
  4. There was an old business motion that would allow Area Co-Chairs to vote. (This motion failed)
  5. There was a motion to adjust area budget to allow for funding for Regional Trustee to PRAASA. (This motion passed.)
  6. The elected Area Alternate Chair stepped down prior to assuming her seat and the Area has a vacancy to be filled at February Assembly.

Report from a Corrections Coordinator (Patty):

1. The Coffee Creek facility still doesn’t have all of the vonlunteer positions filled…

2. Our very own Curtis is the new NW Corrections Coordinator, and he has 5 facilities.

3. There is a Corrections Prerelease Program to allow newly released people to have an AA contact on the outside. Fill out form and send it to the enclosed address.

Intergroup Report:

*There was a mention that our Intergroup Rep has not been active.

-Intergroup was held Monday the 11th. They are currently at their budget goal and they had higher than expected contributions.

-Intergroup will need a new treasurer as of next month.

-There was plenty of discussion particularly concerning expenditures for “special workers”.

-They will be expecting an increase in rent which will be totaling at $25,000.00 in the 2014 projected budget.

-Hotline Committee still needs volunteers to fill 6pm-11pm daily and 5pm-11pm daily.

-There was about 370 requests year to date for bridging the gap.

Intergroup Report cont’d…:

-Treatment Chair at intergroup is vacant.

Webmaster Report

-There are consistently about 1500 hits per month. Averaging about 30-40 hits daily.

Events Report:

-Committee met this month for the Unity Picnic.

-We need someone to head the committee for food.

-We need someone to be in charge of set up and clean up at URS club.

-Ron H. will be the speaker.

-Next Committee will be Saturday November 23rd, 2013 at 1:15pm at ECAC.

Bi Laws Report:

-DCM requested that we push to move towards adoption of the Bi Laws as they are on our website.

Grapevine Committee:

-Alyce I. was elected as our new Grapevine Rep.


-DCM asked that we announce a vacancy for Public Information Chair and CPC Chair.

-Next District meeting will be December 26th, 2013.

-There was a discussion regarding the need for an Alternate Secretary.


  • A Way Out Group meets at Mountainview Church from 7:30pm – 8:45pm on Friday nights.
  • Wood Village Men’s is same as ever and Ben was voted in as their new GSR.
  • Think About It Group voted to move their business meeting to the 1st Tuesday of the month. It’s a Big Book Study and Russ in their new GSR.
  • Came To Believe Group has Cassie as their GSR
  • Willingness Will Work is doing well and attendance is good. They report that they cooperate with other groups to purchase their literature in bulk.
  • 1st Step Group has Curtis as their GSR and they are having attendance dwindle. Its located at Acadia at 185th and Glisan on Thursday nights from 6pm – 7pm.
  • Alyce reported for the Red Eye Special Group. They reported having attendance down, and that they have a quarterly group conscience.
  • Steve from Lunch Bunch says they have attendance rising and a lot of birthday celebrations.

There was a motion (which was seconded and passed) to close meeting at 8:22pm.

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