II. What Is Sex Slavery/Trafficking?


II. What Is Sex Slavery/Trafficking?

I. Introduction

II. What is sex slavery/trafficking?

A. Sex trafficking or slavery is considered to be an exploitation of women and children that are forced into sex work.

1. Human trafficking is considered as being the modern form of slavery for today's society.

2. There are 800,000 victims of sexual exploitation with human trafficking that occur with women and children across the international borders.

B. How are women trafficked?

1. The strategies that the traffickers use to trap their victims are poverty, seeking, employment, abduction, sometimes arranged marriages.

2. Most of the time women are promised to earn extra money for employment

a. Which is false and they become victims of human trafficking with sexual exploitation.

3. Usually when a victim is in custody of the trafficker they take their passports and official papers which are confiscated.

4. The most common strategy to use on the victims is threats and intimidation.

a. However is this no longer works the traffickers will use physical force.(violence)

5. Some victims are not fed have lack of sleep and drugged so they will not be able to escape.

6. Most of the women are tortured, beaten, and raped continually.

a. Many times the women are not allowed to move freely like the rest of us.

b. The women also do not receive any money unlike the prostitution industry.

III. What areas have a high rate in sex trafficking?

A. The country that has the most commercial sexual exploitation is India.

1. The women and children that are in India usually have been forced into sex work that are in poverty and are young as 18 years old.

2. The victims that will be forced into sex work are usually around 80%.

a. The most common form of sex work that involves young women and children are usually pimps, brothels, and will eventually lead to prostitution.

3. Prostitution is no longer in traditional brothels this can be found in dance bars, massage parlors, friendship clubs, and even along the national highways.

a. In India they have young girls at the age of (9-13) that have been forced into prostitution.

IV. Are there any risks of the victims or other people becoming infected by HIV/AIDS?

  1. Due to the amount of commercial sexual exploitation there are many cases of victims

having HIV/AIDS.

2. The women that are adults in India due to commercial sexual exploitation there has been 2-3.1 million that have been infected with HIV/AIDS.

3. Due to the severe case of HIV/AIDS other people are becoming infected.

V. Has commercial sexual exploitation become an organized crime?

VI. Conclusion