October 102013
I.Call Meeting to Order(7:08 pm)
II.Purpose of Meeting (Melissa Taylor)(7:00-7:10 pm)
We are here to form at PTSA. We are calling ourselves BMDL PTSA so we can follow our students and support them at the secondary level.
To bring the home and the school into a closer relationship in the interest of the child.
To furnish a channel through which the parents, teachers, and administrators can express their interest in the child, home, school, and community, and foster a safe environment in each.
To stimulate interest in education in our members and in the community.
To generate and distribute funds to help support the Bellevue Mandarin Dual Language students from K-Grade 12.
B.Why Join the BMDL PTSA?
We want to support our students, and have a voice in our community and be able to advocate for our children.
C.BMDL PTSA Community
A number of people have already volunteered for various positions. Please let us know if you would like to add or remove your name.
III.Introductions (Barbara Martin)(7:10-7:15 pm)
WA state PTSA VP and region rep.
IV.Appoint secretary pro tem (Bjorn Unneland)(7:15 pm)
Bjorn has been appointed secretary pro tem
V.WSPTA VP and Region 2 Director Barbara Martin(7:15-7:25 pm)
A.Vote to organize a BMDL PTSA
Motion:"I move that Bellevue Mandarin Dual Language PTSA be organized and that it accept and agree to conform with and abide by the Uniform Bylaws and policies, principles and ethics of the Washington State PTA."
Vote:All in favor, no one opposed
B.Vote on BMDL PTSA Dues Structure
Motion: "I move that membership fees for the Bellevue Mandarin Dual Language PTSA be set at the following levels: $10 per staff member; $12 per individual; and $20 per family."
Vote: All in favor, no one opposed
C.Budget and Standing Rules
Motion: “I move that Bellevue Mandarin Dual Language PTSA Board of Directors develop a 2013-2014 Budget and Standing Rules document to be presented for approval at the next General PTSA Membership Meeting, November 14, 2013 at 7 pm.”
Vote: All in favor, no one opposed
VI.Nomination of Officers(7:35-7:45 pm)
President-Melissa Taylor
Co-Treasurers-Michael Bowers, Rhonda Cooper
Secretary- Bjorn Unneland
VP of Communications-Holly Ng
School & Family Partnerships- Ali Lewis
Programs & Cultural Enrichment-Amanda Chan
Hospitality & Membership-no nominations, open until our next meeting November 14, 2013
Fundraising-no nominations, open until our next meeting November 14, 2013
VII.Election of Officers(7:45-7:55 pm)
Motion "I move that the slate of officers presented for 2013-2014 be approved by the members of the Bellevue Mandarin Dual Language PTSA."
Vote: All the officers were approved
VIII.Meeting Adjourned(8:00 pm)
Michael says that we already have 60 members who have joined.