Sawgrass Bay PTO Meeting

October 3, 2016

Meeting Minutes 7:05 p.m.

I.  Welcome and Introductions

II.  Principal’s Report (Read during SAC portion of Meeting)

III.  Review of Minutes from September 12 Meeting

IV.  Budget Items

a.  Current Balance $3,997.24

b.  Movie License for 2016-2017 school year will be paid soon

c.  Copies are costing approximately $160 when making copies to send home for the entire student population

d.  Teacher Sponsorships were paid to Ms. Work for Leader in Me Shirts ($450) and Mrs. Vincze for future purchase of musical instruments ($250)

V.  2016 Events

a.  September Fundraiser- $6,959.34 was deposited today.

  1. Does not include online purchase
  2. 76 students turned in orders
  3. 2 checks still need to be deposited and will be taken care of this week

b.  Spirit Night- Update

  1. Low turnout, perhaps due to lack of advertisement
  2. For future Spirit Nights we will need to do a call-out, send home notification at least 2 weeks in advance, which includes digital images for the Website and Peach Jar.

c.  Trunk or Treat- 10/28 from 5 p.m. – 7 p.m.

i.  Volunteers are needed to help run event: concessions, pass out candy, admission table, etc.

ii.  Decorated trunks and candy are still needed- Candy donation box is now located in the front office

iii.  Shivone Alphonso has volunteered to chair this event

iv.  Flyer will be put on SBE website and emailed out via PeachJar

v.  Flyer will be sent home with students as the event gets closer

vi.  Event will be free, but donations are gladly accepted.

vii.  Trunk or Treat committee will meet next week to finalize plans and details (number of trunks participating, games for between cars, photo backdrop, etc.)

viii.  If businesses would like to participate, remind them to have child-friendly advertising

ix.  An idea is to see if Texas Roadhouse can come out with their mascot and staff and set up games and music for dancing- Judith Alviola will contact them to see if this is a possibility

d.  Reindeer Run 5K- 12/10 – 9:00 or 9:30 start time

i.  Shivone Alphonso has volunteered to chair this event

ii.  Need volunteers to help with check in, waiver signing, passing out items, passing out water, cheering participants on

VI.  2017 Events

Sign Up Sheets were put out for

  1. Sweetheart Family Dance- 2/10
  2. Spring Carnival- 3/4
  3. Teacher Appreciation Week- 5/1 – 5/5

VII. Other Items to Discuss

a.  Box Tops

  1. Box Top Bot has been made and is now located in the school foyer. Students will be able to drop off Box Top sheets with their teacher’s name on them on their way to class. Box Tops can also be turned in in a plastic bag that is labeled with the teacher’s name.
  2. Monthly contests among classes at each grade level. Class with the most Box Tops turned in at each grade level will get the Box Top Trophy and a class party (popsicle, popcorn, etc.). The trophy will be collected at the end of the month for the next contest winner.
  3. Box Top wearable box, can be worn by a student volunteer during car rider to increase awareness of Box Top collection
  4. A note was sent home to parents with a collection sheet informing them of the Box Tops process. The flyer and collection sheet will also be placed on the PTO webpage of the Sawgrass Bay website.
  5. Board members have been going through box tops that were submitted last year and will be sending them in this week. So far it is approximately $300 with more box tops to check.

b.  Mrs. Lees has contacted the Windy Hill sponsor for National Junior Honor Society and she will pass on information regarding volunteer opportunities to those students who need community service hours.

c.  Ms. McRaney ahs begun student council and those members will volunteer to help at events also.

VIII.  Questions/Comments/Adjournment

Volunteers: NHS volunteers; High school or middle school students that need volunteers hours. We are getting the contact information for the NHS sponsor at Windy Hill to inform her and her students of opportunities for community service hours.

Adjournment: 7:40p.m.

Meeting Attendees: Jaimie Stork, Christina Lees, Hadley McRaney, Shivone Alphonso, Judith Alviola, Brandy Butterworth, Carrie Diaz, Patricia Fulton, Fiona Harmouche, Michelle Work, Dolores Gonzalez-Block, Lisa Carter, Nancy Clark, Andrea Steeneken, Sasha DeYoung, Gwen Rooney, Julie Staton