TO: / NQT Primary Induction TutorsFROM: / Stephen Lavender, Lead Adviser, NQT Induction
ABOUT: / NQT Induction 2003-2004
RESPOND BY: / As detailed in newsletter
December 2003
"Get the first year right and help improve the recruitment and
retention of NQTs in Hertfordshire"
It is getting towards the end of the first term of induction for the majority of NQTs in Hertfordshire. Of course I realise that some NQTs who began mid-year or are part-time are at a different stage. You might be interested to know that in Hertfordshire 600 NQT’s were registered to start their induction in September 2003. We have had high attendances at our inset so far and evaluations have been overwhelmingly positive. We are always keen to hear from induction tutors about our inset whether it ‘s praise or constructive criticism. We can only improve if we know what needs to be done. This newsletter is both a reminder of some key dates and also to support you in the very important task of NQT induction. In this issue:
- Important dates you must adhere to re targets and assessments
- Example of a completed Assessment 1 form
- Summary of inset for Spring 2004
- Summary of NQT targets this term
- Other helpful information
- Targets for all NQTs should have been submitted by the end of the first half term (3rd November 2003). Please send these in immediately if you have not done so. A pro-forma for this can be found on page 24 of the Induction Tutors handbook
- Assessment Form Induct 1 which can be found on page 25 to 27 of the Induction Tutors handbook, must be completed at the end of this term for NQTs in their first or second term. (A final assessment form Induct 2 or 3 must be submitted for those in their final term). An assessment meeting must take place towards the end of term and comments must be made on the NQTs progress against the QTS and Induction Standards. The reports must be with me preferably by the end of this term at Wheathampstead and no later than Friday 16th January 2004. In completing the assessment form, tutors should draw on a full range of evidence including: work sampling, lesson observations, evidence from links with parents and colleagues and any self-assessment by the NQT. An example of a completed assessment form can be found attached to this newsletter.
- Unsatisfactory progress
On page 1 of the assessment form you are asked to indicate whether the NQT is making satisfactory progress or not. Please ensure that you contact me as a matter of urgency if you feel that your NQT has made unsatisfactory progress this term. Remember that some NQTs will not be making satisfactory progress but it does NOT follow that this will mean failure to complete induction at the end of the year. Most NQTs in this position last year made considerable improvements during the remainder of their induction period. It is vital that you are absolutely honest with NQTs who you think are not making satisfactory progress.
NQT TARGETS 2003-2004
Thanks to all of you who have returned your NQT target forms. We have analysed the information in order to help us with our professional development planning. I summarise below the top ten targets for secondary and primary NQTs:
1 Develop awareness of SEN and use effective teaching strategies.
2 Develop behaviour management strategies.
3 Improve assessment skills.
4 Build personal knowledge of a subject.
5 To use a variety of teaching styles to meet a variety of needs.
6 To familiarise with part of the curriculum.
7 Use ICT in lessons.
8 Work effectively with support staff.
9 Develop skills of communication with parents.
10 Use teaching and learning strategies in planning.
The TTA has produced a file called Supporting Induction for Induction Tutors. This is intended to be of specific help to Induction Tutors as they assist NQTs to gain the most benefit from their induction period. You can access the booklet online at Alternatively you can telephone the TTA to order the file on : 0845 6060323, Publ. Number TEA0146/IP/40K/CWPOCT03
Booklets containing full details of the programme for next term have gone out to schools. Attached to the back of this newsletter is a summary list of the NQT inset. Please book early for courses as they fill up quickly. If demand is high we will attempt to repeat courses.
- New to NQT Induction for NQTs and their Tutors
This course is running on Wednesday 14th January 2004, 16.30 – 18.00 for schools with NQTs starting in January. If you missed our previous Induction Tutor’s courses in September, you may also find this a useful overview of the induction period.
- The TES reported that one in three NQTs may be considering quitting the profession. Some NQTs cite lack of support during induction as a decisive factor. It is important that Induction Tutors realise that in order to retain good quality NQTs, one factor is giving them a good start in their induction year.
- The University of Hertfordshire are offering a Certificate of Mentoring worth 30 credits at Masters Level. The programme will be 8 taught sessions from January to June at Hatfield on Thursday evenings from 5 to 8. Full information from Dr Roger Levy on 01707 285664 or email .
- Teacherline – Confidential Counselling, Support & Advice
Is one of your NQTs experiencing difficulties? Don’t wait until they are in a crisis – encourage them to call Freephone Teacherline for free, confidential counselling, support and advice on any problem, however large or small. Tel: 08000 562 561
web site:
Lead Adviser for NQT Induction:Stephen Lavender
Wheathampstead Development Centre
Butterfield Road
Herts AL4 8PY
Tel: 01582 830353
E mail: / Support Adviser for NQT InductionMike Catchpool
Wheathampstead Development Centre
Butterfield Road
Herts AL4 8PY
Tel: 01582 830353
E mail:
Administrative Assistant for NQT InductionAnne Pearson
Wheathampstead Development Centre
(as above)
Tel: 01582 830353
E mail: /
Administrative Assistant for NQT Courses
Julie WickhamWheathampstead Development Centre
(as above)
Tel: 01582 830133
E mail:
LEA Named NQT Contact (independent source of help for NQTs)
Andy Cunningham
Wheathampstead Development Centre
(as above)
Tel: 01582 830348
E Mail:
Here’s Wishing you all a great Christmas and a very well earned Christmas Break and we’ll see you in the New Year