II New Republic Through Reconstruction Name ______

II New Republic Through Reconstruction Name ______

II – New Republic through Reconstruction Name ______


_____ 1. Eventual document governing US. Written largely by James Madison

_____ 2. Original document of the US with no executive, power to tax,

regulate commerce nor national currency; weak.

_____ 3. Series of newspaper articles written to encourage support for

ratification of the new Constitution

_____ 4. Added to the Constitution to protect state and individual rights.


_____ 5. French political thinker who supported limited government and

separation of power

_____ 6. Federalists who wrote some of The Federalists Papers and much

of the Constitution

_____ 7. Wrote some of The Federalists Papers and was the first Sec. of

the Treasury

_____ 8. 2nd President. Governed during problems with GB and France

that hurt the economy. Signed the Alien and Sedition Acts.

_____ 9. Explored the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase


_____ 10. Protest which showed the need for a stronger Government

_____ 11. Farmers revolted against a high tax. Washington put down the

rebellion which showed the strength of the new government

_____ 12. Fight with Britain over their trying to restrict US trade with

France, impressment and support of Indians against Am settlers


_____ 13. Created two houses of Congress: one with equal state

representation and the other based on state populations

_____ 14. Decided how slaves would be counted for determining

representation in the House

_____ 15. Jefferson’s land acquisition from France which doubled US size

_____ 16. Washington warned against these dividing factions


_____ 17. Presidential branch – enforces laws

_____ 18. Branch which created the laws

_____ 19. Branch which interprets the laws

_____ 20. Those who supported the new Constitution

_____ 21. Each branch of govt. is limited and has powers over the others.

_____ 22. Those opposed to the new Constitution because they believe the new

federal government was too powerful

_____ 23. System of divided power between federal and state – limited govt

a. Federalists Papers

b. Constitution

c. Articles of


d. Bill of Rights

a. John Adams

b. James Madison

c. Alexander Hamilton

d. Lewis and Clark

e. Charles de


a. Whiskey Rebellion

b. Shay’s Rebellion

c. War of 1812

a. 3/5ths Compromise

b. Great Compromise

c. Political Parties

d. Louisiana Purchase

a. Checks and Balances

b. Federalists

c. Anti-Federalists

d. Federalism

e. Legislative

f. Executive

g. Judicial

Legal Issues

_____ 24. Repealed the Missouri Compromise and gave settlers the

right to decide the slavery issue for themselves

_____ 25. Attempt to prevent slavery in the new territories of

California and New Mexico before the Mexican–

American war. It did not pass.

_____ 26. US would prevent European nations from interfering with

American countries. US neutral in Europe affairs

_____ 27. Said no African American – even free- could be a US

citizen. Said Congress could not prohibit slavery in federal

territories. Gave slavery protection of the US Constitution

_____ 28. Admitted California as a free state, Strict Fugitive Slave

Law, popular sovereignty for the rest of Mexican Cession

_____ 29. Allowed Missouri in as slave and Maine in as free. A line

was drawn to determine the slave status of future territory


_____ 30. Identical components that can be used in place of one


_____31. Idea that US would naturally occupy land between Atlantic

and Pacific. “Obvious” “fate”

_____32. Removes seeds from cotton, reduced cost of process,

Raising profits for growing cotton

_____ 33. Duty to expand Protestantism and English ancestry and

culture all the way to the Pacific – similar to Manifest


_____34. Argument between VP John C. Calhoun and Andrew

Jackson about the rights of states to nullify federal laws

they opposed- South wanted to nullify a high tariff

_____35. Loyalty to the southern region of the US , not to the US as a

whole. Started with Nullification Crisis

_____36. States have certain rights and political powers separate from

federal govt and federal govt may not interfere

_____37. Rule by the people--- provision used to settle Kansas and

Nebraska territorial issue


_____38. Push for women’s right to vote

_____39. Restrict alcohol

_____40. Campaign to abolish slavery immediately and grant no

financial compensation to slave owners- led to N vs S

_____41. Require school attendance in tax supported school and

required trained teachers

_____42. Stronger presidency & weaker Congress, greater public

participation in govt, voting expanded to all white males,

not just landowners.

a. Monroe Doctrine

b. Missouri Compromise

c. Wilmot Proviso

d. Compromise of 1850

e. Kansas-Nebraska Act

f. Dred Scott Decision

a. popular sovereignty

b. cotton gin

c. interchangeable parts

d. Manifest Destiny

e. nullification crisis

f. American Nationalism

g. state’s rights

h. sectionalism

a. Temperance Movement

b. Abolitionism

c. Public School Reform

d. Women’s suffrage

e. Jacksonian Democracy

Place or Event

_____43. Organized by Stanton in 1848—was 1st women’s rights

convention. Held in NY & began movement

_____44. Slave-led mission to free slaves. Killed 60 whites. Leader

was captured and executed. Led to stricter rules on slaves.

_____45. Connected Great Lakes to Atlantic Ocean in 1825. Lowered

transport costs and opened western NY to settlement

_____46. Period of 1800s when power driven machines replaced

hand tools by skilled laborers

_____47. US annexation of Texas led to war with Mexico which US

won. We gained California and New Mexico in the settlement

of Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

_____48. Capital of US until 1790. Largest population. By 1835.

trade center and home to artisans, craftsmen, & banking


_____49. Abolitionist writer and editor of The Liberator that printed

graphic stories of poor slave treatment

_____50. White abolitionist who fought slavery with violence.

Attacked proslavery settlers in Kansas. Led raid at Harpers

Ferry arsenal in Virginia. Convicted and executed. Terrorist

or Martyr?

_____51. American inventor of cotton gin and interchangeable parts

_____52. Republican elected President in 1860 which prompted

South Carolina to secede followed by MS, FL, AL, GA, LA, and

TX forming the Confederate States of America

_____53. Former slave, worked for abolition with Garrison by giving

speeches. Published autobiography and The North Star


_____54. Outspoken women’s rights supporter for voting, parental

and custody rights

_____55. Resigned as VP to help South Carolina and South to oppose

the tariff that hurt southern plantations

_____56. Angelina and Sarah grew up on plantation but supported

abolition and lectured publicly in North


_____57. Anyone arrested must be brought before a judge to

determine if being legally held – suspended by Lincoln

during the Civil War

_____ 58. Freed slaves in the Confederate states. No real freedom.

Changed the focus of the war.

_____ 59. Speech which helped raise spirits of Northerners to keep

Fighting and said that the U. S. was an indivisible nation

_____ 60. Speech which urged the North not to seek revenge on

slave-holders but instead urged reconstruction of the South

_____ 61. Northerners who traveled south to help former slaves and

to make money during Reconstruction

_____ 62. Southerners who cooperated with African Americans and

Northerners to benefit during Reconstruction

a. Erie Canal

b. New York City

c. Industrial Revolution

d. Seneca Falls Convention

e. Nat Turner’s rebellion

g. Mexican American War

a. Eli Whitney

b. Elizabeth Cady Stanton

c. William Lloyd Garrison

d. Frederick Douglass

e. Grimke Sisters

f. John Brown

g. Abraham Lincoln

h. John C. Calhoun

a. Gettysburg Address

b. Emancipation Proclamation

c. Habeas Corpus

d. Carpetbaggers

e. Scalawags

f. Lincoln’s 2nd Inaugural Address


_____63. President of the Confederacy

_____ 64. Supreme Commander of the U. S. forces in the Civil War

_____ 65. Commander of the Confederate forces in the Civil War

_____ 66. Union General who destroyed Atlanta and implemented

scorched earth in his March to the Sea

_____ 67. Confederate General who had success at Bull Run


_____68. Union fort surrendered at the beginning of the Civil War. This

victory gave the Confederacy confidence

_____ 69.1st major battle on Northern soil. Lee retreated. Led to

Lincoln issuing the Emancipation Proclamation.

_____ 70. Confederates attacked on northern soil with hope victory would

bring European support – lost deadliest battle of war in 3 days

_____ 71. Grant’s 7 week siege which split the Confederacy and gave the

Union control over the Mississippi River

_____ 72. Sherman took this vital manufacturing and transportation hub to

disrupt Confederate ability to resupply the troops


_____ 73. Congress forced Southern states to reapply for admission &

give rights to former slaves

_____ 74. Lincoln’s plan to readmit Southern states quickly – opposed by


_____ 75. Amendment which granted African-Americans the right to vote

_____ 76. Amendment which abolished slavery

_____ 77.Amendment which gave African Americans citizenship

_____ 78. African American college opened in Atlanta in 1867

_____ 79. Agency created to help former slaves make the transition to


_____ 80. Radical Republicans prosecuted the President for ignoring laws

passed by Congress. Failed to convict him by 1 vote.

_____ 81. Laws passed by former slave states to deprive African

Americans of their civil rights, i.e. voting

_____ 82. Hayes vs Tilden election which was disputed - It led to the

Compromise of 1877

_____ 83. Southern secret society which used threatening actions to

control African Americans and to keep them from voting

_____ 84. Hayes became President. In return, Union soldiers left the

South leaving freed slaves unprotected. Brought an end to


a. Ulysses S. Grant

b. Stonewall Jackson

c. Robert E. Lee

d. Jefferson Davis

e. William T. Sherman

a. Vicksburg

b. Fort Sumter

c. Antietam

d. Gettysburg

e. Atlanta

a. 13th Amendment

b. 14th Amendment

c. 15th Amendment

d. Black Codes

e. Freedmen’s Bureau

f. Morehouse

g. Election of 1876

h. Compromise of 1877

i. KKK

j. Andrew Johnson’s


k. Presidential


l. Radical Republican
