Pittsburg State USS Senate Minutes for January 14, 2015
Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 11th, 2014
Location: Physical Plant Conference Room, 1:30 pm
The University Support Staff Senate welcomes all University Support staff employees; you do not have to be a Senator to attend.
Welcome guests:
Senators Present: Natalie Ballard, Carrol Bell, Terri Blessent, Bryna Broyles, Heather Busch, Barbara Circle, Dacia Clark, Phillip Deierling, Brenda Hawkins, Karen LaSota, Leah Mackey, Tracey Mussa, Terry Pierce, Irene Robinson, Craig Stokes and Stephanie Willis.
Senators Absent: John Bartels (excused), Dina Gladson (excused), Donna Jacobs (excused), Michelle Mitchell-Carrier (unexcused), and Jessica Williams (unexcused).


I.  Opening of Meeting

II.  Meeting called to order by Senate President Barbara Circle at 1:30 PM.

III.  Review of Meeting Minutes
The minutes for November 12th, 2014 were reviewed, there was not a December meeting. The minutes were accepted after a motion for approval was made, seconded, and passed.

IV.  Treasurer’s Report:

a.  The USS Senate Operating Budget had a beginning balance of $1,398.97; a refund of $125 for the table banner was applied. Expenses included $36.00 to TEECA for welcome mugs. Ending balance is $1487.97.

b.  The foundation account had a beginning balance of $35.73. There were no expenditures so the ending balance remains at $35.73.

c.  There was a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report and seconded. It was moved and passed.

V.  Special Presentation: none

VI.  Senate President’s report with University President:

a.  One of PSU’s larger donors recently made a HUGE gift that will be revealed in due time.

b.  CBIZ is currently working with HR to perform the Job Description creation task for all of USS and Unclassified positions.

c.  Fort Hays State University will be making ALL new hires, except for Faculty, into unclassified positions. KU already does this.

d.  Dr. Scott and Shawn Naccarato both recommended that USS report to KBOR rather than COPS to keep an even (in USS’s case, an elevated) playing level with other staff. Dr. Scott said that USS needs a strong voice with KBOR and now that we are shared governance, we are part of the KBOR structure. He suggested that USS ask for a Breakfast with KBOR like SGA and Faculty already do now.

e.  Shawn Naccarato was requested to meet with all available USS Senators on Friday, November 21st, 2014 at 9:30am regarding the USS’s presence with KBOR / COPS. This meeting did take place and PSU USS voted unanimously to support the KBOR vote.

f.  Governor is presenting a flat budget. While he is not proposing cuts, a flat budget is, in fact, a cut. This “cut” is approximately 1-4% across the board. Dr. Scott wants to reassure USS to not panic. He and his staff are preparing for any cut and will try to make a cut, whether it be budgets or otherwise as minimally stressful as possible.

g.  PSU is producing a legislative video to discourage any budget cuts.

h.  PSU is strongly discussing with donors (who are also legislative donors) to encourage legislators to stop any cuts to PSU and to continue funding PSU.

i.  KPERS update: Governor does have authority to not fund the 2015 contribution. Thus the $40,000,000.00 “cut” is a 9.5% reduction of the 12% that was supposed to be contributed.

j.  January 29th at 2:00pm. 1st Annual Spring Convocation at the Bicknell Family Center for the Arts. All Staff, Faculty, Graduate Assistants (essentially all of campus except students) are highly encouraged to attend.

VII.  Committee Reports

I.  Internal Committees:

a.  By-Laws: Dacia Clark, Barbara Circle, Terri Blessent, Heather Busch, Dina Gladson and Tracey Mussa are on this committee. Dacia Clark reported By-Laws are ready to be presented, they will be sent to Natalie Ballard to upload on the USS Senate website.

b.  Election: Natalie Ballard and Heather Busch. No report.

c.  Legislative: Shawn Naccarato. No report.

d.  Public Relations: Bryna Broyles. Bryna reported she is checking with Megan Swafford regarding the USS Senate photo.

e.  USS Council Conference Call: Barbara Circle, Dacia Clark, Terri Blessent, Heather Busch and Natalie Ballard: USS Council will be reporting to both COPS and KBOR. Collecting suggestions as to what should be presented to COPS and KBOR. Current suggestions are: KPERS, Market Pay Increases, and Insurance.

f.  Welcoming Committee: Karen LaSota & Dina Gladson. No new employees in November.

II.  External Committees:

a.  Athletic Fee Committee: A USS Senate representative has been requested.

b.  Athletic Council: Dina Gladson. It was reported Dina Gladson is no longer able to serve on this committee. Brenda Hawkins has volunteered to take her place.

c.  Board of Governors: (now known as the Advisory Policy Making Board of the Student Center)-Brenda Hawkins. No report.

d.  Diversity Committee: Barbara Circle. No meeting, no report.

e.  Governmental Relations: Barbara Circle. No meeting, no report.

f.  Information Technology Council: Tracey Mussa. No report.

g.  Outstanding Senior Committee: No request for a 2014-2015 USS representative has been made yet. No report.

h.  Parking Committee: Phillip Diereling. No report.

i.  PSU Service Award & Retirement Recognition Ceremony Committee- A representative was requested and Heather Busch accepted.

j.  Social Media Work Group: We need representation.-Dr. Scott wanting to put together social media workgroup, Leah Mackey accepted.

k.  Strategic Planning Committee: Tim Anderson. No report. Dacia Clark is on implementation committee for this group and reported they are finished with goal 4.

l.  Student Health Fee Committee: USS representative was requested, Natalie Ballard accepted.

m.  Summer Task Force Committee: Mimi Morrison is representing the USS staff. Summer scheduling was passed and emails were sent out to all USS members regarding how it will be implemented.

n.  Tobacco Policy Compliance Subcommittee: Terri Blessent. No report.

o.  Tobacco Policy Work Group: Dacia Clark. No report.

p.  Tuition Committee: USS representative was requested, Barbara Circle accepted.

q.  University Critical Incident & Crisis Response Advisory, Planning, Evaluation and Support Team: Barbara Circle. No meeting. No report.

r.  University Diversity Council: Barbara Circle. No meeting. No report.

s.  USS Performance Review & Modification for 4 Rating Factors

t.  USS Council: Barbara Circle, Dacia Clark, Terri Blessent. Reported Michelle Sexton is compiling all notes and revisions. Still waiting for updated copy to be made available to all USS staff.

u.  University Scholarship Committee: Barbara Circle. No report as committee members were just assigned and committee does not begin meeting until February 2015.

III.  Old Business: None.

IV.  New Business: None.

V.  Good of the Order: USS appreciation picnic will be held on May 27th @ 11:30am on the East Side of the Stadium. The PSU Service Award Ceremony will be held on April 23rd @ 3:00pm at the Bicknell Family Center for the Arts building.

VI.  Adjournment: 1:55 pm
Minutes recorded by Natalie Ballard