Biology 1

Mr. Larkin








9 Weeks GradesSemester Grades

Chapter Tests50%Chapter Test45%

Home Work25%Home Work20%

Lab / Projects20%Lab / Projects20%

Dailey Points5%Dailey Points5%

Final Exam10%

Grades can be checked on the following web site.


Biology 1 will build on your knowledge of Life Science. Through out this course the scientific inquiry and problem solving will be emphasized. In the first semester you will learn: the definition of life, chemistry of life, cell structure, photosynthesis, respiration, cell reproduction, genetics, nucleic acids and protein synthesis, and evolution. In the second semester you will learn about ecology, and be introduced to human biology. Each chapter will require a hands on laboratory experiment that reinforces the topic being taught. This course will prepare you for future course work in high school or college, as well as empower them to broaden their career choices in the future. Two article reviews per nine weeks will be required. A Semester Final will be taken at the end of each semester. The Final will be 50 multipule choice, and one essay question from each chapter covered. The student will have one class period to complete the final. (THIS IS A TIMED TEST)


1.The policy set forth in the student handbook will be followed.

2.It shall be the responsibility of the student to contact the teacher for make-up assignments. Check the school web site.

3.Students absent for school-sponsored activities are not exempt from making up missed class work. It is the responsibility of the student to come and get the make-up assignments before leaving for the activity.

4.If an assignment is give while you are participating in a school-sponsored activity your assignment is due at the same time as the rest of the class

5.Make-up work should be completed prior to the absence if at all possible.

6.Homework is due at the beginning of the class period.

7.If you do not have a computer it is your responsibility to figure out how to get the assignment done (NOT THE TEACHER)

8.ProProff Quizzes are due the class period after they are assigned.

9.NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED, except in the case of an excused absence. In the case of an excused absence you have two school days (not class days) extra in which to turn in your assignments. Assignments due the day(s) you missed are due on the day you return.

V. Classroom / Book Care

1.Students will not write on desks or in books.

2.Students are NOT allowed to have food or drinks in the classroom.

a.You can have water contained in a clear bottle. You cannot be late getting the water. If you are late to class it will be counted as a tardy.

b.If bottles or other trash are found in the classroom this privilege will be lost for the semester.

3.Students are not allowed in chemical storage cabinets for any reason.

4.Students will not touch anything in the laboratory area unless they are completing a lab. assignment.

5.Personal electronic devices are for your free time, not class time.

VI. Library Use

1.The library is here for our help and benefit. Books and other materials well be returned on time and cared for properly

2.Remember that books and other materials are school property. Magazines are not for personal use.

3.You may check out books or magazines for the Science room with the teacher’s permission.

VII. Materials

1.You need to purchase a three-ring notebook with a capacity of more than 1 1/2 inches.

a.This notebook should contain all returned papers. Keeping a notebook just for science is a very good idea, because it helps you study for your final, and serves as a reference for other science courses you might take in the future.

2.You need to purchase a calculator. The calculator needs to add, subtract, divide, and multiply.

3.The student shall bring a notebook, textbook, calculator, and writing instrument to class every day, even if we are taking a test that class period.

VIII.Ready for Class

1.Bring the following items to class EVERYDAY.

a.writing instrument

b.note book paper

c.text book


e.charged computer

2.Be ready for class when the bell rings.

3.Behave in class

4.Each day that the above requirements are not meet you will receive a tardy.


1.NO CELL PHONES. If you have them leave them in your locker.

2.No personal music during test or all class activities.

3.While working on a personal project you may listen to music if no one else can hear it, and the music is found on the hard drive of your computer. (You must have headphones at a reasonable volume)


1.Pop-Quizzes are included with chapter test scores. Notes YOU take may be used on daily quizzes.

Logging on to ProProffs

1.Start Computer and open your web browser. (Safari)

2.Enter the following address.

3.Click “Sign Up”

4.Fill in the boxes and start an account. Please useyour given name so Mr. Larkin will know it is yours. You will need to remember the password because no one knows it except YOU. If you forget the password you will need to go to the log in page and click “Forgot Password”. You will need to go to your school email to reset the password.

5.Beside join code enter GCHSBio1

6.Use your school email, results of your quizzes will be sent there.

7.Once logged into proproffs choose “My first Quiz”

8.Complete the quiz.


1.Homework is due at the beginning of the class period.

2.Each student will bring to class all needed materials. This includes text book, homework, calculator, pen or pencil, and something to do during spare time.

3.Do not make a habit of borrowing items from the teacher

4.Do not make a habit of asking to leave the room to go to the bathroom, lockers, ect. or risk losing these privileges.

5.Follow directions the first time they are given.

6.Class begins when the second bell rings, so be seated and ready.

7.Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

8.Keep feet on the floor, not on any class room furniture.

9.Remain seated until dismissed.

10.Lab. clean-up is to be completed before you are dismissed.

11.Absolutely no talking during lecture, and tests.

12.Follow all safety rules.

13.Do your own work unless working in groups.

14.Raise your hand and wait be recognized by the teacher before asking a question.

15.Use proper language at all times.

16.Do not write or scratch desks.

17.Stay out of storage cabinets.

18.No personal electronics. (Only your school issued computer is allowed)

In short show respect for your classmates, and teachers at all times.


First offense-Verbal warning

Second offense- Write an assigned sentence 100 times.

Third offense- 1 detentions, notify parents

Fourth offense- 2 detentions, notify parents, go to principal

-Detention = 30 min. after school or 1000 word report.

-Failing to complete a detention on time will double the punishment

-The teacher reserves the right to skip to any level if the offense is serious enough.

-The teacher can change or add rules at any time.

-Sentences may not be written during discussion time.

I understand

  • I can take proproff quizzes as many times as I would like. It is a good idea to take the proproff quiz with my book and notes. Then put them away and retake the quiz.
  • Only the best score will be recorded in the grade book for each quiz.
  • Proproff quizzes are due the day I take the chapter test.
  • I need to do my own work.
  • I need to bring to class everyday a writing instrument, paper, and computer.
  • I need to leave my personal electric devices and back pack in my locker.
  • I have a open note (hand written only) semester final that is worth 10% of my semester grade.


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