General Board Meeting Minutes
August 14, 2014
Attendance: Kristen Zary and Jermaine Martin
I.Call to Order 8:00
II.Approval of minutes has been postponed until next month
III.Treasurer’s report
- The ending balance on our May statement was $264,565.81
- The ending balance on the statement dated 6/21/2014 to 7/21/2014 was $276,278.55
IV.Registrar’s report
- As of 8/14 registration numbers are as follows: U5/U6 109 players
U7/U8 93 boys
U7/U8 58 girls
U9 and above 293 player
- Refunds are pending next month’s board meeting.
- Registration for the U6 and U8 program will remain open until 8/18 or as necessary to complete teams.
V.First VP’s report:
- Fields are in good shape.
- Berks Womens Soccer has begun their season and are utilizing the fields on Sundays.
- Spring Township workers recently ran over a sprinkler head which will need to be repaired.
- Bailey’s will be delivering 2 port a potties by Monday which will be placed on the Reedy Road side by the brown shed and 1 which will be placed on the State Hill Road side.
- The field schedule is being finalized and submitted.
- Fields are already reserved for the Fall Classic.
VI. Second VP’s report:
- No games have been played yet for the league.
VII. RBJSL report
- RBJSL report will be submitted at the September board meeting.
VIII. President’s report
- A vote on the fitness partner was held during the executive board meeting and results will be posted in September.
- Director of Coaching position and treasurer position were discussed during executive board meeting and results will be posted once finalized in September.
IX. Unfinished business
- None at this time
X. New business
- An account will be started at Citzen’s Bank for a fundraising and tournament account.
- An account will be established with Berks Lanes so that they will bill us for use of their rooms for meetings rather than paying the night of.
- The Township will allow us to submit our field schedule based on the league schedule.
XI. Announcements
- The regular season begins the 1st weekend after Labor Day.
XII. Meeting adjourned motion by Jermaine Martin and second by Kristen Zary.