/ Wilson Junior Soccer Club
General Board Meeting Minutes
August 14, 2014

Attendance: Kristen Zary and Jermaine Martin

I.Call to Order 8:00

II.Approval of minutes has been postponed until next month

III.Treasurer’s report

  1. The ending balance on our May statement was $264,565.81
  2. The ending balance on the statement dated 6/21/2014 to 7/21/2014 was $276,278.55

IV.Registrar’s report

  1. As of 8/14 registration numbers are as follows: U5/U6 109 players

U7/U8 93 boys

U7/U8 58 girls

U9 and above 293 player

  1. Refunds are pending next month’s board meeting.
  2. Registration for the U6 and U8 program will remain open until 8/18 or as necessary to complete teams.

V.First VP’s report:

  1. Fields are in good shape.
  2. Berks Womens Soccer has begun their season and are utilizing the fields on Sundays.
  3. Spring Township workers recently ran over a sprinkler head which will need to be repaired.
  4. Bailey’s will be delivering 2 port a potties by Monday which will be placed on the Reedy Road side by the brown shed and 1 which will be placed on the State Hill Road side.
  5. The field schedule is being finalized and submitted.
  6. Fields are already reserved for the Fall Classic.

VI. Second VP’s report:

  1. No games have been played yet for the league.

VII. RBJSL report

  1. RBJSL report will be submitted at the September board meeting.

VIII. President’s report

  1. A vote on the fitness partner was held during the executive board meeting and results will be posted in September.
  2. Director of Coaching position and treasurer position were discussed during executive board meeting and results will be posted once finalized in September.

IX. Unfinished business

  1. None at this time

X. New business

  1. An account will be started at Citzen’s Bank for a fundraising and tournament account.
  2. An account will be established with Berks Lanes so that they will bill us for use of their rooms for meetings rather than paying the night of.
  3. The Township will allow us to submit our field schedule based on the league schedule.

XI. Announcements

  1. The regular season begins the 1st weekend after Labor Day.

XII. Meeting adjourned motion by Jermaine Martin and second by Kristen Zary.