PFSO Minutes

Monday, September 25, 2017

I.  Call to Order: 7:07 p.m.

II.  Administration Report: - Lenni Velez

·  Bell Schedule for 10/11/17 SAT school wide testing was discussed.

o  Grades 9-11 9-12:30 p.m.

o  Grade 12 9-1:35 p.m.

o  No early release

o  Opt-outs will still have to report to DHS

o  Students who arrive after 9:30 will not be allowed to test

o  Special Ed. Student schedule is still DBD

III.  President’s Report – Teretha Allaway

·  Received thank you notes from 2017 scholarship recipients

·  Attended superintendents meeting

o  Responsible use of social media in an emergency situation was discussed. A plan is being formulated.

o  DPIE launching the Edie Colman Scholarship

o  DPIE is NOT doing the celebrity waiter this year

·  Raise your Class Chairman is Melissa Strah

o  Venue is booked.

o  Theme, caterer, auction; done

o  Theme is Denim and Diamonds

o  Looking for a decoration chair

o  Dessert chair still needed

·  Communications will be done from the district on a weekly basis

·  Every School site has a facebook/twitter

·  9/26 Vote for map meeting

·  Allocated 100 million Phase 1 land up to 1000 students

·  State bonds being issued drops to level 2 fees

·  Campus supervisors

·  CRC Committee: Heather Whitting (Rep) community review committee

o  Look over the existing resources for the east side H.S.

o  On district website

o  3 properties that meet criteria formed

IV.  VP Report – Jeannie Sullivan

a.  Nothing to report

V.  Secretary’s Report – Irene Padnos & Kelly Timm

·  M092517 minutes – approval pending October meeting

·  M08/2817 minutes – approved with amendments

1.  Correction of date on item #4 in new business

VI.  Treasurer’s Report/Financial Update – Mari Manglicmot

·  3 outstanding checks

·  Reg Fund $8240 total collected

1.  $3,089.68 to general fund

·  Senior Picnic Funds

·  Received firework funds

1.  $11,111.00 from PFSO booth

2.  $3432.81 from Athletics

·  Fireworks chair for 2018 is still needed

·  Sign-up Genius for PFSO next year

·  $3000 city grant for Class of 2017 deposit (safe & sober grad nite)

·  Every 15 minutes, funds for this?

·  PO Box has been closed

VII.  Funding Requests

a.  DPIE: SAT w/ writing & PSAT testing on 10/11/17

·  Want to make this test a long term event that happens at DHS

·  How can we help year after year and add to our line itmes

·  Working with Maureen on this

b.  Math Department: Anna Kim

·  Algebra II w/Trig and beyond use graphing calculators

·  Price quote: 1027.00 for 10 calculators

1.  Melissa Strah suggested that the department look into fuel your school from Cheveron, which awards $1000 to a teacher to use in classroom. Chealsea Stanford is the contact

a.  Motion to Approve: Patti Luba

b.  2nd Motion: Heather Whitting

c.  $1027 Approved for calculators

c.  Health Office:

·  Needs new ice machine. Current machine is broken and was previously purchased by PFSO

·  Motion Passed and approved to spend $309 on new ice machine.

VIII.  Class Reports

a.  Class of 2018

·  Selling water at homecoming

·  The Plank has been chosen for Grad Nite

·  Cost TBD for Grad Nite

·  Yellow buses possible for Senior Ball- Cost savings about 7k-8k

·  Homecoming is going well. Kids are working hard

·  Senior Sweatshirts. Distribution needs to be discussed. Another order is possibly going to be made after homecoming

·  Skit going well, dance is a tear jerker

b.  Class of 2019

·  Homecoming shirt needs to be ordered by tomorrow 9/26 at noon

·  Grad Date for 2019 not decided. Options are on the table

·  Deposit for Junior Prom is done

·  Hopefully a spot for Senior Ball chosen soon

c.  Class of 2020

·  SAT practice test was last Saturday. 207 signed up and 182 showed up. Results will be available 10/03

·  Homecoming is going well

·  Bad Moms night out on 11/07/17 $40 Dinner and a movie

·  Selling Beanies and movie tickets

·  Dads Night Out next year

·  ACT practice test in January

d.  Class of 2021

·  Homecoming: trying to stay alive

·  Shirt sales ended

·  Float/Area, etc. Impressed with the kids

·  Trailor for homecoming float has been located

IX.  Old Business

1.  By-law review: Email Teretha if interested. 10/01/17 Committee

X.  New Business:

a.  Homecoming:

·  Spirit days has not been released yet

·  Skit reviews by admin

b.  Raise your Class

·  Melissa Strah has requested that each class donate a dessert to the event for auction. Teretha indicated that a dessert by each class may not be feasible.

·  Discussion about raising prices for next year. Currently tickets are $70 PP, $65 PP for a table of 10. Prices go up after 11/16

c.  School Authorization form for fundraising with food sales. There is a form to fill out

Open to Floor


Meeting adjourned at 8:22 p.m.

Next Meeting date: October 30, 2017