Bachelor and Master Degree Theses Must Contain an Abstract in English, 150-200 Words in Length



Ann Andersson



Immediately after the title page there follows a page with a so-called abstract (a short summary) of the content of the essay. This summary is an important part of the essay. It is that which the reader first meets, and in many cases it determines whether the rest will be read or not. It must be a completely free-standing text which can be read by itself, even by those who do not read the essay as a whole. It must therefore summarise everything of importance, and must not of course contain any new material. It must on no account consist of a number of sentences lifted from the main text and strung together, but must be formulated independently in its own right. It must enable anyone picking up the text to see at once whether it is of interest or not. It is important to highlight in it the outcome of the research undertaken but, since that itself depends on the approach adopted, the reader must also be given brief details of the purpose, theory, method and material. A well-written abstract thus gives information about all central elements in the scientific analysis. Note that the nature of this introductory summary differs significantly from the summary of conclusions which must appear in the final chapter of the essay. The following guide-lines apply in regard to different types of essay:

Bachelor and Master degree theses must contain an abstract in English, 150-200 words in length.

In addition to the abstract, the author must provide five keywords, words that relate to the central arguments and ideas dealt with in the paper. These words will then be put into the computer search system for course papers by the Department. It is therefore important that these key words give some idea of the general contents of the essay.

Key words: keyword, keyword, keyword, keyword, keyword

Words: xxxxx

Table of contents

1Chapter heading

1.1Section heading

1.1.1Sub section heading


1 Chapter heading

To see the actual styles in this thesis template open “Styles and formatting” by clicking on this symbol in the menu above.

1.1 Section heading

First Paragraph, First Paragraph, First Paragraph, First Paragraph, First Paragraph, First Paragraph, First Paragraph, First Paragraph, First Paragraph, First Paragraph. First Paragraph.

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1.1.1 Sub section heading

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2 References

Anderson, Benedict, 1991. Den föreställda gemenskapen. Reflexioner kring nationalismens ursprung och spridning. Göteborg: Bokförlaget Daidalos.

Ball, William L., 1995. “The theoretical Analysis of Policy Arguments”. http://www.trenton.edul-ball/personal/polarg.html. 18 augusti 1996. (Paper presented at Midwestern Political Science Association, 1992.).

Jaeger, Øyvind, 1993.”Drømmen of EF – litauisk nationalisme som moderniseringsstrategi”, Internasjonal politikk nr 2, s. 253-267.

Nelson, Keith, 1995. ”East is East and West is West: Informalization in the Age of Interdependence”, Peace and Conflict Studies vol. 2, nr 2, s. 3-3 1. ~psn-dpcs/contents/v2n21tmI. 19 augusti 1996.

Anderson, Benedict, 1991. Den föreställda gemenskapen. Reflexioner kring nationalismens ursprung och spridning. Göteborg: Bokförlaget Daidalos.

Ball, William L., 1995. “The theoretical Analysis of Policy Arguments”. http://www.trenton.edul-ball/personal/polarg.html. 18 augusti 1996. (Paper presented at Midwestern Political Science Association, 1992.).

Jaeger, Øyvind, 1993.”Drømmen of EF – litauisk nationalisme som moderniseringsstrategi”, Internasjonal politikk nr 2, s. 253-267.

Nelson, Keith, 1995. ”East is East and West is West: Informalization in the Age of Interdependence”, Peace and Conflict Studies vol. 2, nr 2, s. 3-3 1. ~psn-dpcs/contents/v2n21tmI. 19 augusti 1996.