IGCSE YR 10: Book Reviews + Presentations

Your dazzling boss, Mr. Shaun R. Henriksen, of the trusted and esteemed Canadian Book Reviews Inc., has asked his staff of professionals (YOU) to read and review various novels and plays. Your opinion will not only influence your peers and parents, but also aid teachers and schools when determining what texts to purchase and promote. More than that, The Ministry of Education will use your evaluation to decide which books to include/exclude from their English curriculum. Clearly, the clarity and frankness of your report is important.

Assignment: Mr. Henriksen, wishing to maintain his reputation for accurateness, has asked you to write a precise and candid review about the text you read. As well, you will give a 3-5 minute presentation of your analysis to the other board members (your classmates). The following information is required in your report:

·  Title of the novel/play. Name of the person reviewing the text.

·  Paragraph 1: Begin your opening with a question. Make sure your opening is effective and will capture the reader's interest. Be sure to include the author of the text.

·  Paragraph 2: BRIEFLY outline the plot and describe the story. Include only the important details and events that "glue" the story together. More than that, answer: Was the plot unusual at all? Was it gripping? Etc.

·  Paragraph 3: Review reasons why you did or did not enjoy the novel (e.g. style, setting, development of characters, etc.).

·  Paragraph 4: What did you gain from reading the novel?

·  Paragraph 5: Recommend the novel? Say why you think other people would or would not enjoy reading it.

You may include a photo of the text, or an episode that takes place.

Word count: 500-600 words, typed or hand written.

Henriksen Feb 1, 2010