IFSAC Years of Service Policy

Approved April 2007

(1)It shall be a policy of IFSAC to award Years of Service certificates to members of the organization at 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 year intervals.

(2)For the purpose of this award the definition of Years of Service is the number of years one has represented his/her organization to IFSAC, not the number of years one has attended the annual conference. In other words, one does not have to attend the annual meeting to count that year as a year of service, as a member may miss an annual meeting or more, yet be an entity representative to IFSAC.

(3)Years of service may be carried across entities if one leaves an entity that is an IFSAC member and is employed by another entity that is an IFSAC member. (In any case the entity must be a full member, not a corresponding member.)

(4)It shall be the sole responsibility of the representative or his/her agency to notify and verify to IFSAC that the representative has achieved the designated years of service. (IFSAC Administration is not responsible for tracking years of service nor obtaining said information from the representative orthe entity.)

(5)This fact may be verified by one of two methods:

(a)Written statement to such effect from the representative’s supervisor at his/her entity organization(s).

(b)When (5)(a) is not practical due to the representative having worked at two or more entities a notarized statement from the entity representative seeking recognition may be substituted.

(6)This information must be conveyed to IFSAC at least 45 days prior to the annual meeting so that the certificate may be prepared in time for presentation at the annual meeting. The information conveyed shall include the person’s name as it is to appear on the certificate, beginning and ending dates of service, and entity or entities she/he represented.

(7)Examples of Years of Service Calculations:

(a)The member has been an entity representative to IFSAC since 2000. He/she would be credited with 10 years of service.

(b)The member was an entity representative to IFSAC for “Entity A” from 1998 through 2003. He/she was not with an IFSAC member agency from 2003 through early 2005. In early 2005 he/she became an agency representative to IFSAC for “Entity B” from 2005 through early 2010. Since the person was a representative for “Entity A” for five years and “Entity B” for five years, for counting purposes the representative has a total of 10 Years of Service to IFSAC.

(8)Emeritus members who continue to actively participate in IFSAC activities after retirement from their respective organizations may, for award purposes, continue to count these years as years of service to IFSAC.

[Ed. Note: The required forms are on the pages that follow]


As per the Years of Service Policy approved by the voting members at the 2007 Annual Meeting, this formMUST be used if the IFSAC member has served with more than one entity or if themember served at onlyone entity but has since left that entity. As per the IFSAC policy this form MUST be notarized.

State or Province of / (or equivalent)
County of / (or equivalent)

Before the undersigned, an officer duly commissioned by the laws of the State (or equivalent)

of / , on this / day of / , 20 / , personally appeared
State / Day / Month
who having been first duly sworn depose and say that
(Printed IFSAC Member Name)

he/she has met the requirements for the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) Years of Service Award for (circle one): [5] [10] [15] [20] [25] Years of Service to IFSAC, calculated as follows:

Entity #1 / From / / / / / to / / / / / = / years
Entity #2 / From / / / / / to / / / / / = / years
Entity #3 / From / / / / / to / / / / / = / years
Clearly PRINT your name as you wish it to appear on the Years of Service certificate:
Signature of IFSAC Member:
Sworn to and subscribed before me this / day of / A.D. 20
Day / Month
Signature of Notary Public: /
My Commission expires on / day of / A.D. 20
Day / Month


As per the Years of Service Policy approved by the voting members at the 2007 Annual Meeting this form is to be used if the member has served continuously on behalf of one entity. As per the member approved IFSAC policy this form MUST be submitted and signed by the applicant’s supervisor.

State or Province of / (or equivalent)
County of / (or equivalent)
The undersigned is a supervisor of
(Clearly print name as it is to appear on the Years of Service Certificate)

and hereby swears or affirms that the named person has met the requirements for the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) Years of Service Award for (circle one): [5] [10] [15] [20] [25] Years of Service to IFSAC, calculated as follows:

Entity Name: / From / / / / / to / / / /
Printed Name and Title of Supervisor:
Signature of Supervisor:
Supervisor’s Phone Number: / ( / ) / -
City: / State/Province (or equivalent):
Postal Code (or equivalent): / Country: