IFMA- New Mexico Chapter Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting December 17, 2009

Location: Contract Associates located at 80020th NW, Albuquerque

Time: Start-3PM, End-4:35PM.


Carlos Sanchez, Lisa Cooley, Juan Lozano, Dan Wacker, Sylvia Anderson, Ed Cook

President’s Report:

Program attendance increase plan: Discussions ensued to include door prizes at the meeting, prizes would be small promotional type items, Dan and Ed have agreed to supply the initial prizes;

Chapter Balanced Scorecard Update: Juan and Carlos will meet to discuss 12/31; Schedule will be discussed and drafted.

Chapter Website Update: Carlos is in the process of scheduling with Susan Chapman at Azure.

Vice President’s Report:

See Balanced Scorecard Update (above) to see Strategic Planning items.

Treasurer’s Report:

No items to report this period

Secretary Report:

Set up time for Robin/Sylvia/Carlos to get Constant Contact fluency for future notification. Desire is to have Robin update meeting minutes and publish to website and have Sylvia to generate program notices

Program’s Report:

2010 Program List

January 12 - IFMA FMP/CFM-Mary Gauer
February 9 –Building Information Modeling Dan is going to make a contact for a possible speaker from SMPC.
March 9 - Tour Andaluz
April 13 –JOC Contracts and Change Orders-Mary and Lisa will perform2009 World Work Place Presentation
May - Spring Conference; Board has approved the consideration to have the spring conference event planning outsourced, the premise is based on Mary’s unavailability and the potential revenue for the chapter; Conference Topic Possibilities: Environmental/Safety/Health, Energy Management, others?

Constant Contact (User-IFMANM and PW- IFMABOARD) for a survey.

Membership Committee Chairman Report:

Ed presented the following proposal:

Existing Members-January mailing to all members, Note Card sent to expiring members at 30 and 90 day remaining, lapse member to receive note card requesting reconsideration to renew membership.

New Members- Receive welcome card from Member Chair with chapter pin, Receive welcome note from chapter president, 30-60 day follow up.

New Member Prospecting- Utilize Service Masters Distribution List, Email program topic to generate attendance interest, Identify 25 key prospects, have each board member call 5 prospects/month…

Education Chairman Report:

Pending FPM/CFM Study Group 2010;

Chapter has agreed to fund 8-10 scholarships for ½ testing cost to a maximum of $360 each payable upon test pass

Miscellaneous Business:

No items to report this period.