/ Government of Pakistan
Prime Minister’s Secretariat (Public)
Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA) Islamabad /


IFB No: ERRA/FUR, Sport Goods-KfW/03 Date: 28-06-2013

1.Sealed bids are invited from eligible bidders for the supply of SportsGoodsto 141 Educational Institutions in 3 districts (Abbottabad, Mansehra, Battagram) separately for the following packages, to be delivered by the successful bidder within 60 days after signing of contracts:-

Package No. / Title
ERRA/Sport Goods – KfW/03
(Lot # I) / Provision of SportsGoods to 40Middle KfW Schools in KP
ERRA/Sport Goods – KfW/03
(Lot # II) / Provision of Sports Goods to 101 Primary KfW Schools in KP

2.Bidding Documentsseparate for each lot can be obtained from Director Planning (Edu. AJ&K), ERRA, Room No. 528, Block- 5, ERRA HQ, Murree Road, Islamabad, Phone No. 051-9030905; on the submission of a written application and payment of Rs. 2,000 in the shape of Cash / Pay Order/ DD in the name of ERRA, from 08th July, 2013 to 18thJuly 2013.Tenders must be supported with bid security 3% of the bid price for each lot separately in favour of Director General (Planning-II) ERRA. The Bid must be valid for a period of 150 days and Bid Security for 180 days after the date of opening of bids.

3.National Competitive Bidding (NCB) will be conducted in accordance with “Single-Stage One- Envelope” Bidding Procedure.

4.Pre-bid meeting will be held at 1000 hours on 11th July 2013 at the address given in Para-2 above.

5. Bids must be delivered to Director Planning (Edu. AJ&K) onaddress given in Para-2 above on or before 1030 hours on 18th July 2013. Bids will be opened at 1130 hours on same day at same place, in the presence of bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to attend.

(Col. Wajahat Ch. (R)

Director Planning (Edu. AJ&K)

ERRA HQ Islamabad
