Oak Hall trip to Avignon
Marion would appreciate your prayers as she leads a cycling holiday in France, 7-16 Aug. Pray for safety on the roads, good weather and for the guests to be encouraged and challenged by the evening talks.
As you all will have, hopefully, noticed, we have new mugs in church.We have quite a number more than we need for church use so that we could give everyone an opportunity to buy their own to take home.
We are asking for £3 per mug which will buy you one mug but also will pay for one for church, if you buy 6 you can have them for £15.
If you're interested please talk to Roger or Kate.
Summer services
From 23rdJuly – end of August we will, as usual, be holding one service in the morning at 10.30 am. The services will be all-age and will be looking at the life of David. Please continue to watch this space for further information.
Dates for your diary
Nothing much happening in August but watch this space for dates for September !
Are you new to St Tims?
We welcome you to St. Timothy’s. We hope you have enjoyed your time here with us. We would like to keep in touch with you. Please leave your details (name, address, phone no. etc) with one of the sidespeople or in the church office just off the welcome area
If you feel you need prayer for any situation please approach somebody in the leadership team who will be able to direct you to someone who will pray with you. You can also write your request down and post it into the request box on the prayer board in the welcome area.
Following Phil’s retirement St Timothy’s now enters a phase of Interregnum whilst it prepares and waits for a new vicar. Please be reassured that the PCC have this situation in hand and are working hard to comply with all the ‘red tape’ requirements. We are fortunate that we have Revd John Marsh to help us continue with our work and a team of leaders who are willing to support him and St Timothy’s continue with the 20/20 vision.
If you need support with anything please contact the church office (01142661745) , wardens or speak to a leader and they will point you in the right direction
Welcome to
St Timothy’s Church
Passion for God – Compassion for People
Sunday 6th August, 2017
10.30 amFamily Communion
Preacher Philip Grayson
6.30 pm The Beach
The Week Ahead
Mon 7th / 7.00 pm Prayer meetingTues 8th / 9.30 am Tiddlers
11.00 am Tuesday Social club
2.00 pm Space4faith
wed 9th / 11.00 am Café
12 noon Holy Communion
12.30pm Lunch club
Thur 10th / 9.30 am TSC volunteering club
10.00 am Gardening club
fri 11th / 9.30 am Mums small group
7.00 pm Junior choir
7.30 pm Choir practice
Sunday 13th August,2017
10.30am FamilyService
6.30pm The Beach
Today’s Readings
Am 2 Samuel 2 v. 1-7
PmMatthew 11 v. 28-30
The Beach
Over the summer the Harbour Service will be taking a holiday and a different format will be taking over. The service will take place in the welcome area and be a little more compact. Hope you can join us!
Tuesday Social Club NEEDS YOU!
If you have spare time on Tuesday and/or Thursday and can help us out please speak to Jonathan A, James S or Martin H about the role. (Sipping tea and chatting on a Tuesday - mowing grass and gardening on a Thursday) Please help.
The Kitchen Rota needs YOU!
If you appreciate your cup of tea /coffee after the morning service thencould you consider taking a turn on the rota to help to keep the kettleboiling?
There are a few vacancies which, if not filled, will mean longer queues at thehatch or, even worse, the hatch doors closing!!!
Please come and seeme if you able to help. Thank you. Pauline
Julie Sampson will be married at the Registry Office on Friday August 18th at 4.15pm, and after at the Jubilee Sports and social club on Clay wheels lane Sheffield S6 1LZ. Church members are welcome.
Help needed.
We would like to enhance our worship experience visually with flowers. If you would like to be part of a team who does this then please speak too Kate Rogers-Kay.
The Common Fund
Every year we give a portion of our income to the Common Fund. This is because the ministry and mission of theDiocese are dependent on each Parish’s support by its contributions to the “Common Fund”.
These financial resources are pooled together for the good of the whole Diocese.Without this mutual sharing, the Diocesecannot maintain the mission of the Gospel in places where there is significant deprivation or where populations are small.
Where congregations cannot meet all their ministry costs, the rest of the family supports them through the Common Fund.
If you would like more information about the Common Fund there is a booklet in the WelcomeDesk rack which explains it all.
Weekend Away
Our Church Family Weekend Away to theJonas Centre this year will be onOctober 6th-8th2017 . Put the date in your diary -Booking formsare available now in the Welcome Desk rack and can be posted inthe slot on the Welcome Desk or given to Pauline when complete.
If you are new to St Timothy's and would like to know more about theweekend please ask Pauline, Kate or one of the Wardens.
September Work Day
The next opportunity to come together to tidy/clean our churchand enjoy fellowship & fish and chipsis Saturday September23rd10.00-3.00pm.
We will prepare a list of jobs shortly but please make a note inyour diary. Everyone welcome.