
To:Child Nutrition Directors

From:Jane Brand, Director, Nutrition Unit, 303-866-6934

Date:September 20, 2010

Subject:Menu Submission Requirements for NSMP

Districts that have selected Nutrient Standard Menu Planning (NSMP), formerly referred to as NuMenus, shall submit a weighted nutrient analysis of the cycle menu no later than October 29, 2010. Submission of this data is mandatory to ensure USDA nutrient standards are met and districts are in compliance with the rules governing the NSMP option.

If your menus do not meet the USDA nutrient standards:

  1. Include a description with the cycle menu describing how menus will be altered to meet the USDA nutrient standards; or
  2. Schedule technical assistance (see Technical Assistance Form on Nutrition website); or
  3. Change the 2010-2011 district agreement to reflect a food-based menu planning option.

School level:Every school participating in NSMP must submit a set of menu worksheets representing a full cycle from the 2010-2011 school year to the district menu planner. Managers should adjust “planned servings” if not within 10-15% of actual servings or recorded actual servings. If there is a day in the cycle when lunch was not served (i.e., teacher planning day), managers should submit planned numbers based on past records or the best estimate.

District level:All numbers used for weighting menu items shall represent a consolidation of “planned servings” for all menu items contributing to a reimbursable meal. Ensure a la carte menu items, especially milk purchased for lunches from home, are not included in the “planned servings” totals. (These menu worksheets and consolidation tables must be kept on file by the menu planner and/or individual responsible for performing the nutrient analyses.)

Each district must submit the weighted nutrient analyses in the Menu Spreadsheet format via e-mail to . This format may be found in NutriKids by following these steps for each week of the cycle:

  • Menus
  • Menus List Print
  • Menu Spreadsheet
  • Report Style – choose Detail
  • Show Weighted or Portion Values – choose Portion Values
  • Include – Daily Comparison to RDAs & Planned Quantity
  • Check all nutrients listed


  • Menus
  • Cycle Menu List Print
  • Starting Cycle Number *
  • Ending Cycle Number *

* Menus must be analyzed over the course of one week. The first week may start on day 1 and end on day 5; the second week may start on day 6 and end on day 10, etc.

  • Menu Spreadsheet
  • Report Style – choose Detail
  • Show Weighted or Portion Values – choose Portion Values
  • Include – Daily Comparison to RDAs & Planned Quantity
  • Check all nutrients listed

Districts using different nutrient analysis software should contact our office before data submission. If you have further questions, please feel free to contactAhn Ei Sweeney at or 303-866-6653.