Vestergade 72 6.sal 8000 Aarhus C Denmark
Telephone +45 8619 26 22
8IQ – no woman no cry
A performance by Palle Granhoj based on choreographical material created in cooperation with the performers.
8IQ – no woman no cry couples eight female dancers, reggae classics and two charismatic musicians. The obstruction technique is the thread that knits these elements together in a performance where the eight gorgeous women let their bodies sing, dance and entertain in flirtation with the reggae rhythms and with the male singer and bass player.
A man emerges holding a candle in his hand promising the audience that the performance includes naked women. This sets your mind at ease. The man knows what it is about. Not absorbed ideas embodied to choreography, but instead bodies calling - an investigation of what bodies could tell, that is if they could talk. You forget the analyses inside your mind and experience something deeply moving: You understand these people and their gesticulations, ten bodies communicating clearly and tangibly – it is movingly movement. 8IQ is a perfect gem of bodily contact.
-Tor Norretranders (Danish science writer)
Cast 2004
Dance: Aline Sanchez Rodriguez · Anne Dalsgaard · Anna Pehrsson · Tove Salmgren · Dorte Petersen · Anne Eisensee · Carina Raffel · Anne-Claire Theissen
Bass and vocal: Palle Klok
Percussion and more: Niels Kilele
Visual design: Per Victor
Duration: 70 min.
Premiere: October 2002 at GRAN - teater for dans, Aarhus, Denmark
Refreshing impudence
(New York Times, USA)
An intense and well-earned success.
(Le Figaro, France)
This life they pass on to us with an incredible energy, a fantastic sense of derision and of our foolishness, a sensuality overflowing with modesty, an extremely rare musicality and a theatricality invading our senses, sets off a storm of laughter and returns to us a woman’s image as we love her and as She is, Alive!
(Le dauphine, France)
8IQ – no woman no cry is Fellinian in its spirit while clearly presenting our own world. (…)
One of the amazing abilities of art is its capability of changing the cruel, unmerciful pace of time. 8IQ - no woman no cry indeed played some tricks with time. One hour and ten minutes is quite a duration for a dance piece, but this time went by far too quickly.This tells of the entertaining nature of the piece and of the talent of its makers.
Helsingin Sanomat (SF)
Granhøj Dans is a quality marked supplier of vitamins, not only in Denmark.
(Göteborg Posten, Sweden)
8IQ shifts between being frightening and moving – and thought-provoking. However, the performance is also classic comedy that time and time again raises a smile and the soft laughter that reminds us of what it is that theatre can do. And how beautiful and strange a being the human is.
(Information, Denmark)
Eight hysterical, frustrated, delightful, funny, silly, rumpled, graceful, totally confused girls. Long-legged, short-legged, well-rounded, muscular, unbelievably lithe. Ironic, imbued with self-irony, sharp, thin-skinned and dumbfounded. In short, a group of girls who serve up their souls. No holding back.
(Ekstra Bladet, Denmark)
They are a wild absurd dance-theatre of Danes, an antithesis to that famous, clean, sleek, coldly modemistic Danish design.
(Jerusalem Post, Israel)