Leaver form
If you wish to discuss any aspect of this form, please contact the HR team:
All information you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence and will be inputted into a database for analysis. This form will not be kept on your personal file but will be kept for 6 months in the HR Department before being confidentially destroyed.
SECTION 5 Exit Questionnaire (For completion by Employee)
Why did you join the CCG initially? (Tick all that apply)
PromotionCareer Opportunities
Wanted a job/career within the NHSOther
If other – please add further details / comments below
Reason for Leaving (Tick all that apply)
Dissatisfaction with job role Dissatisfaction with salary or benefits package
No career opportunities/Training opportunities Retirement
Relocation to another geographical area Ill health
Caring for dependent(s) Desire to work in the private sector
Other (please state bellow) Returning to training/education
Next Employment:
If you are going into employment elsewhere upon leaving the CCG, is this employment still within the NHS?
Which of the following does your new position offer? Tick all that apply:
Increased salaryBetter benefits package
PromotionMore interesting job
Greater prospectsBetter training and development opportunities
Better work Life BalanceOther comment in below box
Training and Development
Did you attend the Corporate Induction CCG?
If yes, how long after your start date?
Were you given an appropriate induction within the Department into your role when you started with the CCG?
If no, how could we have improved your induction?
Were you provided with adequate training to do your job when you started with the CCG?
If no, how could we have improved the training for you?
Did your job description accurately portray your job role?
If no, in what ways did your job role differ from Job Description?
Do you feel that you received adequate support from your line manager including?
Always UsuallyOccasionallyNever
Show fair treatment
Give praise for work
well done
Deal promptly with
Give encouragement
and help when needed
Explain the job properly
Inform you as to progress
Know and follow procedures
Listen to suggestions and
In the past 12 months have you had an appraisal or formal discussion with your manager regarding your performance and objectives?
Did you have a Personal Development Plan?
If no, what further Training /Development would you like to have received?
About the CCG
Has working for the CCG been of value to you (e.g. training, development, experience, etc.)?
Please explain your answer
What do you think of the communication in the CCG?
Very good ReasonablePoor Very poor
Please explain your reasons if possible bellow
Would you recommend the CCG to others as a place to work?
Any Other Comments
Please use the space below to make any additional comments or observations, i.e. Changes to have made you reconsider your decision to leave.
Would you consider returning to work for the CCG?
If No please specify
HR to complete below as applicable, this section is for monitoring purposes only.
Interviewed by: ………………………………………………. (Print name)
Face to FaceTelephone Interview
Date: ……………………………… Database updated: ……………………………… (Initials & Date)
The CCG recognises and promote the benefits of a diverse workforce and are committed to treating all employees with dignity and respect regardless of race, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation, religion or belief. It is therefore important for us to monitor the diversity of staff who are leaving the CCG.
Date of Birth: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Gender:Male Female I do not wish to disclose this
Employment Equality Regulations Please select the option which best describes your sexuality
I do not wish to disclose this
Please indicate your religion or belief below
ChristianityOtherI do not wish to disclose this
Disability Discrimination Act 1995
The Disability Discrimination Act protects disabled people. This includes people with long term health conditions.
Do you consider yourself to have a disability?
Yes No I do not wish to disclose this information
Leaver – May 2016