Module 7: Panoramic and Wide Angle Photography
Panoramas are a type of ______photography.
Panoramic Photography is a technique that captures images with elongated fields of view.
This means a photo measures a ratio of ____:____ or larger,
the image being at least ______wide as it is high.
360 Degree Panorama
Most panorama photos are taken of ______. Other ideas for panos are:
Look at 360 Cities: Panoramic Photography Blog
If your camera has a Panoramic setting, you can take a straight Pano shot.
Or, you can take individual shots with Auto mode and “stitch” them together in Photoshop.
If you want them to line up, you should use a tripod!
FISH EYE PHOTOGRAPHY is another type of ______photography that has a vertical, horizontal, and diagonal angle view between _____ and _____ degrees. You can use a special lens (shaped like a fish eye) or you can distort a photograph in Photoshop.
Wide Angle Photography Assignments
1. Your first assignment is to choose between a regular or 360 Panoramic. If you have a Panoramic setting on your camera, I would like you to do a 360 panorama shot. This means using a tripod or stable surface and pivoting the camera to take multiple photos across a wide view. The edges of your photo frames must overlap a little!
You should try to capture the view with 3-7 photos—the fewer photos there are to stitch together, the more accurate Photoshop is with the merging. Follow the directions or tutorial to stitch your photos together in Photoshop (use the tutorial handout), or if at home, you can try downloading AUTOSTITCH (a pano program) to help you put your images together.
Upload all of your original photos (just label them as Pano1, Pano2, etc. with no critique) to FlickR and the finished panoramic photo as "Panoramic." If you use Photoshop it must be saved as a .jpg or you will not be able to upload to FlickR. Remember to critique and grade this photo!
2. For a second assignment, you will take another photo and create a Fisheye effect in Photoshop. Follow the tutorial instructional handout. Once you are done manipulating this in Photoshop, save as a .JPEG and upload it to FlickR as "Fisheye." Upload the original image (unaltered) as well, but you only need to critique your Fisheye photo. SOME OF YOU MAY HAVE A FISHEYE MODE - use that if you do and see what happens if you Photoshop “Fisheye” an already “fishy” photo!
*** Your photos must be in .jpg format NOT .psd (Photoshop document). In Photoshop, go to Save As>Check file name and location you are sending it as well as Format (.jpg) listed in pull down near the center of the Save As window.
Extra Credit:
Take the "crazy alignment" one step further! You can take multiple shots that line up in multiple directions and create a "montage" panoramic photograph. Upload to your Extra Credit set in FlickR and label as Pano Extra Credit. Have fun!