Subject line:PDU Registration Guidelines and Options
PDU Registration
Pre-approved Professional Development Units (PDU) opportunities can be found on the professional development registrationsite. Classes are organized by content area, course number and instructor name. Follow the onscreen instructions for navigating the website. To verify your PDU registration click on the “My Classes” link on the online registration home page. Please note, if you want to earn a pre-approved or personal PDU you must register online.
All PDUs qualify for CDE professional license recertification.PDUs are also eligible for graduate-level continuing education credit(these credits cannot be used for a master’s degree program). A processing fee is assessed to apply for continuing education credit.
For additional information about the PDU process and to access PDU forms, click the “PDU Froms” tab on the ProComp website.
If you need further PDU support, please contact or .
ProComp Incentives
To receive the ProComp incentive for a PDU, you must be in ProComp and you must register online. Earning a ProComp incentive pay for a Professional Development Unit work is entirely voluntary. There are two options for completing a PDU.
- Teachers may register for a school-wide, large group, or small group pre-approved PDU.
- Teachers may also collaborate with a peer and design a personal/small group PDU.
Types of PDUs
School sponsored PDUs
Many schools have organized a pre-approved PDU focused on the Unified Improvement Plan (UIP) professional development already occurring at the school. PDU sessions are held at the building and are merged with scheduled professional development. Building-level PDUs may be offered for small groups and do not need to include all the staff at the school.
Personal/Small Group PDUs
PDU proposals are approved by PDU Peer Reviewers.The personal PDU must last a minimum of three months, howevermost last an entire school year toeffectively monitor the impact of change in practice and student performance overtime. Employees may use instructional strategies presented in district PD and external PD to develop the personal PDU plan. The personal PDU must be directly relevant to the employee’s current or projected jobresponsibilities, include research-based effective instructional practices, and be job-embeddedand collaborative. The final PDU work sample shared in a peer review session mustdocument completion of the three PDU components: 1. Study of a topic that will impact student achievement; 2. Demonstrate the implementation of effective practices; and3. Reflection on learning and change in practice by the teacher and student performance.
Central Office Department PDUs
District Departments have been active in developing and leading PD andpre-approved PDUs for employeesin content areas such as visual/performing arts, library science, and physical education. Student Services Departments have similarly developed pre-approved PDUs for counselors, social workers, psychologists, assessment teams, other student services professionals and itinerants. Employees participating in Central Office Department PDUs also have the option to participate in school-wide PD/ PDUs if possible.