January 5, 2015
Dear Parent(s):
The English department of the Central Dauphin East Middle School is pleased to announce that we will be hosting a Holocaust survivor who will come and speak to the 8th grade class on Friday, the 16th of January in Central Dauphin East Middle School’s auditorium. The Holocaust is part of the English curriculum since we study The Diary of Anne Frank and the Elements of Drama. Without this historical background, the context of The Diary of Anne Frank would not be understood. This guest speaker is a wonderful opportunity for you and your child to experience. Ms. Mantlemacher will speak about her life in Germany during the Holocaust, and she will show a graphic video of life inside a concentration camp. Because the video contains historical yet graphic images, we would like to get permission for your child to participate in Friday’s events.
Please complete and return the bottom of this paper to their English teacher by Wedensday the 14th of January 2015 only if you would NOT like your child to participate.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at extensions 302(Mrs. Kingsborough) or 304(Mr. Lapore) or email us or .
Parents, you are more than welcome to also attend this presentation. If you are interested in attending Ms. Mantlemacher’s presentation, we ask that you let us know and sign in the day of her presentation.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Mr. Lapore and Mrs. Kingsborough
(Cut Here) Return only if not attending.
Students Name______Period______
______No, I would not like my child to attend the presentation at CD East Middle.
______I would like my child to hear Ms. Mantelmacher’s presentation at CD East Middle, but I would not like my child to view the movie because of it’s graphic nature.
Parent Signature______
Printed Parent Name & phone number______