This course is designed to give you an introduction to the German language. It stresses listening, speaking and writing and will encourage this through the use of simple texts, dialogues and games. Since much of your speaking ability depends on practice and much of this can only be gained in the classroom, attendance is very important. A large part of the class grade is given for oral performance. This does not mean you have to speak expertly to get a good grade, but you must participate and given this you will certainly demonstrate achievement.
There is no commercial book for this course. There is a hand out of printed material the department has prepared. The charge for this is $ 15 per semester.
A glossary with all the vocabulary contained in this material is also provided. So no dictionary is necessary, but if you do get one any GERMAN - ENGLISH / ENGLISH - GERMAN (i.e: Langenscheidt or any other) is OK.
If you feel you need some help with grammar :
Cecile Zorach, Charlotte Melin
Third Edition
Olivia and Hill Press
isa valuable source to increase your understanding of grammar and grammatical terms both in English and German. Of course there are some on-line grammar tutorials available (commercial and non commercial) but Zorach+Melin’s book is still the easiest and most complete to use. The book is available at the university bookstore.
There are also tutors (no charge), upper year German students, who are available to give extra help and practise. Hours for tutoring will be posted soon after classes begin.
There is a German Club which you are welcome to join now or later. It organises a variety of events (films, outings, parties etc.) at which you will have an opportunity to meet other students on your own and higher levels and (maybe) practice your German. Events will be announced in class.
If you need assistance you can contact me any time by e-mail:
or you can see me at my office: BAC 316
The office hours are:MWF 10.00- 11:30am + MW 4 – 5pm
or make an appointment.
I can also be reached by phone (voice-mail): 585 - 1389
Please be sure to inform me if you are unable to make a deadline or if you can’t come to a test.
Here is the grading system for GERM 1013
Class Work40%
Classwork includes attendance (10%), class participation and
quizzes (10%), homework/assignments (20%).
Final Exam 30%
Study plan (approximate)
This is a tentative schedule. It may change depending on classprogress. All five chapters will be dealt with. Usually chaptertest will be written at the end of the period allotted to a chapter.
September 6 – 22
Review +Kapitel 1 / September 25 -
October 6
Kapitel 2 /October 11 – 27
Kapitel 3October 30 - November 15
Kapitel 4
/ November 17-December 1
Kapitel 5 / December 4
Final Exam - TBA
Chapter Topics
1 / Pronunciation, Introductions, Numbers, Days of the Week, Colours, conjugation of sein, haben and regular verbs2 / Time, Family, Clothes, Noun Gender, Noun Plurals, Pronouns
3 / Nationalities, Occupations, Adjectives, Personal Pronouns, Possessive Adjectives, Interrogatives, Dealing with Places,
4 / Weak & Irregular Verb Conjug., Ordinal Numbers, University Studies, es gibt, gern, man, Geography Germany and Neighbouring Countries
5 / Accusative, Prepositions w. Accusative, möchten, Christmas Shopping, Adjectival Expressions of Time, Adjective Endings, negations