Erika Austin

Mona Hernandez

Guided Reflection Questions

Concluding Questions

How did the simulated experience of Mona Hernandez’s case make you feel?

It made me feel like I was dumber than I thought with respiratory therapy.

Talk about what went well in the scenario.

That I put her on the oxygen and put a continuous pulse ox on her finger.

Reflecting on Mona Hernandez’s case, were there any actions you would do differentlyif you were to repeat this scenario? If so, how would your patient care change?

I would have done the assessment right the first time, instead of repeating it three times.

Scenario Analysis Questions

PCCWhat priority problem(s) did you identify for Mona Hernandez?

Her skins was pallor, dry, her oxygen was less than 90, she was struggling to breath, and that she wasn’t electing to ambulate or use the incentive spirometer.

PCCWhat potential problems could arise due to pneumonia?

Potential problems would be her not ambulating and getting worse.

PCC/T&C Discuss the importance of support from her health care team in Mona Hernandez’s care.

It is important for support because if she doesn’t do it, she doesn’t seem very motivated to motivate herself to get better.

SIdentifypotential patient safety issues related to oxygenation and specific to Mona Hernandez’spneumonia.

Potential safety is her not using the call light to get up or laying in bed all day.

T&C What other interprofessional team members should be involved in Mona Hernandez’s care?

Respitory therapy and radiology

T&C/IProvide Mona Hernandez with education on the importance of smoking cessationand the role that smoking has on respiratory health.As part of this education, provide herwith a list of smoking cessation support groups.

Smoking is bad for your lungs anyway… If you have pneumonia you already have fluid filling your lungs. To add smoking on top of fluid, you aren’t allowing oxygen to your lungs. There is smokers anonymous, nicotine anonymous online, and local support groups that meet weekly.

Concluding Questions

Describe how you would apply the knowledge and skills that you acquired in Mona Hernandez’s case to an actual patient care situation.

I would make sure that I reassess the breathing, check the emsis basin for actual content, and make sure that meds are given on time. I think that all of these things will help me with an actual patient.

From vSim for Nursing | Fundamentals. © Wolters Kluwer.

The Scenario Analysis Questions are correlated to the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competencies: Patient-Centered Care (PCC), Teamwork and Collaboration (T&C), Evidence-Based Practice (EBP), Quality Improvement (QI), Safety (S), and Informatics (I). Find more information at: